Assholes making trouble in Oregon

The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
Why in the world would we give away an investment we have been maintaining and caring for 108 years. Some of that property were paid for with hard cold cash from the taxpayers and other federal revenue sources. How do we get reimbursed for that property? Furthermore, the Congress has it in its power to turn that land over to the state or change its use, not armed protesters.
They most certainly ARE photoshopped.

Well yes, of course.

Artist Shepard Fairey, whose iconic HOPE campaign poster of Barack Obama was a global sensation, is back with a new image that both questions and deifies the President.

Appearing on the cover of the Aug. 20 Rolling Stone, the portrait depicts Obama with a brow knit in determination, surrounded by a halo of stars.

"Will he take bold action or compromise too easily?" asks a headline enshrining the President's head.

Fairey said it wasn't meant to be a halo. Rather, the picture he worked from showed Obama standing in front of the presidential seal, }

Wow are you fucking stupid.

This is a photoshop too, you fucking retard..

Of course that is photoshopped. Why would you think I would think it isn't? Another fantasy position you are trying to put others in?
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
Why in the world would we give away an investment we have been maintaining and caring for 108 years. Some of that property were paid for with hard cold cash from the taxpayers and other federal revenue sources. How do we get reimbursed for that property? Furthermore, the Congress has it in its power to turn that land over to the state or change its use, not armed protesters.
unless deaf ears in Washington are ignoring it, perhaps a fight is what is needed. Why is it the president has to use executive orders when Congress is supposed to be utilized? you all are just libturds, and stupid.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Where IS the tyranny in this case? I fail to see it. Maybe if you point it out clearly instead of just ranting about tyranny and personally attacking posters who are asking for evidence, we might get somewhere.

I rest my case.
Like I said they could not see the tyranny of the King either.

Who have I attacked?
Generic you.....not you personally....but if this tyranny is so easy to see (btw, the founders were quite able to list the tyranny of the takes up MOST of the Dec of Ind)...why is it so hard to provide evidence of?

Well here is the list.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. Obama
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them
. Sen Reid
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. Both Parties minus the swarms
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: Obama but also other Presidents as well on the right.
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: Both Parties
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: Our Press is doing this.
Example- Bill Cosby already was condemned but there was not enough evidence to go to trial.
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: Both Parties
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. Both Parties. Picking and choosing
which parts of our Constitution to ignore.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. Both Parties
He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us (Obama), and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns

Payne and Bundy say it's up to local residents what happens next. If the locals decide to declare the county a sanctuary for the Hammonds, the militia is ready.

"We're sending the message: We will protect you," Payne said.

Such talk rattles the community, as has conduct locals blame on the strangers.

Tensions persist.

A Utah man tied to Bundy and Payne disrupted a state court session, insisting the judge empanel a special grand jury to investigate the Hammond matter. Federal employees report they have been followed around town and to their homes. Payne said no one in his group has followed federal employees. But he acknowledged knocking on the front door of a home featuring a handmade "Go Home Bundys" sign. Payne said he wanted to understand the homeowner's concerns.

Signs on street poles pronounce, "Militia go home!"

Others reply: "You are the militia."

One episode in particular has upset the community.

The sheriff said three militiamen and one woman, one with a gun strapped to his hip, engaged his 74-year-old mother and 78-year-old father at a yard sale being held at the American Legion. When the men criticized the sheriff, his mother bristled, and said she didn't need their protection from the government.

Later, the men showed up at the sheriff's office to complain about the exchange involving his mother.

She had, they said, threatened them.

I wish I was living down there at present. That area does not need these assholes threatening people. Time for the people of Harney county to give the heave-ho to these trouble makers. They have already shown their courage and bravery by threatening old people.

If they really go overboard and actually do violence against any of the locals, they will find the people of Harney county a lot tougher than those little couch potatoes ever thought of being. They have also been threatening the Sheriff, and he has even been receiving death threats. Time those little turds get an asskicking, and that area is known for giving that kind of treatment to outsiders that come in to create trouble.
who threatened who? I think your post gives the wrong perception. You made it like the militia was threatening people when in fact it is the 74 year old mother doing it. hmmmmmmmmmmm

