Assholes making trouble in Oregon

I don't see a problem with that except does a) the state want the responsibility and b) does the state want the cost?

States always seem to do a poorer job of maintaining their highways compared to interstates.
do you even know who owns interstates? Holy crap dude.
Yes...the federal government does...and uses federal funds to maintain them primarily.
nope, but thanks for playing. you should use the internet and see who owns them. Funding comes from the fed gov, but the states own the roads. Who do you think sets the speed limits over them? You think I use only insults, well when dealing with libturds who can't find a fact to save their asses, and would rather deflect a conversation then actually participate in one, well it's all they are worth. Now, please go to the internet. here are some excepts from a page--

Who owns it?

"The States own and operate the Interstate highways.

The one exception is the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (I-95/495) over the Potomac River in the Washington area. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads built the bridge under special legislation approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in August 1954. Although the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia operate the bridge, it is owned by the Federal Highway Administration. When the first span of the replacement bridge, now under construction, is opened, the old bridge will be removed. The States will own the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge."

BTW, can you say 'ouch'?
If what you say is true, I stand corrected. However let me ask this......why is it that the federal government is in charge of maintaining the infrastructure with federal funds?
Good question. Why do state schools get federal money?
They don't....unless they use federal programs like Title 1 or Free and Reduced Lunch.
The Hammond's played with fire and got burned. Setting fires when you cannot control them is real serious business in that area. They have had some major fires in the past decade, some that destroyed up to 1/3 of some of the ranchers cattle. That represents many years of lost income for a group of people that work extremely hard for the little income they make.
fire fighters do control burns all the time every year everywhere in the country. What makes you think they couldn't control them when they did control them?
To be real terrorists they will have to start hanging the enemy.

So the 9-11 hijackers don't count? :slap:

I believe that what you meant to say was that in order to be terrorism they have to be brown skinned with funny sounding names, amiright?
In all seriousness, terrorists who don't actually hurt anyone aren't terrorists no matter what color they are. Unless there are bodies and blood, they aren't exactly terrifying.
I thought you were a dog groomer? What exactly makes you an expert on this???

As to the OP, the occupiers need to be made an example of
I think they are the ones making the example. hmmmmm?
They can be called nothing short.

The occupation is being led by hard-core militia who adopted the Hammond cause as their own.

Ammon Bundy met with Dwight Hammond and his wife in November, seeking a way to keep the elderly rancher from having to surrender for prison. The Hammonds professed through their attorneys that they had no interest in ignoring the order to report for prison.

Ammon Bundy said the goal is to turn over federal land to local ranchers, loggers and miners. He said he met with 10 or so residents in Burns on Friday to try to recruit them, but they declined.

Militia takes over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters
what is it you're actually trying to say here?

from your link:
"The occupation came shortly after an estimated 300 marchers — militia and local citizens both — paraded through Burns to protest the prosecution of two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond Jr. and Steven Hammond, who are to report to prison on Monday.

Among the occupiers is Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and two of his brothers. Militia members at the refuge claimed they had as many as 100 supporters with them. The refuge, federal property managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, was closed and unoccupied for the holiday weekend."
The Hammond's played with fire and got burned. Setting fires when you cannot control them is real serious business in that area. They have had some major fires in the past decade, some that destroyed up to 1/3 of some of the ranchers cattle. That represents many years of lost income for a group of people that work extremely hard for the little income they make.
fire fighters do control burns all the time every year everywhere in the country. What makes you think they couldn't control them when they did control them?
And the ranchers do, TOO. They always have. The Hammonds called the BLM, but they were also out fighting fires. This is standard operating procedure out there. I've gone out with rancher friends in their own personal water trucks to fight fires, I've seen them backburning. It's common and the BLM is currently employing a cooperative approach with landowners (or they're supposed to be) that gives them both some leeway when it comes to managing the land in a way that's beneficial for both.

The BLM violates the terms of the legislation they contributed to concerning this matter, and that is the crux of the problem. They're out of control and they're ruining not only the land, but the lives of the people who live there.
do you even know who owns interstates? Holy crap dude.
Yes...the federal government does...and uses federal funds to maintain them primarily.
nope, but thanks for playing. you should use the internet and see who owns them. Funding comes from the fed gov, but the states own the roads. Who do you think sets the speed limits over them? You think I use only insults, well when dealing with libturds who can't find a fact to save their asses, and would rather deflect a conversation then actually participate in one, well it's all they are worth. Now, please go to the internet. here are some excepts from a page--

Who owns it?

"The States own and operate the Interstate highways.

The one exception is the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (I-95/495) over the Potomac River in the Washington area. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads built the bridge under special legislation approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in August 1954. Although the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia operate the bridge, it is owned by the Federal Highway Administration. When the first span of the replacement bridge, now under construction, is opened, the old bridge will be removed. The States will own the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge."

BTW, can you say 'ouch'?
If what you say is true, I stand corrected. However let me ask this......why is it that the federal government is in charge of maintaining the infrastructure with federal funds?
Good question. Why do state schools get federal money?
They don't....unless they use federal programs like Title 1 or Free and Reduced Lunch.
sure state schools get federal money the unions petition for kids to be in school so the numbers are enough to keep federal money coming in.
Stupid ass. This is not about Waco, this is about a bunch of outsiders that are not wanted and are causing trouble.

