Assn of RFK had more impact than JFKs


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
If RFK had lived - he would have won thed dem nomination and easily defeated Nixon in the general election in 1968.

Always wondered what an RFK presididency would have been.
Both Kennedy's were at there most handsomeness just beforethey were shot.

uAlways liked theirhair........................k
The Kennedys had big-timehair.
Thatis howthey will beremembered - even though they would be in their 80s and 90s today.

Always nice to die young
LBJ just carriedout JFK agenda (except forthose who think LBJ was behindtheJFK assn)

Robert Kennedy was totally opposed to LBJ - what would hedonein Nam had he dfeeated Nixon ---

I liked his hair............................i
Remember - Nixon and the Kenedyswere pals.............
I liked RFKs bighair

No question hewoud have been elected prez had helived
RFK would've been a better President, but his assassination did not equal JFK's as far as the reaction from the country. I remember both. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the moment I heard the word of what happened. RFK was tragic. Right after his victory speech at the Biltmore downtown, wham! I'll never forget seeing a person holding the back of his head up off the floor as a pool of blood is directly below him. He was something special.

However, after JFK's assassination, for one whole week, this entire country was in a state of shock! It's hard to describe. You really had to be there and go through it to understand what I'm talking about. It's not something I ever want to go through again.
RFK would have been the worst possible choice. As A.G. he was technically J. Edgar Hoover's boss but he was afraid of the FBI director so he concentrated his efforts on a foreign policy that were so convoluted that it got us to Devcon #2. You have to wonder about an A.G. who spent a lot of time hatching up plans to kill Castro from exploding cigars to poison. The Kennedy brothers pioneered the illegal use of the CIA as a little private army of assassins. They organized, trained, armed and fed a Cuban invasion force and then left them to die at the Bay of Pigs. RFK authorized illegal wire taps on MLK and tried to destroy him with rumors and then turned around with the assistance of the liberal media and pretended he was a hero of civil rights.
RFK would have defeated Nixon had he lived.

No question.

No doubt about it. Any heir to Camelot was a sure winner including Teddy if he could stay sober. The Kennedys were magic and they had the total unquestioning support from the entire media at the time. The problem was that Camelot was fiction and the Kennedy brothers were terribly flawed. JFK was a weak drug abusing womanizer and RFK thought his mission in life was to cover his brother's ass.
Humphrey almost beat Nixon, Bobby would have beaten him easily

Would it have made a historical difference? I thought Nixon was a good president....just paranoid as all hell
Here's a question that would be interesting to answer...

...would Joe have been a better President than Jack?

Don't know much about Joe. He died very young.

I always thought JFK Jr would have been president instead of Obama if he had not crashed his plane. He was just getting into politics and would have won Hillarys Senate seat
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RFK would have defeated Nixon had he lived.

No question.

No doubt about it. Any heir to Camelot was a sure winner including Teddy if he could stay sober. The Kennedys were magic and they had the total unquestioning support from the entire media at the time. The problem was that Camelot was fiction and the Kennedy brothers were terribly flawed. JFK was a weak drug abusing womanizer and RFK thought his mission in life was to cover his brother's ass.
Ted Kennedy: Good Senator, bad date!

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