They haven't been threatening anybody. The townspeople welcomed them, they continue to welcome them, they are appreciative of the attention the Bundys have brought to the issues of the area. And they sure as shit don't want a flap handed douchebag progressive like OR in there smarting off. Omg I can see it now hahahahaha....
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
Why in the world would we give away an investment we have been maintaining and caring for 108 years. Some of that property were paid for with hard cold cash from the taxpayers and other federal revenue sources. How do we get reimbursed for that property? Furthermore, the Congress has it in its power to turn that land over to the state or change its use, not armed protesters.
unless deaf ears in Washington are ignoring it, perhaps a fight is what is needed. Why is it the president has to use executive orders when Congress is supposed to be utilized? you all are just libturds, and stupid.
Why do you keep deflecting away from the topic? BTW, all Presidents have used executive orders, Republican and Democrat. EO's are a tool of the Executive branch of government that is used when Congress fails to address issues in a timely fashion. They have it in their power to override executive orders if they can muster the votes. It is a constitutionally accepted procedure that has been confirmed by SCOTUS on numerous occasions.
Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
Why in the world would we give away an investment we have been maintaining and caring for 108 years. Some of that property were paid for with hard cold cash from the taxpayers and other federal revenue sources. How do we get reimbursed for that property? Furthermore, the Congress has it in its power to turn that land over to the state or change its use, not armed protesters.
unless deaf ears in Washington are ignoring it, perhaps a fight is what is needed. Why is it the president has to use executive orders when Congress is supposed to be utilized? you all are just libturds, and stupid.
Why do you keep deflecting away from the topic? BTW, all Presidents have used executive orders, Republican and Democrat. EO's are a tool of the Executive branch of government that is used when Congress fails to address issues in a timely fashion. They have it in their power to override executive orders if they can muster the votes. It is a constitutionally accepted procedure that has been confirmed by SCOTUS on numerous occasions.
what have I deflected? who brought up interstates? How is that relative to the OP?
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
I don't see a problem with that except does a) the state want the responsibility and b) does the state want the cost?

States always seem to do a poorer job of maintaining their highways compared to interstates.
do you even know who owns interstates? Holy crap dude.
Yes...the federal government does...and uses federal funds to maintain them primarily.
nope, but thanks for playing. you should use the internet and see who owns them. Funding comes from the fed gov, but the states own the roads. Who do you think sets the speed limits over them? You think I use only insults, well when dealing with libturds who can't find a fact to save their asses, and would rather deflect a conversation then actually participate in one, well it's all they are worth. Now, please go to the internet. here are some excepts from a page--

Who owns it?

"The States own and operate the Interstate highways.

The one exception is the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (I-95/495) over the Potomac River in the Washington area. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads built the bridge under special legislation approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in August 1954. Although the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia operate the bridge, it is owned by the Federal Highway Administration. When the first span of the replacement bridge, now under construction, is opened, the old bridge will be removed. The States will own the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge."

BTW, can you say 'ouch'?
If what you say is true, I stand corrected. However let me ask this......why is it that the federal government is in charge of maintaining the infrastructure with federal funds?
Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
Why in the world would we give away an investment we have been maintaining and caring for 108 years. Some of that property were paid for with hard cold cash from the taxpayers and other federal revenue sources. How do we get reimbursed for that property? Furthermore, the Congress has it in its power to turn that land over to the state or change its use, not armed protesters.
unless deaf ears in Washington are ignoring it, perhaps a fight is what is needed. Why is it the president has to use executive orders when Congress is supposed to be utilized? you all are just libturds, and stupid.
Why do you keep deflecting away from the topic? BTW, all Presidents have used executive orders, Republican and Democrat. EO's are a tool of the Executive branch of government that is used when Congress fails to address issues in a timely fashion. They have it in their power to override executive orders if they can muster the votes. It is a constitutionally accepted procedure that has been confirmed by SCOTUS on numerous occasions.
So what is it I have deflected? here is my very first post:
Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns

Payne and Bundy say it's up to local residents what happens next. If the locals decide to declare the county a sanctuary for the Hammonds, the militia is ready.

"We're sending the message: We will protect you," Payne said.

Such talk rattles the community, as has conduct locals blame on the strangers.

Tensions persist.

A Utah man tied to Bundy and Payne disrupted a state court session, insisting the judge empanel a special grand jury to investigate the Hammond matter. Federal employees report they have been followed around town and to their homes. Payne said no one in his group has followed federal employees. But he acknowledged knocking on the front door of a home featuring a handmade "Go Home Bundys" sign. Payne said he wanted to understand the homeowner's concerns.

