Assuming it was a hoax, what would be the goal of the global warming hoax?

Many conservatives call global warming a hoax. Ok , for a moment I'll assume it is a hoax, but to what end?
Plain fun? Government controll ? International plot ?

Under that assumption, it becomes the history's dumbest conspiracy for world domination ever conceived.

Actually it is one of the most insidious ever devised.
If science isnt evidence then you're evidence is based in spirituality.

Can you provide one piece of empirical evidence that proves that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will result in warming? Here is a hint...there is none which means that there is no empirical evidence to support the most fundamental claim of the AGW hypothesis....what sort of science has no empirical evidence to support the very cornerstone of their hypothesis?

If science isn't good enough then can you tell me well I'm supposed to choose from as proof?

Yanno, something more reliable than science like a ouija board maybe? Or a magic 8 ball?

This is like saying prove that 2 plus 2 equals 4 but here's the catch, you can't use numbers or math. Lol

Science IS good enough. Climatologists are NOT pursuing science however. They are ignoring the scientific method and perverting science to promulgate a political goal. One that you approve of so ignore the fraud occurring right before your very eyes.
Every government agency and every university department seeks to justify and hopefully increase its annual budget.

Climate science is inextricably linked to funding. Now, even the Pentagon is getting in on the feast- they adopted the rationale that climate change is causing global instability in their last few budget requests.

On campus, typically you'll have one or two tenured professors in a department. Depending on the amount of funding, you'll have a number of additional researchers who are not tenured (they can be let go any time). If interest in the importance of the science wanes, that funding will be shifted to another department. So if you're a PHD student and you write about global warming as mostly a natural oscillation between ice age and interglacial maximum, you're threatening people's jobs.
What is the purpose of the hoax? Why degrowth, of course.

This is the phrase coined by Mark Levin in his new book "Plunder and Deceit". The term "Degrowth Movement" describes what the environmentalist movement has become, or perhaps always was about.

For example,, in a recent interview fanatical anticapitalist and climate activist Naomi Klein proclaimed that "Capitalism increasingly is a discredited system because it is seen as a system that venerates greed above all else. There is a benefit to climate discussion to name a system that lots of people already have problems with for other reasons. I don't know why it is important to save capitalism. It is a pretty battered brand. Just focusing on climate is getting us nowhere. Many, many more people recognize the need to change our economy. If climate can be our lens to catalyze this economic transformation that so many people need for other even more pressing reasons then that may be a winning combination. This economic system is failing the vast majority of people. Capitalism is also waging war on the planet's life support system."

Even though these "Progressives" are really "Regressive" in their pursuit to send society back to the days of horse and buggy, they are still referred to as Progressives. In fact, they define their agenda as follows: "Sustainable degrowth is a downscaling of production and consumption that increases human well being and enhances ecological conditions and equity on the planet. It calls for a future where societies live within their ecological means, with open localized economies and resources more equally distributed through new forms of democratic institutions. It is an essential economic strategy to pursue in overdeveloped country like the US, for well being of the planet, of underdeveloped pupulations, and yes, even of the sick, stressed, and overweight consumer populations of overdeveloped countries."

French economist and leading degrowther Serge Latouche asserts that, "We are currently witnessing the steady commercialization of everything in the world. Applied to every domain in this way, capitalism cannot help but destroy the planet much as it destroys society, since the very idea of the market depends on unlimited excess and domination." Serge also abhors economic growth and wealth creation, the very attributes necessary to improve the human condition and societies: "A society based on economic contraction cannot exist under capitalism."

Indeed, on July 18, 2014, scores of extreme groups throughout the world endorsed a proclamation titled "Margarita Declaration on Climate Change" (which means "changing the system not the climate"
Globalists desire two things, more power over the populace and more control over reducing the numbers being born.

They want complete control over natural resources that they view are being threatened by growing population levels, and they feel threatened with growing numbers of people that become harder and harder to control.

The goal then is degrowth. To do this they must attack the forces that cause prosperity, namely free trade which translates into dictating what you are free to do and not to do. They want to tell you if you make too much money or tell you not to work because you are not making enough money. They want to tell you that you must buy health care insurance and laugh as health care rates continue to increase year after year.

They want us living in smaller homes, driving smaller cars, taking public transportation, having fewer children, having less money to spend, etc.

