At least 78% of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians, ends up in Israel’s coffers.

Is this aside from all the money that Arafart siphoned off from the aid, to create Swiss bank accounts for his wife?
Yes, it's in addition to that.

So while he and his cronies were syphoning $1billion every year Israel was creaming 78% of the remaining $1 for themselves.

You really need to look at the facts before you post as you make yourself look stupid
So how is Israel creaming off so much? The problem, is Israel’s self-imposed role as mediator. To reach the Palestinians, donors have no choice but to go through Israel. This provides ripe opportunities for what he terms “aid subversion” and “aid diversion”.

Zionist welfare. You gotta love it. If you're an asshole.

Ya' gotta love the cutting and pasting from the "I read it on the Internet so it must be true", types.

What's interesting (and typical), is that the conspiracy theory addled types at global research, an Internet tabloid, are no better at supplying the source of their specious claims than the former "Loinboy" is.

If you perform a search with the term "In 2013 the World Bank conservatively estimated that the Palestinians lose at least $3.4bn a year in resources plundered by Israel", you never get a link to the 2013 World Bank document. What you do get are hits directing you to such sources as the blogspot "the beatnik malcontent" - Politics, Music & Irony

Yep. The beatnik malcontent. So.... it must be true, right?

Well you didn't get the drift of the article. Israel destroys Gaza and the west bank homes and their companies make money from rebuilding, WHO do you think benefits from Israel's ongoing war with Palestine? Israel. How do they benefit, sympathy, ongoing military and support from US, and their companies.

No Israeli homes are built in gaza for starters, and the few homes destroyed in the west bank are on Jewish owned land anyway. So how do they make money on building non existent homes ?
So how is Israel creaming off so much? The problem, is Israel’s self-imposed role as mediator. To reach the Palestinians, donors have no choice but to go through Israel. This provides ripe opportunities for what he terms “aid subversion” and “aid diversion”.

Zionist welfare. You gotta love it. If you're an asshole.

Ya' gotta love the cutting and pasting from the "I read it on the Internet so it must be true", types.

What's interesting (and typical), is that the conspiracy theory addled types at global research, an Internet tabloid, are no better at supplying the source of their specious claims than the former "Loinboy" is.

If you perform a search with the term "In 2013 the World Bank conservatively estimated that the Palestinians lose at least $3.4bn a year in resources plundered by Israel", you never get a link to the 2013 World Bank document. What you do get are hits directing you to such sources as the blogspot "the beatnik malcontent" - Politics, Music & Irony

Yep. The beatnik malcontent. So.... it must be true, right?

Well you didn't get the drift of the article. Israel destroys Gaza and the west bank homes and their companies make money from rebuilding, WHO do you think benefits from Israel's ongoing war with Palestine? Israel. How do they benefit, sympathy, ongoing military and support from US, and their companies.

No Israeli homes are built in gaza for starters, and the few homes destroyed in the west bank are on Jewish owned land anyway. So how do they make money on building non existent homes ?

No Israel carpet bombs Gaza and in the West bank they demolish Arab homes and put up stinking jew homes. The Zionist have no right to anything there ,they can return to Ukraine and Russia, where they are from.
No Israel carpet bombs Gaza and in the West bank they demolish Arab homes and put up stinking jew homes. The Zionist have no right to anything there ,they can return to Ukraine and Russia, where they are from.
That was an exeptional carpet-drivel to bomb the board with, and palistanian settler-losers should be paddling off and away to their respective vaterlands-homelands, of course.
No Israel carpet bombs Gaza and in the West bank they demolish Arab homes and put up stinking jew homes. The Zionist have no right to anything there ,they can return to Ukraine and Russia, where they are from.
Or they could convert, like their ancestors did?

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