Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Armed occupation of Federal Property is sedition. Considered a pretty serious crime.

It is? What are you basing this on?

Standard Disclaimer: Yo Shortbus, you said I was "making up positions." Will you be apologizing for lying?

The very definition of sedition is to incite a rebellion against the government. That is what Bundy and his followers are doing.

the definition of sedition

Voting against someone you disagree with is called democracy. pointing out the FACT that the land owned by the Feds was legally PURCHASED? And you seem to want to hold out that "will soon be"....something that hasn't happened yet? Really? And you accuse ME of "trying to obscure and confuse the issue"?

That is typical fascist rhetoric at work again; 'the gooberment did it therefore it must be legal.'

Local government abuse building codes and safety laws all the time to condemn buildings in order to seize them and auction them off in small private auctions to their political supporters to build stadiums and toll roads, etc.

The Feds have for a long time been abusing conservation laws to reduce the value of land and make farms and ranches money pits so they can then kindly offer to buy the victims out at a new price that does not reflect the economic potential of the land, land that they devalued by mismanaging the surrounding land.

Have you ever met a Dhimmicrat gooberment official whose ass you didnt reflexively want to kiss?

I didnt think so.

The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county. pointing out the FACT that the land owned by the Feds was legally PURCHASED? And you seem to want to hold out that "will soon be"....something that hasn't happened yet? Really? And you accuse ME of "trying to obscure and confuse the issue"?

That is typical fascist rhetoric at work again; 'the gooberment did it therefore it must be legal.'

Local government abuse building codes and safety laws all the time to condemn buildings in order to seize them and auction them off in small private auctions to their political supporters to build stadiums and toll roads, etc.

The Feds have for a long time been abusing conservation laws to reduce the value of land and make farms and ranches money pits so they can then kindly offer to buy the victims out at a new price that does not reflect the economic potential of the land, land that they devalued by mismanaging the surrounding land.

Have you ever met a Dhimmicrat gooberment official whose ass you didnt reflexively want to kiss?

I didnt think so.

The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
Also, the blm doesn't maintain the land that they no longer allow the ranchers to put cows on. The result is that it accumulates a huge mat of dead grass and weeds that poses a huge wildfire threat to all the property that adjoins it. THAT'S why they allow the ranchers to light backfires. Because if they don't, the blm fires will lay waste to everything.
You are so full of shit. The Hammond's were not 'allowed' to set that backfire. In fact, their criminal negligence endangered BLM firefighters that uphill from the fire they illegally started. pointing out the FACT that the land owned by the Feds was legally PURCHASED? And you seem to want to hold out that "will soon be"....something that hasn't happened yet? Really? And you accuse ME of "trying to obscure and confuse the issue"?

That is typical fascist rhetoric at work again; 'the gooberment did it therefore it must be legal.'

Local government abuse building codes and safety laws all the time to condemn buildings in order to seize them and auction them off in small private auctions to their political supporters to build stadiums and toll roads, etc.

The Feds have for a long time been abusing conservation laws to reduce the value of land and make farms and ranches money pits so they can then kindly offer to buy the victims out at a new price that does not reflect the economic potential of the land, land that they devalued by mismanaging the surrounding land.

Have you ever met a Dhimmicrat gooberment official whose ass you didnt reflexively want to kiss?

I didnt think so.

The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all. pointing out the FACT that the land owned by the Feds was legally PURCHASED? And you seem to want to hold out that "will soon be"....something that hasn't happened yet? Really? And you accuse ME of "trying to obscure and confuse the issue"?

That is typical fascist rhetoric at work again; 'the gooberment did it therefore it must be legal.'

Local government abuse building codes and safety laws all the time to condemn buildings in order to seize them and auction them off in small private auctions to their political supporters to build stadiums and toll roads, etc.

The Feds have for a long time been abusing conservation laws to reduce the value of land and make farms and ranches money pits so they can then kindly offer to buy the victims out at a new price that does not reflect the economic potential of the land, land that they devalued by mismanaging the surrounding land.

Have you ever met a Dhimmicrat gooberment official whose ass you didnt reflexively want to kiss?

I didnt think so.