This helps explain why fiscal policy seems so insane in the US.
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Many conservatives call global warming a hoax. Ok , for a moment I'll assume it is a hoax, but to what end?
Plain fun? Government controll ? International plot ?

Duh. Look at what "they" demand in the name of the bogus claim about AGW.

There's your answer.

Want a one word label?


They don't want socialism. They just are attracted to socialist policy because it does two things, it decreases personal freedom and retards the economy.
If science isnt evidence then you're evidence is based in spirituality.

Can you provide one piece of empirical evidence that proves that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will result in warming? Here is a hint...there is none which means that there is no empirical evidence to support the most fundamental claim of the AGW hypothesis....what sort of science has no empirical evidence to support the very cornerstone of their hypothesis?

If science isn't good enough then can you tell me well I'm supposed to choose from as proof?

Yanno, something more reliable than science like a ouija board maybe? Or a magic 8 ball?

This is like saying prove that 2 plus 2 equals 4 but here's the catch, you can't use numbers or math. Lol
right? why do these libs do that? I don't get it. To use the magic 8 ball to put figures in a graph. You think they all party with Chuck Manson while doing it?

So when they go to court and they can't produce their data, they know the only thing they need to protect is magic 8 ball.

Hoax, hell no.
If science isnt evidence then you're evidence is based in spirituality.

Can you provide one piece of empirical evidence that proves that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will result in warming? Here is a hint...there is none which means that there is no empirical evidence to support the most fundamental claim of the AGW hypothesis....what sort of science has no empirical evidence to support the very cornerstone of their hypothesis?

If science isn't good enough then can you tell me well I'm supposed to choose from as proof?

Yanno, something more reliable than science like a ouija board maybe? Or a magic 8 ball?

This is like saying prove that 2 plus 2 equals 4 but here's the catch, you can't use numbers or math. Lol
right? why do these libs do that? I don't get it. To use the magic 8 ball to put figures in a graph. You think they all party with Chuck Manson while doing it?

So when they go to court and they can't produce their data, they know the only thing they need to protect is magic 8 ball.

Hoax, hell no.

They produce data and your only response is "that don't count". Like I said it's like asking for a math solution after saying math and numbers aren't legit so find another way.
This guy is quoting movie scripts lmao!

You do know 1984 was a book before it was a movie, right?

You're talking to a moonbat...

They don't "know" anything, they simply believe in whatever fantasy they've been indoctrinated with.

You're right 1984 wasn't a movie...and global warming isn't real. Let's just deny everything!


Figures you either don't get it, or don't want to get it.
If science isnt evidence then you're evidence is based in spirituality.

Can you provide one piece of empirical evidence that proves that adding CO2 to the atmosphere will result in warming? Here is a hint...there is none which means that there is no empirical evidence to support the most fundamental claim of the AGW hypothesis....what sort of science has no empirical evidence to support the very cornerstone of their hypothesis?

If science isn't good enough then can you tell me well I'm supposed to choose from as proof?

Yanno, something more reliable than science like a ouija board maybe? Or a magic 8 ball?

This is like saying prove that 2 plus 2 equals 4 but here's the catch, you can't use numbers or math. Lol
right? why do these libs do that? I don't get it. To use the magic 8 ball to put figures in a graph. You think they all party with Chuck Manson while doing it?

So when they go to court and they can't produce their data, they know the only thing they need to protect is magic 8 ball.

Hoax, hell no.

They produce data and your only response is "that don't count". Like I said it's like asking for a math solution after saying math and numbers aren't legit so find another way.
i agreed with you, I can't see how the magic 8 ball gets all the temperatures on the graph right. right?

Why would they use the raw data, it doesn't match their ineffective models they built 20 years ago? The right thing to do is to fudge the data and make the models right. Hello mr. 8 ball.
This guy is quoting movie scripts lmao!

You do know 1984 was a book before it was a movie, right?

You're talking to a moonbat...

They don't "know" anything, they simply believe in whatever fantasy they've been indoctrinated with.

You're right 1984 wasn't a movie...and global warming isn't real. Let's just deny everything!

1984 was the title to a famous book. Later, they made it into a movie.

Global Warming may very well be happening. But if it is, there is no valid scientific proof that it is somehow "caused" (or made one tiny iota worse) by humans.

I say your theory is silly. YOU deny it.

YOU fucking denier.

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