Assholes making trouble in Oregon

"Scores of ranchers throughout Western states are dealing with livestock, grazing, hay and fence losses from wildfires. A major complaint is that state and federal agencies need to reduce fuel loads and fight fires better."

"Beside land mismanagement, ranchers involved in Western fires in recent years allege state and federal miscues in fighting fires while praising efforts of local firefighters.
"In the Long Draw and Holloway fires in Oregon three years ago, ranchers accused the BLM of letting land burn to expand designated wilderness areas. The BLM denied it.
"In Washington’s 256,108-acre Carlton fire last year, many ranchers and others believe the DNR let the fire go to gain more federal dollars. More than 200 landowners are preparing to file a lawsuit seeking more than $75 million in damages for what their attorney says was “a series of intentional and negligent actions.”

Ranchers criticize forest management, firefighting tactics
"“We had a tough decision. Move our cows and save them or go build a Cat line,” Kuchenbuch said. “I was promised by a head official he would have a Cat up there. It never happened. We saved our cows. If I’d gone and had Gebbers with me there’s a high percentage chance I might have save the rest of my summer range....”
“We recognize they had limited resources and a massive fire,” Haeberle said.
"But a Forest Service consultant turned around Gebbers’ Cats and “they backburned the rest of our summer range and our cabin to try to save the town,” Haeberle said.
"State and federal firefighters went back to camp for the night, but local firefighters and volunteers held lines all night because “it was our land and our homes,” Nicole Kuchenbuch said."

“All these fires, the last 20 years they let them burn. They refuse to come in and stomp out a little lightning strike. They use all the resources to save a little shack and lose billions of dollars of livestock and timber,” he said.
"He agreed with the Kuchenbuchs that the underlying problem is build up of forest and sod fuel loads from no logging, thinning and grazing.
“A big sign that went up this spring in Colville says, ‘Public lands. Log it, graze it or watch it burn,’” he said."

Ranchers criticize forest management, firefighting tactics
These idiots should get their wish. Turn the property over to the state. This will end the Federal welfare program these ranchers have been on, leasing the property at a fraction of the cost.

What would the state do with all that land, one wonders...
So let me see if I have this right. The Town Council has asked them to leave. The Governor of Oregon has asked them to leave. The Sheriff has asked them to leave.

So....who the fuck wants the idiots there?
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
So let me see if I have this right. The Town Council has asked them to leave. The Governor of Oregon has asked them to leave. The Sheriff has asked them to leave.

So....who the fuck wants the idiots there?
the town council did? hmmm post that up here.

BTW, they are no longer in the town. But don't let that fact get in your way.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
Oh? And you base that on.................
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
Oh? And you base that on.................
So let me see if I have this right. The Town Council has asked them to leave. The Governor of Oregon has asked them to leave. The Sheriff has asked them to leave.

So....who the fuck wants the idiots there?
Those selling junk food.

I've said again and again. Never stand between a RWr and their junk food.
So let me see if I have this right. The Town Council has asked them to leave. The Governor of Oregon has asked them to leave. The Sheriff has asked them to leave.

So....who the fuck wants the idiots there?
Those selling junk food.

I've said again and again. Never stand between a RWr and their junk food.
then why are you in the forum? you are the best junk around here.
Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
Oh? And you base that on.................
Is it measurable?
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
Oh? And you base that on.................
Is it measurable?
All one has to do is read the posts in this thread, didn't know who owned the interstates, when the word has state in it. Didn't know that state schools are federally funded. I don't know, I measure the rate of libturd stupid in here daily.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
The state is not the entity that has obtained the land by military maneuver and operation in the 19th Century, by treaty with the native Americans, by federal legislation and cash purchases in 1935 and 1942 and the state did not pay the cost of maintenance, upkeep, protection, and improvements. So, the question remains, why should our investments be given away, even to the state of Oregon without compensation. We have been investing in that land for a specific purpose for over 100 years. Why should we change its purpose and use now? And if we did, should that be done by Congress?
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
The state is not the entity that has obtained the land by military maneuver and operation in the 19th Century, by treaty with the native Americans, by federal legislation and cash purchases in 1935 and 1942 and the state did not pay the cost of maintenance, upkeep, protection, and improvements. So, the question remains, why should our investments be given away, even to the state of Oregon without compensation. We have been investing in that land for a specific purpose for over 100 years. Why should we change its purpose and use now? And if we did, should that be done by Congress?
what investments/ revenues do the feds get with the current arrangement?
So let me see if I have this right. The Town Council has asked them to leave. The Governor of Oregon has asked them to leave. The Sheriff has asked them to leave.

So....who the fuck wants the idiots there?
Those selling junk food.

I've said again and again. Never stand between a RWr and their junk food.
then why are you in the forum? you are the best junk around here.
Sorry, but that didn't make sense.
The difference is that one group came without weapons of any sort and were willing to be arrested and face consequences of legal action and the other group came to protest armed with semi-automatic rifles and handguns threatening violence if law enforcement tried to arrest them. Do you not comprehend the difference?

