Assuming Cruz ISN'T our 45th POTUS, any chance George W. Bush takes his Senate seat in 2018?

never thought of this scenario but no way would I ever vote for ANY bush for anything in USA government '8juror' !! And I think that my thinking is pretty widespread .
Why would Dubya even want a piece of a legislative body?

He's already attained what he was after --- surpassing the old man.
No more Bush. They have had a political dynasty, and it has run its course. The same people running the government (the Bush family, the Clintons, the Kennedy's) have given us what we have today. The Republican voters understand this, and know it is a general election weakness, so reject his brother. The left sees it as a plus?!?!?!?!?!?!

All the Bush, Kennedy, and Clinton clans need out of politics. To believe just because one was very good, the rest are very good also, is just nonsense.
Dubya's probably going to stay in exile, but considering the bumbling fools like Cruz that Texas has elected in the past I wouldn't be surprised.
only bad thing about the bushs is that they reproduce . jebitos son 'jorge' is land commissioner in texas so that's the first step . I figure that jebito and all bushs have a plan to continue the 'bush' dynasty by importing hispanics from south of the border . down mexico way !! And those imported peasants are sure to vote for one of THEIR people !!
gwb sucks , same as all the bush family , --- just a comment on the bush family , maybe start a fight !! :afro:
I want to see the old man bush annoyance that jebito couldn't pull it off and that a Trump or Cruz beat his son . Afterall , it was he and his 'conservatism' with a thousand points of light that started the whole bush dynasty thing . Or was it 'compassionate conservatism' , one or the other ALL bushs suck !!
I want to see the old man bush annoyance that jebito couldn't pull it off and that a Trump or Cruz beat his son . Afterall , it was he and his 'conservatism' with a thousand points of light that started the whole bush dynasty thing . Or was it 'compassionate conservatism' , one or the other ALL bushs suck !!

Actually it was Prescott that started it -- and launched Nixon too.

mighta been Pogo but I'm talking current . Anyway , I vote 'gwb' the first time but due to his pandering amnesty he never got my second vote . same for 'juanito mccain' !!
After what Bush did, he knows he's the worst president in the History of the US. He will continue to do just what he's doing. Hiding. Trying to stay invisible. if I was him, I'd do the same thing.
And say he became more public, what would he say when asked "Would you still pass the deficit creating Bush tax cuts that cost the country trillions"? or "Would you still invade Iraq if you knew it was going to destabilize the entire Middle East"? or "Would you still push for deregulation knowing it was going to destroy the economy"? or "Do you still feel OK about tens of thousands of young Americans dying and being maimed in Iraq"? or "Would you have tried to stop millions of jobs being moved to China and the more than 40,000 factories being closed"?
gw bush was good at war , I liked him for that !! My problem was with his attempted amnesty for third worlders RDean !!
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as far as the war , it was cool until mrobama got in and stopped fighting it RDean !!

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