At least 6 deep state operatives attempted to infiltrate Trump camp during 2016 election

Oh Nooooo!
Deep State

Oh no it's a term used by many sadly your head was up Obama's ass each time a politician and some former Presidents which have used the term DEEP STATE in the past and present

dip shittious
But “deep state” has shifted meanings.

Is there a deep state in that there are those who have long worked in government and are dedicated to running the government in the way they think best regardless of changes in dominant political party or the political agendas of whoever is in power? Sure. The Berenice’s year runs deep...mostly good, some not so much.

Is there a deep state in that there is an organized group with a consolidated agenda secretly running the government? Nope.

So in the context of your explanation, 'deep state' would be institutional inertia.

That I could believe.
For good or bad, yes. The statistical, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies in particular are generally free of politics (yes there are exceptions, but they are exceptions, not the rule). Most people in government just want to their job and do it well and hope they’re doing some good (nobody chooses a government career for the money).

There is no shadowy organized behind the scenes group.


The Coming “New World Order”
:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:Has one of these "bombshells" ever gone off?:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:

Lets review...

View attachment 232375

Or these...

View attachment 232376

Or these?
View attachment 232378

The words "cheap hack" don't begin to describe you.


Violins don't sound much like bombshells. But I do admire your consistency and zero reservations when it comes to looking silly.

when it's in plain view but one is a victim


Laughing....the 'new world order'? The Rorshach test of conspiracy theories where batshit conspiracy theorists paint their latest nonsense?

Show us anything that isn't conspiracy theorists quoting each other on the 'new world order'. It dials down the panty shitting hysterics by about 100%.
I would be extremely disappointed if only 6 people in government felt it was their duty to take action against treason

So you admit Obama was spying on Trump..

Glad you finally admitted it in a public forum.


The fact is...Obama was far worse than Tricky Dick Nixon EVER was! The moral of the story is that if the main stream media adores can get away with things that other people never would have.

And by 'fact', you mean your imagination? Remember, you're outside the comforting womb of batshit that is the right wing echo chamber. Here in the real world, you're going to need evidence.

And you've got nothing to back up the claim that Obama was worse than Nixon. Its just one of the silly, silly things that Republicans say to each other that even they don't believe.
I would be extremely disappointed if only 6 people in government felt it was their duty to take action against treason

So you admit Obama was spying on Trump..

Glad you finally admitted it in a public forum.


The fact is...Obama was far worse than Tricky Dick Nixon EVER was! The moral of the story is that if the main stream media adores can get away with things that other people never would have.

And by 'fact', you mean your imagination? Remember, you're outside the comforting womb of batshit that is the right wing echo chamber. Here in the real world, you're going to need evidence.

And you've got nothing to back up the claim that Obama was worse than Nixon. Its just one of the silly, silly things that Republicans say to each other that even they don't believe.

Let's look at it objectively then...

Richard Nixon used the "Plumbers" to spy on Democratic National Headquarters. Barack Obama used the phony Steele "dossiers" to get a series of FISA Court judges to buy into the narrative that the Trump campaign was "colluding" with Russia and issue the Obama Justice Department wire taps on people connected with the Trump campaign. Nixon of course had good reason to think that the DNC was up to no good after getting screwed by the Kennedy's back in the early 60's which explains his desire to spy on the Dems once he became President. Obama? That was just a flat out abuse of power!

Nixon attempted to get the IRS to target his political enemies but the head of the IRS then wouldn't go along with that. None the less...just the attempt to use the IRS as a political weapon was the final straw that got Nixon removed from office. Obama used the IRS to target his political opponents and got Lois Lerner and her little merry band to do his dirty work for him...deliberately targeting conservatives. That's the place where Obama was FAR worse than Nixon was!

Then there was the part where the Obama Administration falsely accused members of the press of being criminals so that they could wire tap them to find out who in the Administration was leaking information to the press! Nixon had about as adversarial a relationship with the press as you could possibly have...and yet HE never did anything close to that! What Obama did was another gross abuse of power!
If you expand the conspiracy it's not hard to come to the conclusion that the democrat party became the tool of foreign propaganda.
Thjis is just fucking outrageous.

People need to go to jail over this, but all the media will cover is Russia, Russia, Russia......
Deep staters. A paranoid state of SHALLOW minds.

Give it a rest. You look stoooopid.

No, plenty of New York Times articles have shown how people within the government were plotting to curtail Trumps effectiveness and proves the Deep State is real.

You are the ignorant fool here, not those who can see Reality for what it is.
I would be extremely disappointed if only 6 people in government felt it was their duty to take action against treason

So you admit Obama was spying on Trump..

Glad you finally admitted it in a public forum.


The fact is...Obama was far worse than Tricky Dick Nixon EVER was! The moral of the story is that if the main stream media adores can get away with things that other people never would have.

And by 'fact', you mean your imagination? Remember, you're outside the comforting womb of batshit that is the right wing echo chamber. Here in the real world, you're going to need evidence.

And you've got nothing to back up the claim that Obama was worse than Nixon. Its just one of the silly, silly things that Republicans say to each other that even they don't believe.

Let's look at it objectively then...

Richard Nixon used the "Plumbers" to spy on Democratic National Headquarters. Barack Obama used the phony Steele "dossiers" to get a series of FISA Court judges to buy into the narrative that the Trump campaign was "colluding" with Russia and issue the Obama Justice Department wire taps on people connected with the Trump campaign.

Obama has zero role in dossiers or the FISA warrants.While the White House Plumbers were formed by Nixon personally. The were a White House Special Investigations Unit who took their orders directly from Nixon.

The FBI isn't. Nor did Obama direct anyone to do anything regarding FISA warrants, Carter Page, or anyone else.

Which you know. But really hope we don't.
Nixon attempted to get the IRS to target his political enemies but the head of the IRS then wouldn't go along with that. None the less...just the attempt to use the IRS as a political weapon was the final straw that got Nixon removed from office. Obama used the IRS to target his political opponents and got Lois Lerner and her little merry band to do his dirty work for him...deliberately targeting conservatives. That's the place where Obama was FAR worse than Nixon was!
Obama didn't direct the IRS to do anything regarding his political enemies. The Republican controlled house even did an investigation on the matter and found that Obama played no role in it.

Which, again, you know.

I don't think 'objectively' means what you think it means. As all you're doing is spouting pretty generic right wing conspiracy theories backed by jack shit.

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