At $11,000 per year, the cost of child care is a major expense for working parents

True rightwinger but for career minded women who prefer to work, they might just have to suck it up for a few years. Taking a time-out isn't always the best option. Also, many of these places market themselves as elite "learning centers" because there is a segment of the population that believe the path to Harvard starts with the right pre-school.

Good ole Robo Parents

And their little leaguer is going to make the majors
The govt. should make a Childcare program funded by everyone so that procreators that prefer not to raise their offspring can saddle the costs on taxpayers.

Right, LOLberoidals?
Should child care be tax deductable and directly subsidized with tax dollars?
They already get a deduction for children. Should we just waive anyone who has a reason deemed appropriate from paying any taxes?

Why not just put the single people to work 24/7 to pay for everyone elses life choices. That sounds awesome!
My wife actually left the Navy after 13 years in order to spend more time with our two kids. It wasn't a money issue as we were both making plenty of that, but a time issue. We were in Norfolk and dropped the kids off at day care before the sun came up and picked thm up after sunset. That was during the mid-90s and two years later during the Clinton draw-down, they offered 15 year retirement. Two more years and she would have gotten an Uncle Sam direct deposit for the rest of her life. It was worth it though as the kids benefitted greatly from her being at home with them.

ouch ^
The govt. should make a Childcare program funded by everyone so that procreators that prefer not to raise their offspring can saddle the costs on taxpayers.

Right, LOLberoidals?

You could look at it that way...

Or you could look at it as more low cost labor flooding the job market. All you have to do is pay slightly more than their childcare costs and you got em
Should child care be tax deductable and directly subsidized with tax dollars?

It is. I'm not sure if the entire amount is tax deductible, but I know a portion is.

And it is subsidized. According to the article:

Statewide, about 16,350 children received child care vouchers in 2011 at a cost of $68.5 million. The state budget includes $66.5 million for 16,578 children in 2013. Other funds are also available, with almost 50,000 children statewide getting some type of child care assistance.

But check this out:

New Jersey could be wasting millions of dollars a year on its subsidized child care program for thousands of working poor families by overpaying day care providers and failing to catch parents lying about their income, according to an audit state Comptroller Matthew Boxer released today. found:

•  One in six families earned too much money to participate. One family claimed on the application form to make $18,200 a year, but tax returns showed annual earnings of $94,075.

• The state spent $335,253 to provide day care to 71 children whose social security numbers were listed as 999-99-9999.

• The state paid $66,957 for 214 children who were absent an entire month.

Report: N.J. subsidized child care program hobbled by poor oversight and long waits |
My wife actually left the Navy after 13 years in order to spend more time with our two kids. It wasn't a money issue as we were both making plenty of that, but a time issue. We were in Norfolk and dropped the kids off at day care before the sun came up and picked thm up after sunset. That was during the mid-90s and two years later during the Clinton draw-down, they offered 15 year retirement. Two more years and she would have gotten an Uncle Sam direct deposit for the rest of her life. It was worth it though as the kids benefitted greatly from her being at home with them.

ouch ^

yep, the extra bucks would be nice but the payoff from the time she spent with them during their developing years while I was on deployment and humping and pumping was well worth it. My daugther has an MBA and works for a large global corporation and my son is a Marine officer. A very good return on investment.
Have any of you ever heard the expression, "middle-class values"?

The essence of middle-class values is to be self sufficient. In today's world of ubiquitous birth control and abortions on every street corner, the decision to have a child is a completely voluntary one. Part of the decision-making process is the assessment of how the child will be raised and how much it will cost.

I have a new grandbaby and before that seed was ever planted, there was a plan in place to watch over the child as an infant and throughout the pre-school years. The planning involved considereations of (1) how much time the Mother could have off from work to have a child, (2) whether it made sense for her to quit or take an extended leave of absence, (3) whether the father could take a break from his gainful activities (he is self-employed), and (4) what family and other resources could be brought to bear on childcare.

Ultimately, a combination of relatives and paid caregivers are watching the baby; that is the solution that made the most sense.

Any proposed government program MUST pass a three-pronged test in order to come into being: (a) Is it Constitutional, (b) Is it good public policy, and (c) Can we afford it? In the case of a nationally subsidized child-care program, (a) and (c) are definite "NO!" and (b) is eminently questionable.

This is an entirely personal matter (how to nurture your own kids) and government should stay out of it.

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