Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Oh come on, your side is getting their asses kicked on this topic and in this thread.


Oh yes, your little friend Bode is just doing swimmingly.

You are just trying to hijack the thread and turn it into a personal argument and kill the thread.

False, that was Bode.

I employ irony to make a point, which those with an IQ above room temperature grasp. My question regarding the claim of "Sedition" is fully valid. Bode is a clumsy moron who made pretense of wit.

And yes, i will shred the simpering moron every time if she chooses that path.

Sore loser. You and vigi came to the wrong thread for spewing lies and misinformation. You will have to wait till late at night or early morning.

Oh please do show these "lies" I have posted?

I've illustrated why the perversion of double jeopardy is a serious threat to the the foundation of justice. I understand that bode and the other talking point reciters cannot grasp concepts that deviate from the Soros scripts.

Read back and address my post on the speeding ticket, tell me how this materially differs from what was done to the Hammond's?
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The asshole Bundy's and their half ass militia have done great damage to he cause of anti-BLM ranchers. Their foolishness has caused even those to support them to become more educated on the issue. Those folks have come to realize the proponents of the movement are phony, wrong and truly, welfare ranchers looking for handouts from the American taxpayer.

Tyranny of our government over our citizens SHOULD BE FOUGHT!

Remember what I said about what calling posters foul names indicates? :lol: Still laughing at them and at you......that annoys the shit out of you. Oh well.

I never pay much attention to Bull Dykes, they are usually smelly, and have fish breath!
You did stock up on Con-federate flag crying towels, right?


Right on top of the Black Lies Matter posters!

View attachment 59126
Well goodie. Any more of your butt hurt issues I can help you with?

Sure, show us a picture of your wife!
Tsk! Tsk! :eusa_naughty:
I never pay much attention to Bull Dykes, they are usually smelly, and have fish breath!
You did stock up on Con-federate flag crying towels, right?


Right on top of the Black Lies Matter posters!

View attachment 59126
Well goodie. Any more of your butt hurt issues I can help you with?

Sure, show us a picture of your wife!
Tsk! Tsk! :eusa_naughty:

You asked, I only told you!
Oh come on, your side is getting their asses kicked on this topic and in this thread.


Oh yes, your little friend Bode is just doing swimmingly.

You are just trying to hijack the thread and turn it into a personal argument and kill the thread.

False, that was Bode.

I employ irony to make point, which those with an IQ above room temperature grasp. My question regarding the claim of "Sedition" is fully valid. Bode is a clumsy moron who made pretense of wit.

And yes, i will shred the simpering moron every time if she chooses that path.

Sore loser. You and vigi came to the wrong thread for spewing lies and misinformation. You will have to wait till late at night or early morning.

Oh please do show these "lies" I have posted?

I've illustrated why the perversion of double jeopardy is a serious threat to the the foundation of justice. I understand that bode and the other talking point reciters cannot grasp concepts that deviate from the Soros scripts.

Read back and address my post on the speeding ticket, tell me how this materially differs from what was done to the Hammond's?
There you go again. Where, except in your imagination, has anyone here expressed a need to follow something called a "Soros script"?
The asshole Bundy's and their half ass militia have done great damage to he cause of anti-BLM ranchers. Their foolishness has caused even those to support them to become more educated on the issue. Those folks have come to realize the proponents of the movement are phony, wrong and truly, welfare ranchers looking for handouts from the American taxpayer.


I agree that Bundy is a fool and this action is counter productive.

BUT the infringement of grazing rights by the BLM as directed by the administration is a regressive act that impacts the cost of food and affects the lowest income people substantially. So my condemnation of Bundy in no way leads to support of a BLM that is out of control as all Obama agencies are.
You did stock up on Con-federate flag crying towels, right?


Right on top of the Black Lies Matter posters!

View attachment 59126
Well goodie. Any more of your butt hurt issues I can help you with?

Sure, show us a picture of your wife!
Tsk! Tsk! :eusa_naughty:

You asked, I only told you!
Tsk! Tsk!

I see your butt hurt has led you to a meltdown. Have you no control?
Oh come on, your side is getting their asses kicked on this topic and in this thread.


Oh yes, your little friend Bode is just doing swimmingly.

You are just trying to hijack the thread and turn it into a personal argument and kill the thread.

False, that was Bode.

I employ irony to make point, which those with an IQ above room temperature grasp. My question regarding the claim of "Sedition" is fully valid. Bode is a clumsy moron who made pretense of wit.

And yes, i will shred the simpering moron every time if she chooses that path.

Sore loser. You and vigi came to the wrong thread for spewing lies and misinformation. You will have to wait till late at night or early morning.

Oh please do show these "lies" I have posted?

I've illustrated why the perversion of double jeopardy is a serious threat to the the foundation of justice. I understand that bode and the other talking point reciters cannot grasp concepts that deviate from the Soros scripts.