Signs on street poles pronounce, "Militia go home!"

Others reply: "You are the militia."

One episode in particular has upset the community.

The sheriff said three militiamen and one woman, one with a gun strapped to his hip, engaged his 74-year-old mother and 78-year-old father at a yard sale being held at the American Legion. When the men criticized the sheriff, his mother bristled, and said she didn't need their protection from the government.

Later, the men showed up at the sheriff's office to complain about the exchange involving his mother.

She had, they said, threatened them.

I wish I was living down there at present. That area does not need these assholes threatening people. Time for the people of Harney county to give the heave-ho to these trouble makers. They have already shown their courage and bravery by threatening old people.

If they really go overboard and actually do violence against any of the locals, they will find the people of Harney county a lot tougher than those little couch potatoes ever thought of being. They have also been threatening the Sheriff, and he has even been receiving death threats. Time those little turds get an asskicking, and that area is known for giving that kind of treatment to outsiders that come in to create trouble.
who threatened who? I think your post gives the wrong perception. You made it like the militia was threatening people when in fact it is the 74 year old mother doing it. hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
Why in the world would we give away an investment we have been maintaining and caring for 108 years. Some of that property were paid for with hard cold cash from the taxpayers and other federal revenue sources. How do we get reimbursed for that property? Furthermore, the Congress has it in its power to turn that land over to the state or change its use, not armed protesters.
unless deaf ears in Washington are ignoring it, perhaps a fight is what is needed. Why is it the president has to use executive orders when Congress is supposed to be utilized? you all are just libturds, and stupid.
Why do you keep deflecting away from the topic? BTW, all Presidents have used executive orders, Republican and Democrat. EO's are a tool of the Executive branch of government that is used when Congress fails to address issues in a timely fashion. They have it in their power to override executive orders if they can muster the votes. It is a constitutionally accepted procedure that has been confirmed by SCOTUS on numerous occasions.
So what is it I have deflected here is my very first post:
Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns

Payne and Bundy say it's up to local residents what happens next. If the locals decide to declare the county a sanctuary for the Hammonds, the militia is ready.

"We're sending the message: We will protect you," Payne said.

Such talk rattles the community, as has conduct locals blame on the strangers.

Tensions persist.

A Utah man tied to Bundy and Payne disrupted a state court session, insisting the judge empanel a special grand jury to investigate the Hammond matter. Federal employees report they have been followed around town and to their homes. Payne said no one in his group has followed federal employees. But he acknowledged knocking on the front door of a home featuring a handmade "Go Home Bundys" sign. Payne said he wanted to understand the homeowner's concerns.

Signs on street poles pronounce, "Militia go home!"

Others reply: "You are the militia."

One episode in particular has upset the community.

The sheriff said three militiamen and one woman, one with a gun strapped to his hip, engaged his 74-year-old mother and 78-year-old father at a yard sale being held at the American Legion. When the men criticized the sheriff, his mother bristled, and said she didn't need their protection from the government.

Later, the men showed up at the sheriff's office to complain about the exchange involving his mother.

She had, they said, threatened them.

I wish I was living down there at present. That area does not need these assholes threatening people. Time for the people of Harney county to give the heave-ho to these trouble makers. They have already shown their courage and bravery by threatening old people.

If they really go overboard and actually do violence against any of the locals, they will find the people of Harney county a lot tougher than those little couch potatoes ever thought of being. They have also been threatening the Sheriff, and he has even been receiving death threats. Time those little turds get an asskicking, and that area is known for giving that kind of treatment to outsiders that come in to create trouble.
who threatened who? I think your post gives the wrong perception. You made it like the militia was threatening people when in fact it is the 74 year old mother doing it. hmmmmmmmmmmm

OR lies in order to push his agenda. He thinks people don't notice.
Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
I don't see a problem with that except does a) the state want the responsibility and b) does the state want the cost?

States always seem to do a poorer job of maintaining their highways compared to interstates.
do you even know who owns interstates? Holy crap dude.
Yes...the federal government does...and uses federal funds to maintain them primarily.
nope, but thanks for playing. you should use the internet and see who owns them. Funding comes from the fed gov, but the states own the roads. Who do you think sets the speed limits over them? You think I use only insults, well when dealing with libturds who can't find a fact to save their asses, and would rather deflect a conversation then actually participate in one, well it's all they are worth. Now, please go to the internet. here are some excepts from a page--

Who owns it?

