Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Citizens use their property all the time. The terrorist at Malheur are currently living in the Visitor Center and taken over that complex of buildings. Why do you suppose they have a visitor center at the wildlife refuge? Could it be to serve the citizens who come there to use the property for their own purposes?
The Bundys are using it for the purposes of the people. You do understand the buildings were locked up and shuttered against use, right?
If the building were locked up and shuttered it means Bundy and his crew broke into them and should be charged with breaking and entering and burglary. The fact that the caretakers and managers of the property locked and shuttered the doors does not in any way or circumstance indicate abandonment.
As far as using the property for the people, that is just ridiculous. They were not assigned any task by the owners or managers and they are not elected to make any decision about how the property is used. They are trespassers and burglars. plain and simple.

If the building were locked up and shuttered it means Bundy and his crew broke into them and should be charged with breaking and entering and burglary.

but they are owners just like you --LOL
They are co-owners who share ownership with over 300 million other co-owners and are obligated to adhere to protocols, rules and regulations as set by the managers, selected and approved by elected officials to represent the owners.
Lol wow lefties love to wrap things up in red tape.

ravi demonstrates

that libtards can not imagine life without the help of the government

Actually, going back to this first post of yours, don't reference any of Ravi's posts you continue to lie.

hey shit for brains

you asked so i answered with this

ravi demonstrates

that libtards can not imagine life without the help of the government

was that supposed to be profound?


simply an observation based on libtard postings make it clear....what posts by Ravi demonstrate what you claim they demonstrate. You did not link or quote any of her posts.

hey dimwit

it has already been posted
You have no link...just your statement. So, again...what post of Ravi's made you say what you Ravi's post here >>>>>>>>
ravi demonstrates

that libtards can not imagine life without the help of the government

Actually, going back to this first post of yours, don't reference any of Ravi's posts you continue to lie.

hey shit for brains

you asked so i answered with this

ravi demonstrates

that libtards can not imagine life without the help of the government

was that supposed to be profound?


simply an observation based on libtard postings make it clear....what posts by Ravi demonstrate what you claim they demonstrate. You did not link or quote any of her posts.

hey dimwit

it has already been posted
You have no link...just your statement. So, again...what post of Ravi's made you say what you Ravi's post here >>>>>>>>

hey stupid this thread is the link
I wonder what the propaganda purpose is of calling buildings that are NOT abandoned, just closed for the holidays, "abandoned"?

Are schools abandoned because they are closed for the holidays?
Actually, going back to this first post of yours, don't reference any of Ravi's posts you continue to lie.

hey shit for brains

you asked so i answered with this

ravi demonstrates

that libtards can not imagine life without the help of the government

was that supposed to be profound?


simply an observation based on libtard postings make it clear....what posts by Ravi demonstrate what you claim they demonstrate. You did not link or quote any of her posts.

hey dimwit

it has already been posted
You have no link...just your statement. So, again...what post of Ravi's made you say what you Ravi's post here >>>>>>>>

hey stupid this thread is the link
This thread is completely made up of Ravi's comments? Wow! She be busy!
hey shit for brains

you asked so i answered with this

ravi demonstrates

that libtards can not imagine life without the help of the government

was that supposed to be profound?


simply an observation based on libtard postings make it clear....what posts by Ravi demonstrate what you claim they demonstrate. You did not link or quote any of her posts.

hey dimwit

it has already been posted
You have no link...just your statement. So, again...what post of Ravi's made you say what you Ravi's post here >>>>>>>>

hey stupid this thread is the link
This thread is completely made up of Ravi's comments? Wow! She be busy!
that retard is too lazy or rather too overwhelmed to find the quotes. FAIL!!!
Militia groups meet with leaders of Oregon occupation, pledge support | Reuters

Locals shouted down a 'land rights activist'. The press except for the cattle and rancher association publications are digging as hard as they can, and despite the lying headlines by the Oregonian, the locals continue to support the o occupation. People are coming from all over Oregon, and the west, to show support.
How are things going inside the occupation, Allie. You know everything about this...tell us. We here they are having "issues".
hey shit for brains

you asked so i answered with this

ravi demonstrates

that libtards can not imagine life without the help of the government

was that supposed to be profound?


simply an observation based on libtard postings make it clear....what posts by Ravi demonstrate what you claim they demonstrate. You did not link or quote any of her posts.

hey dimwit

it has already been posted
You have no link...just your statement. So, again...what post of Ravi's made you say what you Ravi's post here >>>>>>>>

hey stupid this thread is the link
This thread is completely made up of Ravi's comments? Wow! She be busy!

I think Jon has gone berzerk. :)
Militia groups meet with leaders of Oregon occupation, pledge support | Reuters

Locals shouted down a 'land rights activist'. The press except for the cattle and rancher association publications are digging as hard as they can, and despite the lying headlines by the Oregonian, the locals continue to support the o occupation. People are coming from all over Oregon, and the west, to show support.
How are things going inside the occupation, Allie. You know everything about this...tell us. We here they are having "issues".

I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.
Does anyone have a clue about what concept or spin these people use to justify ignoring the Constitution and stealing or vandalizing our public property?
Last edited: make it clear....what posts by Ravi demonstrate what you claim they demonstrate. You did not link or quote any of her posts.

hey dimwit

it has already been posted
You have no link...just your statement. So, again...what post of Ravi's made you say what you Ravi's post here >>>>>>>>

hey stupid this thread is the link
This thread is completely made up of Ravi's comments? Wow! She be busy!
that retard is too lazy or rather too overwhelmed to find the quotes. FAIL!!!
I bet he was a hit in school...."Johnny, You didn't give evidence for your thesis statement except for stating it's all on the internet. That's not good enough."
...... abandoned building in the middle of nowhere?
hey dimwit

it has already been posted
You have no link...just your statement. So, again...what post of Ravi's made you say what you Ravi's post here >>>>>>>>

hey stupid this thread is the link
This thread is completely made up of Ravi's comments? Wow! She be busy!
that retard is too lazy or rather too overwhelmed to find the quotes. FAIL!!!
I bet he was a hit in school...."Johnny, You didn't give evidence for your thesis statement except for stating it's all on the internet. That's not good enough."
Maybe he found the libturd bible that states facts and evidence is not required

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