Assholes making trouble in Oregon

The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.
You dont speak for Oregon, fruticake
A big scary gun lends a degree of real power even to the variety of sad, corny-ass losers who invades and occupies what is essentially a fancy birdhouse in the name of ending tyranny.
How would you know that unless that is how a gun affects you, loser?
Also, the blm doesn't maintain the land that they no longer allow the ranchers to put cows on. The result is that it accumulates a huge mat of dead grass and weeds that poses a huge wildfire threat to all the property that adjoins it. THAT'S why they allow the ranchers to light backfires. Because if they don't, the blm fires will lay waste to everything.
You are so full of shit. The Hammond's were not 'allowed' to set that backfire. In fact, their criminal negligence endangered BLM firefighters that uphill from the fire they illegally started.
You are such a fucking liar. The hammonds notified the fire department which is all anyone normally has to do.

The BLM wants the Hammonds land to grow their management holdings and to fuck with the Hammonds for daring to get uppity with them.

Grow some honesty, you old shit.
The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

Gee Wiz
That is the exact same thing that was said when outsiders came to get rid of Gov. Scott and tore up a Gov. building.
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A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.
You dont speak for Oregon, fruticake
I live in Oregon, and work in Oregon. I speak far more for Oregon than someone living in Virginia.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

Gee Wiz
That is the exact same thing that was said when outsiders came to get of Gov. Scott and tore up a Gov. building.

BUT but but, they were smelly non working liberals/unions paying for it and camping out for day on end in the PEOPLES capital. so you know that's just DIFFERENT. what losers
And at the bottom of this...MANDATORY SENTENCING, which everybody agrees is idiotic..does ANYBODY approve of mandatory sentencing? Anywhere?

Yes, Republicans do when they are instituting mandatory minimums for drug possession. Reagan was big on Mandatory Minimums in his "war on drugs".

For his first five years in office, Reagan slowly strengthened drug enforcement by creating mandatory minimum sentencing and forfeiture of cash and real estate for drug offenses, policies far more detrimental to poor blacks than any other sector affected by the new laws.[citation needed]

Then, driven by the 1986 cocaine overdose of black basketball star Len Bias,[dubiousdiscuss] Reagan was able to pass the Anti-Drug Abuse Act through Congress. This legislation appropriated an additional $1.7 billion to fund the War on Drugs. More importantly, it established 29 new, mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.


What is photoshopped, Shortbus?

You grasp that the third one is a rather famous piece?

No, of course you don't.. :eusa_whistle:
If you had paid attention, which you didn't, I was asking you for EVIDENCE that the person you were addressing on this thread said or believed those things. And then you go pull some photoshopped stuff off the internet instead. Not very bright, are you?
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Tsk! Tsk! :eusa_naughty:

You asked, I only told you!
Tsk! Tsk!

I see your butt hurt has led you to a meltdown. Have you no control?

Tsk! Tsk! You are out of control when you resort to family attacks. Tsk! Tsk!

YOU have a family?... Hatchlings don't have a family!
Tsk! Tsk!....Being unable to stop such unwarranted family attacks indicates a lack of control on your part.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

Gee Wiz
That is the exact same thing that was said when outsiders came to get rid of Gov. Scott and tore up a Gov. building.
The difference is that one group came without weapons of any sort and were willing to be arrested and face consequences of legal action and the other group came to protest armed with semi-automatic rifles and handguns threatening violence if law enforcement tried to arrest them. Do you not comprehend the difference?
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.
You dont speak for Oregon, fruticake
Do you speak for Oregon, Jimbo?
Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

Gee Wiz
That is the exact same thing that was said when outsiders came to get rid of Gov. Scott and tore up a Gov. building.
The difference is that one group came without weapons of any sort and were willing to be arrested and face consequences of legal action and the other group came to protest armed with semi-automatic rifles and handguns threatening violence if law enforcement tried to arrest them. Do you not comprehend the difference?
RWrs don't do very well with comparisons/analogies.
Remember a few days ago when Bundy said that if the community asked them to leave they would leave? He lied. They community asked him to leave and he changed his mind. The sheriff met with him in person outside of the complex and offered to escort Bundy and his armed companions out of the state of Oregon. Bundy said no, he was not going to leave.
The situation will now transform into a crisis and is headed to being a very bad situation.
Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

Gee Wiz
That is the exact same thing that was said when outsiders came to get rid of Gov. Scott and tore up a Gov. building.
The difference is that one group came without weapons of any sort and were willing to be arrested and face consequences of legal action and the other group came to protest armed with semi-automatic rifles and handguns threatening violence if law enforcement tried to arrest them. Do you not comprehend the difference?

And one tore up government property and the other has not.
Do you comprehend the difference?
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.

Gee Wiz
That is the exact same thing that was said when outsiders came to get rid of Gov. Scott and tore up a Gov. building.
The difference is that one group came without weapons of any sort and were willing to be arrested and face consequences of legal action and the other group came to protest armed with semi-automatic rifles and handguns threatening violence if law enforcement tried to arrest them. Do you not comprehend the difference?

And one tore up government property and the other has not.
Do you comprehend the difference?
How do we know they haven't torn up government property? Have you been in there to see?

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