Assholes making trouble in Oregon

LaVoy, passing the first road block was a sign of aggression.

They would have been within their protocol guidelines if they had shot him through the windshield once it became clear that he was not going to stop in front of the parked cars blocking the road. At that point, he became a danger to the lives of the officers manning the roadblock.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.
no it was the way John Kerry treated his own comrades, is why he got treated the way he did. he threw his medals.

And lets say he did. Does that somehow undo his military service? Of course not. Putting your life on the line for months at a time isn't 'erased' by throwing pieces of metal over fence.

He was never, "on the front line". He was in one firefight the whole time he was in country.
Brown water Navy wasn't "on the front line"?
POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.

I don't know that he served. I don't know him. This is the internet. People lie on the internet.

For all I know this could be another case of "stolen valor." :)

Exactly. We have an anonymous guy claiming specific military service. But can't back any of it factually.

The drunk wanna be militia man claiming to be a Green Beret whose records were 'sealed by Reagan' has a better case than our anonymous poster. As least we can verify the drunk wanna be was a man of an age to make it plausible. The poster could be a kid for all we know. Or a woman.

Why do you hate our veterans?
I am a veteran and am not using his comments as an opportunity to whine about "haters".
POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Service? What service? John Kerry is-and was- too busy is too busy serving himself to serve anyone else. Always has been; always will be.
That you don't know Kerry served reveals your ignorance on the matter.

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.
no it was the way John Kerry treated his own comrades, is why he got treated the way he did. he threw his medals.

And lets say he did. Does that somehow undo his military service? Of course not. Putting your life on the line for months at a time isn't 'erased' by throwing pieces of metal over fence.

He was never, "on the front line". He was in one firefight the whole time he was in country.
Brown water Navy wasn't "on the front line"?

No, they weren't. They had an interdiction mission, only. At no time were they tasked to engage the enemy in pitches battles.
"Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient"

That would be because some people deserve should be treated according to their actual actions (or lack thereof) instead of propaganda about them.

I'm just going by your actions on this forum, you deserve no respect.

I never asked for any and would not value yours in any case.
Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.

I don't know that he served. I don't know him. This is the internet. People lie on the internet.

For all I know this could be another case of "stolen valor." :)

Exactly. We have an anonymous guy claiming specific military service. But can't back any of it factually.

The drunk wanna be militia man claiming to be a Green Beret whose records were 'sealed by Reagan' has a better case than our anonymous poster. As least we can verify the drunk wanna be was a man of an age to make it plausible. The poster could be a kid for all we know. Or a woman.

Why do you hate our veterans?
I am a veteran and am not using his comments as an opportunity to whine about "haters".

You should stick for your brothers.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?
He was. That was proven.

See what I mean?...LMAO!!

Laughing.......are you *so* desperate to abandon the topic that you'll take *any* reply from *any* poster on the question you asked me?

Hey, I love to watch Liberals side with the cops in a shooting. This is going to be comedy hold the next time a black dude gets shit.

But, if you people didn't have a double standard, you wouldn't have any standards at all.
There are many cases where the video shows that a shooting was justified regardless of the color of the person who is shot (or beaten or choked)...but there are many cases also where the video shows that the shooting was NOT justified regardless of the color of the person shot (or beaten or choked).

Which one do you think this is?
New testimony is that the federal agents were screaming at LaVoy to remove his weapon when his hands were up seconds after he got out of his truck. When he complied and attempted to remove it the agent from behind shot him.
Right...because authorities ALWAYS tell people to remove their weapons.....:rolleyes:

Thank you for proving you are from the shallow end of the gene pool.....once again.
Nope. That's new trstimony from citizens who were there. LaVoy was baited so he could be executed.
Umm... the only other citizens who were there were law enforcement agents and law breakers. Which ones do you claim made that assertion?
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Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.

They escalated a peaceful protest
If it was a peaceful protest why did they have assault weapons and make videos promising gunfire?

You say a lot of stupid shit.

You don't think aiming a firearm (assault with a deadly weapon) is an escalation from peaceful protest and discussion? The Feds clearly did that. I doubt we'll ever know if that was Lavoy's intent or not.
His intentions are irrelevant. Reach for a gun while law enforcement is arresting you and there's a very good chance that will be the last thing you ever reach for.
"Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient"

That would be because some people deserve should be treated according to their actual actions (or lack thereof) instead of propaganda about them.