The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
they weren't legally sentenced and they did not complete their legal sentence.

why do you support judicial activism?

So then any person at any time is subject to arbitrary penalty based on past acts? For instance I got a speeding ticket 5 years ago. I paid the fine and went to traffic school. According to the leftist position, it would be perfectly fine for the state to send me a demand for an additional million dollars and put 10 points on my license, because they think that the original sentence was to light?

You scumbags are some SCARY motherfuckers, snarling thugs with no respect for law or justice. If we EVER wonder how the Khmer Rouge happened, we need only read your above post.
Why aren't you out there with the militiamen, noBalls?
Yeah Dickless Uncensored2008
The very definition of sedition is to incite a rebellion against the government. That is what Bundy and his followers are doing.

the definition of sedition

Voting against someone you disagree with is called democracy.

The Sedition Act of 1918 (Pub.L. 65–150, 40 Stat. 553, enacted May 16, 1918) was an Act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds.[1]

It forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language" about the United States government, its flag, or its armed forces or that caused others to view the American government or its institutions with contempt. Those convicted under the act generally received sentences of imprisonment for five to 20 years.[2] The act also allowed the Postmaster General to refuse to deliver mail that met those same standards for punishable speech or opinion. It applied only to times "when the United States is in war." The U.S. was in a declared state of war at the time of passage, involved in the conflict at the time referred to as the Great War but generally later referred to as the First World War.[3] It was repealed on December 13, 1920.[4]}

Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you were educated or intelligent, you wouldn't be a leftist....
The locals have showed up and voted in public by raising hands and voice vote telling the Bundy's and militia to leave.

What a load of shit. What percentage of "locals" showed up? The 5 who watch MSNBC and collect Welfare?
My, what a lying asshole you continue to be;

Oregon residents in packed town hall want armed militia to leave


Harney County residents in rural Oregon look on as Harney County Sheriff David Ward speaks during a community meeting at the Harney County fairgrounds in Burns, Oregon. Jan. 6, 2016. Hundreds of Harney County residents attended a community meeting to express frustration and support over an armed anti-government militia group that continues to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Headquarters. Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

BURNS, Ore. — A building at the Harney County Fairgrounds in rural Oregon was packed to the seams Wednesday night, as local residents discussed an ongoing occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Many of the speakers at the meeting said they didn’t agree with the tactics of the armed men who took over the refuge Saturday, led by Ammon Bundy, the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. But many of those same residents said they did agree with the message.


Ranchers and other longtime residents said theyfelt their concerns, including land use issues and employment after the decline of the timber industry in Oregon, haven’t been talked about on a national scale until the armed men took over the federal building.

Still, a majority of speakers said they would like the refuge occupiers to leave. Early in the meeting, Harney County Sheriff David Ward asked for a straw poll of who would like the militants to peacefully return to their homes. Nearly every hand in the room shot up.

When you have this many people from a county over 10,000 square miles in size, with only 7000 people, attending a meeting, they represent the county.

‘Pissed as hell’ rancher blows up at Bundy militants: ‘I’m not going let some other people be my face’
Harney County resident Georgia Marshall delivered a scathing condemnation of Ammon Bundy’s militants and called on them to end their armed occupation of the nearby Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

I wonder if Kosher Girl is going to see this and tell us that the locals still support Bundy. For some strange reason, she seems to think the locals support the protesters.
A big scary gun lends a degree of real power even to the variety of sad, corny-ass losers who invades and occupies what is essentially a fancy birdhouse in the name of ending tyranny.
That is typical fascist rhetoric at work again; 'the gooberment did it therefore it must be legal.'

Local government abuse building codes and safety laws all the time to condemn buildings in order to seize them and auction them off in small private auctions to their political supporters to build stadiums and toll roads, etc.

The Feds have for a long time been abusing conservation laws to reduce the value of land and make farms and ranches money pits so they can then kindly offer to buy the victims out at a new price that does not reflect the economic potential of the land, land that they devalued by mismanaging the surrounding land.

Have you ever met a Dhimmicrat gooberment official whose ass you didnt reflexively want to kiss?

I didnt think so.

The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
If we citizens of Oregon wanted a vote on that, we would have it on a ballot. Confine your insanity to your own state, we Oregonians want none of it.
You did not say this?

