Assholes making trouble in Oregon

The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.
Just in case anyone failed to notice.....when I asked you for evidence of the POSTER you were talking to thinking of President Obama as a god, you came up with some photoshop stuff off the internet. Hardly the same thing, is it?

:lol: And you call ME retarded. :lol:

Pssst, stupid fuck?

Those aren't photo shopped.

You really are stupid, you DO know that, right?
They most certainly ARE photoshopped.....oh, no...wait. You really think that someone took a picture of Obama wearing robes with a halo around him? You really think that someone took a picture of that woman and she had words floating in the air next to her?


Uncensored doesn't think the above picture was photoshopped. Pretty much says it all, eh?
Again, you don't seem to be able to be on any topic except weaving some imaginary position that posters have that you can......."refute" or mock in some way.

Here's the thing, you lack the intellect to offer a reasoned post. You're dumb as a fucking doorknob and post "gotcha" shit that may have been clever in second grade. Where you fail is in you inability to grasp that most people have moved past that.

You're not clever, you're not poignant, you're not witty, nor even droll. You are a dull and tedious turd unworthy of anything save derision by your betters.

Does that clear it up for you?
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Even the people who agreed with the cause wanted the militia to leave. Some of them insisted they could handle their own problems their own way and did not want outsiders injecting themselves into local business.

I've said a dozen times that I think Bundy is wrong in his actions.

However the locals appear to be split, despite the lies of your fellow progressives. I find it amusing that Old Rocks posts an article that contradicts his own thesis.
The locals may be split on their feelings about BLM management of grazing lands and acquiring ranches in the area, but I do not think they are split about wanting the Bundy's and their so-called militia to leave the area.
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The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Where IS the tyranny in this case? I fail to see it. Maybe if you point it out clearly instead of just ranting about tyranny and personally attacking posters who are asking for evidence, we might get somewhere.

I rest my case.
Like I said they could not see the tyranny of the King either.

Who have I attacked?
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.
Look up Posse Comitatus....The Bundys are part of that crowd....that's why Clive started in on "negros"....They are a lovely group that doesn't recognize any government above County Sheriff.
They most certainly ARE photoshopped.

Well yes, of course.

Artist Shepard Fairey, whose iconic HOPE campaign poster of Barack Obama was a global sensation, is back with a new image that both questions and deifies the President.

Appearing on the cover of the Aug. 20 Rolling Stone, the portrait depicts Obama with a brow knit in determination, surrounded by a halo of stars.

"Will he take bold action or compromise too easily?" asks a headline enshrining the President's head.

Fairey said it wasn't meant to be a halo. Rather, the picture he worked from showed Obama standing in front of the presidential seal, }

Wow are you fucking stupid.

This is a photoshop too, you fucking retard..

The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:
Where, besides in your imagination, am I retarded? Seems to me you have a vivid imagination, especially when it comes to trying to make up stuff about posters you disagree with. Have you ever thought of debating issues rather than pulling things out of your own imagination to put on other posters?
do you ever follow your own advice?
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Where IS the tyranny in this case? I fail to see it. Maybe if you point it out clearly instead of just ranting about tyranny and personally attacking posters who are asking for evidence, we might get somewhere.

I rest my case.
Like I said they could not see the tyranny of the King either.

Who have I attacked?
Generic you.....not you personally....but if this tyranny is so easy to see (btw, the founders were quite able to list the tyranny of the takes up MOST of the Dec of Ind)...why is it so hard to provide evidence of?
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
dude, you're talking to a libturd. he has no idea what a state is.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
I don't see a problem with that except does a) the state want the responsibility and b) does the state want the cost?

States always seem to do a poorer job of maintaining their highways compared to interstates.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
I don't see a problem with that except does a) the state want the responsibility and b) does the state want the cost?

States always seem to do a poorer job of maintaining their highways compared to interstates.
do you even know who owns interstates? Holy crap dude.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
dude, you're talking to a libturd. he has no idea what a state is.
^ This is what I was talking about....personal insults but no content.
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
I don't see a problem with that except does a) the state want the responsibility and b) does the state want the cost?

States always seem to do a poorer job of maintaining their highways compared to interstates.
do you even know who owns interstates? Holy crap dude.
Yes...the federal government does...and uses federal funds to maintain them primarily.
View attachment 59209

Uncensored doesn't think the above picture was photoshopped. Pretty much says it all, eh?

Shortbus has the IQ of a turnip, if we are kind.

Artist Releases CONTROVERSIAL Painting of Barack Obama... You Have to See This! - The Political Insider

Good god but you''re stupid; seriously.
View attachment 59209

Uncensored doesn't think the above picture was photoshopped. Pretty much says it all, eh?

Shortbus has the IQ of a turnip, if we are kind.

Artist Releases CONTROVERSIAL Painting of Barack Obama... You Have to See This! - The Political Insider

Good god but you''re stupid; seriously.
Nice link...doesn't include that "picture" you posted tho, does it? But let us assume that in that case it might be a doesn't address the OTHER two photoshopped pictures...AND...from looking at that guy's work, are you calling him a Liberal?
Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
dude, you're talking to a libturd. he has no idea what a state is.
^ This is what I was talking about....personal insults but no content.
that was all that was needed for that reply. What is it you feel I'm missing? Please enlighten my dumb ass.
Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.
I don't see a problem with that except does a) the state want the responsibility and b) does the state want the cost?

States always seem to do a poorer job of maintaining their highways compared to interstates.
do you even know who owns interstates? Holy crap dude.
Yes...the federal government does...and uses federal funds to maintain them primarily.
nope, but thanks for playing. you should use the internet and see who owns them. Funding comes from the fed gov, but the states own the roads. Who do you think sets the speed limits over them? You think I use only insults, well when dealing with libturds who can't find a fact to save their asses, and would rather deflect a conversation then actually participate in one, well it's all they are worth. Now, please go to the internet. here are some excepts from a page--

Who owns it?

"The States own and operate the Interstate highways.

The one exception is the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge (I-95/495) over the Potomac River in the Washington area. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads built the bridge under special legislation approved by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in August 1954. Although the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia operate the bridge, it is owned by the Federal Highway Administration. When the first span of the replacement bridge, now under construction, is opened, the old bridge will be removed. The States will own the new Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge."

BTW, can you say 'ouch'?

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