At Climate Summit: If you are a skeptic, you are a criminal!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Great stuff s0ns........

Leave it to the progressives of this world to go full-on mental case to try to get some attention. Just think of the meaning of the word associated with thought process disorder!!:2up: These people have been trying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for the past 20 years and what has it gained them?:banghead:

WANTED posters up all over Paris!!

Activists demand UN ‘revoke’ credentials of ‘climate deniers’ in Paris - Claim 'Climate Hustle' film is 'full of lies' - without seeing it - Warn skeptics may 'derail' UN treaty

To be sure though, this is the strategy of the NWO assholes out there.......demonize at all costs. If you dont believe their science, you are an enemy of the state. If you possesses a firearm, you are an enemy of the state. If you consider yourself a "patriot", you are an enemy of the state. If you say anything negative about an illegal alien, you are an enemy of the state. Its the progressive strategy for dismantling capitalism and ending "white privilege". It is indeed the ultimate goal........a world society of nobles and serfs, the ultimate dream of any modern progressive including every single one of the AGW climate crusaders in this forum. Make no mistake s0ns!!!:coffee:
Great stuff s0ns........

Leave it to the progressives of this world to go full-on mental case to try to get some attention. Just think of the meaning of the word associated with thought process disorder!!:2up: These people have been trying the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for the past 20 years and what has it gained them?:banghead:

WANTED posters up all over Paris!!

Activists demand UN ‘revoke’ credentials of ‘climate deniers’ in Paris - Claim 'Climate Hustle' film is 'full of lies' - without seeing it - Warn skeptics may 'derail' UN treaty

To be sure though, this is the strategy of the NWO assholes out there.......demonize at all costs. If you dont believe their science, you are an enemy of the state. If you possesses a firearm, you are an enemy of the state. If you consider yourself a "patriot", you are an enemy of the state. If you say anything negative about an illegal alien, you are an enemy of the state. Its the progressive strategy for dismantling capitalism and ending "white privilege". It is indeed the ultimate goal........a world society of nobles and serfs, the ultimate dream of any modern progressive including every single one of the AGW climate crusaders in this forum. Make no mistake s0ns!!!:coffee:

Silencing skeptics is the only way they can have a chance...and even then, it isn't working...with every year, their voice gets smaller so they become more shrill, and desperate. Study after study finds that skeptics are winning the debate because like it or not, the science is on our side....failing models...and an ever growing list of failed doomsday predictions... They are....predictably....taking a page right out of the tyrant's handbook....all the great tyrants in modern history have done the same thing...stalin, mao, pol pot, etc.....shut down the opposition....silence them and threaten everyone else with the same thing if they don't toe the line...
The AGW nutters on this board and in Paris are all Maoists. That's not even s stretch.:boobies::boobies::bye1:

It is sorta amazing when you think......they have insisted on the same demonizing strategy for almost 2 decades now and it has accomplished NOTHING!! Renewables are still laughable and nobody is giving a shit about global warming in 2015.
The AGW nutters on this board and in Paris are all Maoists. That's not even s stretch.:boobies::boobies::bye1:

It is sorta amazing when you think......they have insisted on the same demonizing strategy for almost 2 decades now and it has accomplished NOTHING!! Renewables are still laughable and nobody is giving a shit about global warming in 2015.

I laugh every time I see one of them call one of us a denier....historically, the word denier has been used to accuse someone who doesn't believe in a religion...of all the words they could have chosen....they pick the one used to accuse heretics of straying from the religion....

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