Infidels who fail to bow to the living god you worship.

So can you get Reno out their to kill them and their families?

they think they can come in with their arsenal, and bully the whole community, and the US Government, as well. They need to spend major time in the iron bar hotel.

I thought you wanted to slaughter them all? These are white people. Isn't it the policy of the democratic - socialist party that whites should be killed on sight? Remember, white lives don't matter.
And he's lying. The locals don't mind them there. The locals are thrilled that FINALLY their situation is getting some attention.

That is incorrect. Do you have a LINK to support your claim? Even the Hanmond family reject these assholes.

Oregon ranchers reject Cliven Bundy family occupation

Your link doesn't quote a single rancher "rejecting" the occupation.
Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.
Look up Posse Comitatus....The Bundys are part of that crowd....that's why Clive started in on "negros"....They are a lovely group that doesn't recognize any government above County Sheriff.
^ that

They're deadbeat thugs.
so post up complaints from the people who live there! Can you do that? Or do the locals accept them? hmmmmmmmm?
This thread is full of links to the town hall meeting where the locals showed by a raise of hands that they wanted those out of staters to leave. There are also links to individuals speaking at that town hall meeting expressing the desire for the outsiders to go home.
well why don't you post up some material that actually says that the locals all want them gone. I haven't read one yet. In fact, they have been included and marched with the militia. The OP was in error on who threatened who as well. I point that out already earlier. use search and go to my fist post in this thread..

I enjoy proving people who live by their fear the errors of their ways. You nor any other libturd in here has found one thing the militia has done wrong. They even state they are following the constitution, and they must be because no one is forcing them out.
"He understands the anger of militants such as Ammon Bundy, whose father, Cliven Bundy, led a 2014 standoff with federal officials in Nevada over a grazing fee dispute. The younger Bundy and other activists have taken over federal buildings on the Malheur preserve to argue against what they view as illegal ownership of that property, as well as grazing lands, by the federal government
#“Ranching is a way of life that’s being taken away from these families; something they’ve been doing for generations and the federal government is endangering,” said Filbin. “They feel this country’s going down the wrong path and there’s nothing that can be done about it because people don’t understand the issues – they don’t even know where their food comes from anymore — and Congress won’t deal with this administration and these agencies.”

Ranchers react to E. Oregon land dispute
The Hammond's played with fire and got burned. Setting fires when you cannot control them is real serious business in that area. They have had some major fires in the past decade, some that destroyed up to 1/3 of some of the ranchers cattle. That represents many years of lost income for a group of people that work extremely hard for the little income they make.
fire fighters do control burns all the time every year everywhere in the country. What makes you think they couldn't control them when they did control them?
Were the Hammonds firefighters?
Yes...the federal government does...and uses federal funds to maintain them primarily.
nope, but thanks for playing. you should use the internet and see who owns them. Funding comes from the fed gov, but the states own the roads. Who do you think sets the speed limits over them? You think I use only insults, well when dealing with libturds who can't find a fact to save their asses, and would rather deflect a conversation then actually participate in one, well it's all they are worth. Now, please go to the internet. here are some excepts from a page--

Who owns it?

"The States own and operate the Interstate highways.

The one exception is the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (I-95/495) over the Potomac River in the Washington area. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads built the bridge under special legislation approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in August 1954. Although the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia operate the bridge, it is owned by the Federal Highway Administration. When the first span of the replacement bridge, now under construction, is opened, the old bridge will be removed. The States will own the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge."

BTW, can you say 'ouch'?
If what you say is true, I stand corrected. However let me ask this......why is it that the federal government is in charge of maintaining the infrastructure with federal funds?
Good question. Why do state schools get federal money?
They don't....unless they use federal programs like Title 1 or Free and Reduced Lunch.
sure state schools get federal money the unions petition for kids to be in school so the numbers are enough to keep federal money coming in.
The state schools get federal money for the programs I mentioned...and yes there are strings attached. Some schools have given up on that money to not have to do what the feds say.
nope, but thanks for playing. you should use the internet and see who owns them. Funding comes from the fed gov, but the states own the roads. Who do you think sets the speed limits over them? You think I use only insults, well when dealing with libturds who can't find a fact to save their asses, and would rather deflect a conversation then actually participate in one, well it's all they are worth. Now, please go to the internet. here are some excepts from a page--

Who owns it?

"The States own and operate the Interstate highways.

The one exception is the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (I-95/495) over the Potomac River in the Washington area. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads built the bridge under special legislation approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in August 1954. Although the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia operate the bridge, it is owned by the Federal Highway Administration. When the first span of the replacement bridge, now under construction, is opened, the old bridge will be removed. The States will own the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge."

BTW, can you say 'ouch'?
If what you say is true, I stand corrected. However let me ask this......why is it that the federal government is in charge of maintaining the infrastructure with federal funds?
Good question. Why do state schools get federal money?
They don't....unless they use federal programs like Title 1 or Free and Reduced Lunch.
sure state schools get federal money the unions petition for kids to be in school so the numbers are enough to keep federal money coming in.
The state schools get federal money for the programs I mentioned...and yes there are strings attached. Some schools have given up on that money to not have to do what the feds say.
what state schools?

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