And one tore up government property and the other has not.
Do you comprehend the difference?
How do we know they haven't torn up government property? Have you been in there to see?

What evidence is there for any of the right wing protests that have destroyed property?
That's right none.
The left do it consistently.
No, but to say they have not with no evidence that way is just as wrong. Don't you think we should wait to see if that is true or not? Or are you basing everything on an assumption?
Local ranchers who have visited the refuge and the occupants say it's never looked so clean and well cared for.

that's because most ranchers are probably conservatives and they ACTUALLY care about the land because they LIVE off of it. for raising food for others and food for their families. we've seen rally's of the left and TONS of garbage that had to be cleaned up by OTHERS.

just one place here:
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
November 30, 2011 | 4:32 pm
Sanitation officials said Wednesday that they expect to haul away 30 tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment –- everything from clothing to heaps of garbage to oddball curiosities left behind by the protesters who lived at the City Hall tent city for two months.

Andrea Alarcon, president of the city Public Works board, said workers already have removed 25 tons of belongings from the City Hall park, all of it heading straight to a landfill.

Sanitation crews also have vacuumed up about 3,000 gallons of water that had washed into a catch basin in recent days and are testing it for hazardous materials, she said.

Occupy L.A.: Photos | Videos | 360° photos

all of the nasty stuff here:
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
ah now why did you let them in on that. ah man, libturds have never heard about state shit.
Oh? And you base that on.................
Is it measurable?
All one has to do is read the posts in this thread, didn't know who owned the interstates, when the word has state in it. Didn't know that state schools are federally funded. I don't know, I measure the rate of libturd stupid in here daily.
I have been reading the posts and I did acknowledge you were right about the interstates. think the states own them simply because of the word "state"? Do you know what the word "inter" means?

And state schools are ONLY federally funded if they use Title 1 or Free and Reduced Lunch funds.

Now tell us about State Lands vs Federal Lands.
And one tore up government property and the other has not.
Do you comprehend the difference?
How do we know they haven't torn up government property? Have you been in there to see?

What evidence is there for any of the right wing protests that have destroyed property?
That's right none.
The left do it consistently.
No, but to say they have not with no evidence that way is just as wrong. Don't you think we should wait to see if that is true or not? Or are you basing everything on an assumption?
Local ranchers who have visited the refuge and the occupants say it's never looked so clean and well cared for.

that's because most ranchers are probably conservatives and they ACTUALLY care about the land because they LIVE off of it. for raising food for others and food for their families. we've seen rally's of the left and TONS of garbage that had to be cleaned up by OTHERS.

just one place here:
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
November 30, 2011 | 4:32 pm
Sanitation officials said Wednesday that they expect to haul away 30 tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment –- everything from clothing to heaps of garbage to oddball curiosities left behind by the protesters who lived at the City Hall tent city for two months.

Andrea Alarcon, president of the city Public Works board, said workers already have removed 25 tons of belongings from the City Hall park, all of it heading straight to a landfill.

Sanitation crews also have vacuumed up about 3,000 gallons of water that had washed into a catch basin in recent days and are testing it for hazardous materials, she said.

Occupy L.A.: Photos | Videos | 360° photos

all of the nasty stuff here:
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
That ALWAYS happens? Or rather ALWAYS when it's liberals and NEVER when it's RWrs?
How do we know they haven't torn up government property? Have you been in there to see?

What evidence is there for any of the right wing protests that have destroyed property?
That's right none.
The left do it consistently.
No, but to say they have not with no evidence that way is just as wrong. Don't you think we should wait to see if that is true or not? Or are you basing everything on an assumption?
Local ranchers who have visited the refuge and the occupants say it's never looked so clean and well cared for.

that's because most ranchers are probably conservatives and they ACTUALLY care about the land because they LIVE off of it. for raising food for others and food for their families. we've seen rally's of the left and TONS of garbage that had to be cleaned up by OTHERS.

just one place here:
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
November 30, 2011 | 4:32 pm
Sanitation officials said Wednesday that they expect to haul away 30 tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment –- everything from clothing to heaps of garbage to oddball curiosities left behind by the protesters who lived at the City Hall tent city for two months.

Andrea Alarcon, president of the city Public Works board, said workers already have removed 25 tons of belongings from the City Hall park, all of it heading straight to a landfill.

Sanitation crews also have vacuumed up about 3,000 gallons of water that had washed into a catch basin in recent days and are testing it for hazardous materials, she said.

Occupy L.A.: Photos | Videos | 360° photos

all of the nasty stuff here:
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
That ALWAYS happens? Or rather ALWAYS when it's liberals and NEVER when it's RWrs?
rwrs hold protests? Oh yeah, when they do they send the FBI to tell them to get out. Funny stuff, In Chicago it's ok to disrupt christmas shopping and no fbi get's involved to insure the safety of the shoppers. And yet when rwrs get involved in a protest the fbi shows up.
Those selling junk food.

I've said again and again. Never stand between a RWr and their junk food.
maybe the former Gov/Queen Roque Bee can bring them drinks ;)


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