"The States own and operate the Interstate highways.

The one exception is the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (I-95/495) over the Potomac River in the Washington area. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads built the bridge under special legislation approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in August 1954. Although the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia operate the bridge, it is owned by the Federal Highway Administration. When the first span of the replacement bridge, now under construction, is opened, the old bridge will be removed. The States will own the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge."

BTW, can you say 'ouch'?
If what you say is true, I stand corrected. However let me ask this......why is it that the federal government is in charge of maintaining the infrastructure with federal funds?
Good question. Why do state schools get federal money?
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.
Look up Posse Comitatus....The Bundys are part of that crowd....that's why Clive started in on "negros"....They are a lovely group that doesn't recognize any government above County Sheriff.
^ that

They're deadbeat thugs.
so post up complaints from the people who live there! Can you do that? Or do the locals accept them? hmmmmmmmm?
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.
Look up Posse Comitatus....The Bundys are part of that crowd....that's why Clive started in on "negros"....They are a lovely group that doesn't recognize any government above County Sheriff.
^ that

They're deadbeat thugs.
so post up complaints from the people who live there! Can you do that? Or do the locals accept them? hmmmmmmmm?

The locals do accept them. The enemedia managed to drag the tribe out, dust them off, and got them to blab some nonsense about how it's a *desecration to our ancestral lands* which is a bunch of hooey - they got there in the 1700s and 1800s when they ran from the BLM further east, the dumbfucks. But that's the strongest language anybody outside of the sheriff has used.

The rest of the folks are cagey..they say things like "well we don't condone any sort of illegal activity, but we're really glad that our situation is getting some press, FINALLY." That's what they all say. And they are running them supplies, visiting with them at the refuge. An 11 year old kid interviewed Bundy for the school paper yesterday or the day before.

They are also pissed that the schools were closed because they were led to believe that the Bundy group had made some sort of threat of violence, and they were pissed when they found out that just wasn't true.
Last edited:
Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
dude, you're talking to a libturd. he has no idea what a state is.
^ This is what I was talking about....personal insults but no content.
that was all that was needed for that reply. What is it you feel I'm missing? Please enlighten my dumb ass.
All that's needed is an insult? Ok.
so how many of the Y'all Qaeda are holed-up in that hotel watching HBO now? :D

Y'all-Qaeda is having some problems.

Tearful militant discovers friend drank away donation money: ‘It’s like finding out there is no such thing as Santa’

Oh, you know what awaits a Y'all-Qaeda member in paradise after he's martyred?

72 cousins.

You guys need to decide if they're scary terrorists who stormed the facility and are threatening people, who are crying for their violent eviction.......or they're harmless gadabouts who are bringing $$$ to the local business owners and hanging out in the local bar.

Which is it?
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
Why in the world would we give away an investment we have been maintaining and caring for 108 years. Some of that property were paid for with hard cold cash from the taxpayers and other federal revenue sources. How do we get reimbursed for that property? Furthermore, the Congress has it in its power to turn that land over to the state or change its use, not armed protesters.
unless deaf ears in Washington are ignoring it, perhaps a fight is what is needed. Why is it the president has to use executive orders when Congress is supposed to be utilized? you all are just libturds, and stupid.
And it looks like the deadbeat squatters aren't going to get the fight they wanted. Now what? More snacks?
so how many of the Y'all Qaeda are holed-up in that hotel watching HBO now? :D

Y'all-Qaeda is having some problems.

Tearful militant discovers friend drank away donation money: ‘It’s like finding out there is no such thing as Santa’

Oh, you know what awaits a Y'all-Qaeda member in paradise after he's martyred?

72 cousins.

You guys need to decide if they're scary terrorists who stormed the facility and are threatening people, who are crying for their violent eviction.......or they're harmless gadabouts who are bringing $$$ to the local business owners and hanging out in the local bar.

Which is it?
More snacks mean more $$$$.
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.
Look up Posse Comitatus....The Bundys are part of that crowd....that's why Clive started in on "negros"....They are a lovely group that doesn't recognize any government above County Sheriff.
^ that

They're deadbeat thugs.
so post up complaints from the people who live there! Can you do that? Or do the locals accept them? hmmmmmmmm?
This thread is full of links to the town hall meeting where the locals showed by a raise of hands that they wanted those out of staters to leave. There are also links to individuals speaking at that town hall meeting expressing the desire for the outsiders to go home.

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