Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Why aren't you out there with the militiamen, noBalls?

Why hasn't your little tin god launched a drone strike, Rati?

Why haven't you availed yourself to the free cheese behind the fridge?
Again, tell us why is it that you keep making up imaginary positions for other posters in your head and then ask them to defend those imaginary positions?

Where has Ravi, except in your imagination, said anything about President Obama being her god?
Where has Ravi, except in your imagination said anything about availing herself with some free cheese behind the fridge?
Where is that cheese behind the fridge beyond your imagination?
Again, tell us why is it that you keep making up imaginary positions for other posters in your head and then ask them to defend those imaginary positions?

Where has Ravi, except in your imagination, said anything about President Obama being her god?
Where has Ravi, except in your imagination said anything about availing herself with some free cheese behind the fridge?
Where is that cheese behind the fridge beyond your imagination?

Again, tell us why you're so fucking retarded?

You have the wit of a golf ball.
The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

OR believes in mob rule. That's what he's saying. And the whole frustration of the rural areas is that the BLM is IGNORING the legislation that is in place. They break the law with impunity, and then hound private citizens who dare to challenge them.
Again, tell us why is it that you keep making up imaginary positions for other posters in your head and then ask them to defend those imaginary positions?

Where has Ravi, except in your imagination, said anything about President Obama being her god?
Where has Ravi, except in your imagination said anything about availing herself with some free cheese behind the fridge?
Where is that cheese behind the fridge beyond your imagination?

Again, tell us why you're so fucking retarded?

You have the wit of a golf ball.
Where, except in your imagination, is anyone besides yourself retarded?
Where, except in your imagination, does one run a comparison between "wit" and "golf balls"?

‘Pissed as hell’ rancher blows up at Bundy militants: ‘I’m not going let some other people be my face’
Harney County resident Georgia Marshall delivered a scathing condemnation of Ammon Bundy’s militants and called on them to end their armed occupation of the nearby Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

I wonder if Kosher Girl is going to see this and tell us that the locals still support Bundy. For some strange reason, she seems to think the locals support the protesters.
That is one local, and she doesn't say that she approves of the blm. What she says is that it used to be worse. I'm not sure that's a ringing endorsement.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

OR believes in mob rule. That's what he's saying. And the whole frustration of the rural areas is that the BLM is IGNORING the legislation that is in place. They break the law with impunity, and then hound private citizens who dare to challenge them.
What is the legislation in place being ignored by the BLM? Tell us.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

OR believes in mob rule. That's what he's saying. And the whole frustration of the rural areas is that the BLM is IGNORING the legislation that is in place. They break the law with impunity, and then hound private citizens who dare to challenge them.
documented example?
Where, except in your imagination, is anyone besides yourself retarded?
Where, except in your imagination, does one run a comparison between "wit" and "golf balls"?

This is why I put you on ignore, you're a fucking retard. You are truly the dullest wit on the board. You are seriously too dumb to grasp the majority of what is posted to you.

Run along and play with the marbles in your underwear now...
An excellent question....Will he have an answer?

Why weren't you burning cars with the White Lives Don't Matter crew in Ferguson, shitferbrains?

It astounds me that you fucktards think you're clever...
Where else, except in your imagination, have I ever indicated I would be burning cars or even be in Ferguson?
Where else, except in your imagination, have you thought you were clever?
Where, except in your imagination, is anyone besides yourself retarded?
Where, except in your imagination, does one run a comparison between "wit" and "golf balls"?

This is why I put you on ignore, you're a fucking retard. You are truly the dullest wit on the board. You are seriously too dumb to grasp the majority of what is posted to you.

Run along and play with the marbles in your underwear now...
My...what an outstanding job you've done of putting me on Ignore. :lol: In your imagination.

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