I'm just going by your actions on this forum, you deserve no respect.

I never asked for any and would not value yours in any case.

Good, because I'll reserve respect for folks who deserve it, including Kerry and his 2 purple hearts, bronze, and silver stars.
POS civilians? lol

Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Service? What service? John Kerry is-and was- too busy is too busy serving himself to serve anyone else. Always has been; always will be.
That you don't know Kerry served reveals your ignorance on the matter.

And your belief that he did shows yours. He did in fact provide great service to the enemy that was killing my friends.
"Why are you disrespecting a service man with 2 purple hearts, a bronze and a silver star?"

Because he didn't earn them and he lied about those who did. Turn about is fair play.
The record shows he did earn them. Why would anyone believe the swift boat vets since they were caught lying about his record?
Like the Left respects ANYONE'S service?

I bet you think Bush 43 was AWOL. Don't you?
He was. That was proven.

See what I mean?...LMAO!!

Laughing.......are you *so* desperate to abandon the topic that you'll take *any* reply from *any* poster on the question you asked me?

Hey, I love to watch Liberals side with the cops in a shooting. This is going to be comedy hold the next time a black dude gets shit.

But, if you people didn't have a double standard, you wouldn't have any standards at all.
There are many cases where the video shows that a shooting was justified regardless of the color of the person who is shot (or beaten or choked)...but there are many cases also where the video shows that the shooting was NOT justified regardless of the color of the person shot (or beaten or choked).

Which one do you think this is?

So far, every case of alledged police brutality has to put to be bullshit. The well known cases: Garner, Brown, Gray, etc.
Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Service? What service? John Kerry is-and was- too busy is too busy serving himself to serve anyone else. Always has been; always will be.
That you don't know Kerry served reveals your ignorance on the matter.

And your belief that he did shows yours. He did in fact provide great service to the enemy that was killing my friends.
You're fucking deranged. I know he served. You should know that too.
I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.

I don't know that he served. I don't know him. This is the internet. People lie on the internet.

For all I know this could be another case of "stolen valor." :)

Exactly. We have an anonymous guy claiming specific military service. But can't back any of it factually.

The drunk wanna be militia man claiming to be a Green Beret whose records were 'sealed by Reagan' has a better case than our anonymous poster. As least we can verify the drunk wanna be was a man of an age to make it plausible. The poster could be a kid for all we know. Or a woman.

Why do you hate our veterans?
I am a veteran and am not using his comments as an opportunity to whine about "haters".

You should stick for your brothers.
I don't see my brothers being least the ones that aren't whiny ass babies.
"Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient"

That would be because some people think people should be treated according to their actual actions (or lack thereof) instead of propaganda about them.
So...we are treating YOU based on your actions on this board. See how that works?
The shoot was justifiable

Of course it was. The Feds are going to justify their own shooting. Why wouldn't they. But do you think friends of LeVoy are going to think it was anything but a planned execution? Again, this was a serious FBI fuck up..
Its the 'you can't criticize me, I'm a veteran' schtick. The last refuge of the militia sympathists.

I said respect him and his service. I never said you had to agree with him.

Ya see, that's the problem with Liberals, you have no respect for anyone.
Like the right respected John Kerry for his service, right?

Service? What service? John Kerry is-and was- too busy is too busy serving himself to serve anyone else. Always has been; always will be.
That you don't know Kerry served reveals your ignorance on the matter.

Notice how you don't actually address my point: the loathsome way that John Kerry was treated by the right for his military service. Demonstrating, at the very least, that your ilk tolerate the abuse of veterans as long as its politically convenient.
no it was the way John Kerry treated his own comrades, is why he got treated the way he did. he threw his medals.

And lets say he did. Does that somehow undo his military service? Of course not. Putting your life on the line for months at a time isn't 'erased' by throwing pieces of metal over fence.

He was never, "on the front line". He was in one firefight the whole time he was in country.
Brown water Navy wasn't "on the front line"?

No, they weren't. They had an interdiction mission, only. At no time were they tasked to engage the enemy in pitches battles.
Where WASN'T the front line in Viet Nam....tell us that.

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