Comrade, is voting against Lord Obama in the past an act of "sedition?"

Will your god order a drone strike?

I did indeed ask it in response to his claim that Bundy et al were guilty of sedition.

So what is "imaginary about it?

Why would the person you addressed be called "Comrade" except in your imagination?

Aw, poor little leftist fucktards, all you demand is a command economy under an authoritarian state; it's so unfair to identify you as Communists.

Why would the person you addressed refer to President Obama as "Lord Obama" except in your imagination?

Right, it isn't like you scumbags worship Obama as a god...


Why would voting against President Obama in the past be called an act of sedition except in your imagination?

I posed a question, fucktard.

You Communists are not exactly tolerant of competing ideas.


Why would the person you addressed think of President Obama as their god except in your imagination?


I can't imagine, shitferbrains.


Inquiring minds want to know where in that person's posting history they ever said such things as "Lord Obama" or "Obama is God" or "Comrade" or "voting against Obama is an act of sedition".

Links to such comments please. I hope that was specific enough.

You don't have an enquiring mind, you actually think that you're clever; which is fucking hilarious. :rofl:

That is typical fascist rhetoric at work again; 'the gooberment did it therefore it must be legal.'

Local government abuse building codes and safety laws all the time to condemn buildings in order to seize them and auction them off in small private auctions to their political supporters to build stadiums and toll roads, etc.

The Feds have for a long time been abusing conservation laws to reduce the value of land and make farms and ranches money pits so they can then kindly offer to buy the victims out at a new price that does not reflect the economic potential of the land, land that they devalued by mismanaging the surrounding land.

Have you ever met a Dhimmicrat gooberment official whose ass you didnt reflexively want to kiss?

I didnt think so.

The federal government doesn't own shit. They HOLD that land for the PEOPLE.
A government of the people, for the people, by the people. It was settled at Harpers Ferry what should be the fate of people that do armed takeovers of Federal Property. Yes, as one of the people, I want those assholes off that property, it belongs to all citizens, not to a bunch of yahoos with an arsenal that want to give it away to people that are telling them to get the hell out of their county.

Give it away to other people?
They want the State of Oregon to manage the Wild Reserve, not the Feds.
And did anyone bother to ask the state of Oregon about that? Those are outsider assholes, they have no say in the matter at all.

They want to have the people of Oregon to vote on it.
Who's paying for that election?
they weren't legally sentenced and they did not complete their legal sentence.

why do you support judicial activism?

So then any person at any time is subject to arbitrary penalty based on past acts? For instance I got a speeding ticket 5 years ago. I paid the fine and went to traffic school. According to the leftist position, it would be perfectly fine for the state to send me a demand for an additional million dollars and put 10 points on my license, because they think that the original sentence was to light?

You scumbags are some SCARY motherfuckers, snarling thugs with no respect for law or justice. If we EVER wonder how the Khmer Rouge happened, we need only read your above post.
Why aren't you out there with the militiamen, noBalls?
An excellent question....Will he have an answer?
You did not say this?

Comrade, is voting against Lord Obama in the past an act of "sedition?"

Will your god order a drone strike?

I did indeed ask it in response to his claim that Bundy et al were guilty of sedition.

So what is "imaginary about it?

Why would the person you addressed be called "Comrade" except in your imagination?

Aw, poor little leftist fucktards, all you demand is a command economy under an authoritarian state; it's so unfair to identify you as Communists.

Why would the person you addressed refer to President Obama as "Lord Obama" except in your imagination?

Right, it isn't like you scumbags worship Obama as a god...


Why would voting against President Obama in the past be called an act of sedition except in your imagination?

I posed a question, fucktard.

You Communists are not exactly tolerant of competing ideas.


Why would the person you addressed think of President Obama as their god except in your imagination?


I can't imagine, shitferbrains.


Inquiring minds want to know where in that person's posting history they ever said such things as "Lord Obama" or "Obama is God" or "Comrade" or "voting against Obama is an act of sedition".

Links to such comments please. I hope that was specific enough.

You don't have an enquiring mind, you actually think that you're clever; which is fucking hilarious. :rofl:
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

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