Astonishing Sighting: Three UFOs with Unprecedented Speed Over Nevada

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
This is outstanding footage with great clarity. There seems to be a fighter jet tailing them. Have a look.

In Vegas? Well, they certainly have some interesting collateral to wager.
This is outstanding footage with great clarity. There seems to be a fighter jet tailing them. Have a look.

The sudden prevelance of 'ufo recordings' at the same time we see a rise in the availability of cheap (or even free), high quality CGI and compositing software (everything from Blender to a license for Autodesk Maya or Adobe After Effects) almost certainly not a coincidence.
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There is zero chance we are the only life out in the universe.

That seems likely. But the universe is big. And we're small. Life existing elsewhere in the universe....and that life somehow getting here, are two totally different things.
That seems likely. But the universe is big. And we're small. Life existing elsewhere in the universe....and that life somehow getting here, are two totally different things.
what the naysers seem to overlook regarding other civilizations and peoples is that the the existence of planets, universes, time and matter etc. and so forth has been in existence perhaps for millions, billions and or trillions and trillions of think that earth is the only place with intelligent life is highly prejudicial.

The human intellectual capacity is extremely limited and very likely civilizations exist that are far advanced beyond the life on earth.
what the naysers seem to overlook regarding other civilizations and peoples is that the the existence of planets, universes, time and matter etc. and so forth has been in existence perhaps for millions, billions and or trillions and trillions of think that earth is the only place with intelligent life is highly prejudicial.

The human intellectual capacity is extremely limited and very likely civilizations exist that are far advanced beyond the life on earth.

Were the laws of physics different millions of years ago?

While there may be some work around for the speed of light, there's no real evidence of it. Even the Alcubierre drive is based on entirely notional states of matter for which there is zero evidence actually exists.

So what you're describing is a not evidence or even science. Its a combination of imagination and science fiction. Both of which I'm huge fans of. Just not as a basis of the laws of physics.
Were the laws of physics different millions of years ago?

While there may be some work around for the speed of light, there's no real evidence of it. Even the Alcubierre drive is based on entirely notional states of matter for which there is zero evidence actually exists.

So what you're describing is a not evidence or even science. Its a combination of imagination and science fiction. Both of which I'm huge fans of. Just not as a basis of the laws of physics.
Can anyone say naive?

First things first. What we often call laws of physics are really just consistent mathematical theories that seem to match some parts of nature. This is as true for Newton's laws of motion as it is for Einstein's theories of relativity, Schrödinger's and Dirac's equations in quantum physics or even string theory. So these aren't really laws as such, but instead precise and consistent ways of describing the reality we see. This should be obvious from the fact that these laws are not static; they evolve as our empirical knowledge of the universe improves.

Why the Laws of Physics Don't Actually Exist - Slashdot

The laws of physics used to be different, which may explain why you exist. - News - University of Florida
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Can anyone say naive?

The laws of physics as we understand them are not inviable.

The laws of physics used to be different, which may explain why you exist. - News - University of Florida

Naive would be to believe imagination and science fiction as the laws of physics without evidence. And there is none for faster than light travel.

Is it possible? Maybe. Maybe not. But the weight of evidence falls firmly on the not.

Can you make up an imaginary hypothetical civilization that has special powers that defies the laws of phsyics? Sure. But that's not science. That's science fiction.

And nothing you've posted in any way backs faster than light travel by anyone.
Naive would be to believe imagination and science fiction as the laws of physics without evidence. And there is none for faster than light travel.

Is it possible? Maybe. Maybe not. But the weight of evidence falls firmly on the not.

Can you make up an imaginary hypothetical civilization that has special powers that defies the laws of phsyics? Sure. But that's not science. That's science fiction.

And nothing you've posted in any way backs faster than light travel by anyone.
Research Group Proposes Way to Travel Faster than Speed of Light

UFOs Defy Known Laws of Aerodynamics Says Theoretical Physicist — Curiosmos

Evolutionists begin usually at the so called big bang theory.

Obviously there had to be something prior to the big bang aka as in where did the material that caused the big bang cone from? How is it possible to get something from nothing or why does anything exist and where did it come from?

How Did The Matter In Our Universe Arise From Nothing?

Something else to ponder....what is the highest possible number? Obviously no matter how big of a number one my post....all one needs to disprove that is to add 1 to that number....does that suggesr infinity? As in is there no end to the could that be possible?

Is it possible for something or in fact anything to have always existed?

As a small child I asked my mother where did God come from? She said he always existed...I could not buy that...I said everything has to have a beginning.

But the latest research suggests my Mother was right...i

The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein's theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once.

Who was it said that under quantum physics anything is possible.
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Read what you're quoting:

"As a result, the latest research on the subject has centered on theories beyond normal explanations of matter. They call for “hypothetical particles” and states of matter with unusual physical properties to permit faster-than-light travel."

None of these hypothetical particles have ever been shown to exist. They're entirely notional. The entire concept of the Alcubierre drive is predicted on these hypotheticals for which no actual evidence exists.

The evidence that we actually have demonstrates more reliably than another measurement we've ever made.....that the speed is of light is the same for all observers in all frame of reference.

No 'hypothetical' particles. No notional states of matter. But actual science and actual evidence that we can measure, test and confirm.

There's simply no actual evidence of anything traveling faster than the speed of light in space. Not particles. Not people. Not other civilizations.

Is it possible? Maybe. Maybe not. Do these hypothetical particles and strange states of matter actually exist? Maybe. Maybe not. But the weight of evidence falls *firmly* on not.
Read what you're quoting:

"As a result, the latest research on the subject has centered on theories beyond normal explanations of matter. They call for “hypothetical particles” and states of matter with unusual physical properties to permit faster-than-light travel."

None of these hypothetical particles have ever been shown to exist. They're entirely notional. The entire concept of the Alcubierre drive is predicted on these hypotheticals for which no actual evidence exists.

The evidence that we actually have demonstrates more reliably than another measurement we've ever made.....that the speed is of light is the same for all observers in all frame of reference.

No 'hypothetical' particles. No notional states of matter. But actual science and actual evidence that we can measure, test and confirm.

There's simply no actual evidence of anything traveling faster than the speed of light in space. Not particles. Not people. Not other civilizations.

Is it possible? Maybe. Maybe not. Do these hypothetical particles and strange states of matter actually exist? Maybe. Maybe not. But the weight of evidence falls *firmly* on not.
The new paper places more importance not on theoretical research, but on a possible engineering solution.

The research describes a plan to permit superfast travel by creating a series of, what the researchers call, solitons to provide the basis for a powerful propulsion system. A soliton is a compact wave that keeps its speed and shape while moving with little loss of energy.

The research suggests that such a method could permit travel at any speed. The results recently appeared in the publication Classical and Quantum Gravity.

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