Read back and address my post on the speeding ticket, tell me how this materially differs from what was done to the Hammond's?
It has nothing to do with armed men taking over a federal facility. It is, as I said, a distraction and deflection away from the topic.
The asshole Bundy's and their half ass militia have done great damage to he cause of anti-BLM ranchers. Their foolishness has caused even those to support them to become more educated on the issue. Those folks have come to realize the proponents of the movement are phony, wrong and truly, welfare ranchers looking for handouts from the American taxpayer.


I agree that Bundy is a fool and this action is counter productive.

BUT the infringement of grazing rights by the BLM as directed by the administration is a regressive act that impacts the cost of food and affects the lowest income people substantially. So my condemnation of Bundy in no way leads to support of a BLM that is out of control as all Obama agencies are.
How has the BLM infringed grazing rights?
Right on top of the Black Lies Matter posters!

View attachment 59126
Well goodie. Any more of your butt hurt issues I can help you with?

Sure, show us a picture of your wife!
Tsk! Tsk! :eusa_naughty:

You asked, I only told you!
Tsk! Tsk!

I see your butt hurt has led you to a meltdown. Have you no control?

Well goodie. Any more of your butt hurt issues I can help you with?

Sure, show us a picture of your wife!
Tsk! Tsk! :eusa_naughty:

You asked, I only told you!
Tsk! Tsk!

I see your butt hurt has led you to a meltdown. Have you no control?

Tsk! Tsk! You are out of control when you resort to family attacks. Tsk! Tsk!
The asshole Bundy's and their half ass militia have done great damage to he cause of anti-BLM ranchers. Their foolishness has caused even those to support them to become more educated on the issue. Those folks have come to realize the proponents of the movement are phony, wrong and truly, welfare ranchers looking for handouts from the American taxpayer.


I agree that Bundy is a fool and this action is counter productive.

BUT the infringement of grazing rights by the BLM as directed by the administration is a regressive act that impacts the cost of food and affects the lowest income people substantially. So my condemnation of Bundy in no way leads to support of a BLM that is out of control as all Obama agencies are.
The BLM has the fiduciary responsibility to make the optimal use of the lands they manage. Exceptions can be made with and by acts of congress or executive action. Otherwise, the BLM has its hands tied in many of these situations.
Sure, show us a picture of your wife!
Tsk! Tsk! :eusa_naughty:

You asked, I only told you!
Tsk! Tsk!

I see your butt hurt has led you to a meltdown. Have you no control?

Tsk! Tsk! You are out of control when you resort to family attacks. Tsk! Tsk!

YOU have a family?... Hatchlings don't have a family!
Dickless (nonsense2008) gets worked up so easily. I thought people in Cali weren't so serious :dunno: When I lived there, most all people were laid back

U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

Now the conditions in Eastern Oregon are improving, but if you look at that map, you can readily see that the area is still in a severe drought. Now in a drought situation, BLM has the responsibility to maintain the range. That often means reducing the number of head that can graze in a given area. And that means that nobody is going to be happy. But the BLM did not create the drought, and the letting the land be overgrazed will destroy the value of the land for grazing when the rains and snow comes back. Plain sanity.
who are the assholes?
Does the Constitution Grant the Federal Government the Power to Legislate over Land within the Several States?
By Robert Greenslade © Nitwit Press

Mission Statement Revised 8.04.04

Editorial Policy Revised 3.19.04

February 06, 2006

If the federal government had been granted general legislative authority, as many believe, then that government would have exclusive jurisdiction over all persons and things throughout the United States. That would include all land within the several States. The American people might be surprised to learn that the Constitution bars the federal government from exercising legislative jurisdiction over any land, within the several States, unless it first obtains permission from the legislature of that State. This little known fact is simply another component of the federal system of government established by the Constitution.

In order to understand the federal government's limited power concerning land within the several States, it is first necessary to review the proceedings in the Federal [Constitutional] Convention of 1787. On September 5, it was proposed that Congress should have the power:

all of it here:
Does the Constitution Grant the Federal Government the Power to Legislate over Land within the Several States? By Robert Greenslade - Price of Liberty
Arizonans fight at occupied Oregon building

Source: Arizona Daily Star

A Tucson group met with a harsh welcome from a fellow Arizonan at a federal building occupied by armed militia in Oregon.

Three men led by Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer, founder of the Veterans on Patrol group that built a shelter for homeless veterans and others at Santa Rita Park, arrived in Burns, Oregon on Wednesday to get a friend out of the occupied Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

The Oregonian newspaper reported a fight broke out between Meyer’s group and militant group member Blaine Cooper, who said on his Facebook page he is a resident of Humboldt, Arizona.

Meyer said Cooper punched him in the back of the head, but Phoenix resident Jon Ritzheimer said Meyer’s group shoved a guard, causing him to bloody his hand.

Read more: Arizonans fight at occupied Oregon building

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