"At least it did before it was invaded"


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
I found this piece interesting if confusing. If this is true what piece are we missing, well not us but.... Could it be Gaddafi spelled his own doom? Obviously an educated citizenry is always a problem for a nation's elite who wish to control the populace without force. "If we convince enough people, until the majority of people think that what we want to do is the right thing to do, that act of convincing magically transforms any wrong-thing-to-do into the-right-thing-to-do."** Our own corporate managed nation may one experience the same paradoxical development. Americans may one day say, 'I don't care that your products are cheap, they do me no good where I live, keep them.' Ok, let's be serious now...

"Libya provides a complete education to all students free of cost to them, from the kindergarten level up through the university level. - At least it did before it was invaded."

"...[W]omen in that Islamic nation get a complete education for free, are cared for at no cost when their health is an issue, and can work in humane conditions, and wonder of wonders, women can drive automobiles in Libya."

Dredd Blog: MOMCOM And The Sins of Libya

**from dreddblog
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So are you going to be shocked when all this comes to an end and they start stoning women under the new theocracy?

Will the warmongering left finally get it that they cannot force our way of life on people?
So are you going to be shocked when all this comes to an end and they start stoning women under the new theocracy?

Will the warmongering left finally get it that they cannot force our way of life on people?

Don't take offense but that is one of the most naive things I have read in a long time. Think Communism, think Iraq, think a war on a noun. Do you guys twist reality naturally or do you get help?
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I am concerned Libya is going to take steps backwards especially in regards to womens rights, Iraq took major steps backwards with this and so has Egypt after Mubarak fell.
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Democracy is not perfect or easy.

Hell our democracy didnt first allow women or black people to vote.

they made slaves of both classes in a sense.

Should someone have stopped us for our own good from becoming a democracy?
Democracy is not perfect or easy.

Hell our democracy didnt first allow women or black people to vote.

they made slaves of both classes in a sense.

Should someone have stopped us for our own good from becoming a democracy?

They did, you fucking moron. We're a Republic.
So are you going to be shocked when all this comes to an end and they start stoning women under the new theocracy?

Will the warmongering left finally get it that they cannot force our way of life on people?

Don't take offense but that is one of the most naive things I have read in a long time. Think Communism, think Iraq, think a war on a noun. Do you guys twist reality naturally or do you get help?


It's got to be blinders.

Iraq; Bush (R)
Somalia; Clinton (D)
Lybia; Obama (D)
Yemen; Obama (D)
Cuba; JFK (D)
Viet Nam; JFK (D)
Korea; (D)
WW2; (D)

Afgan, and Dessert shield/storm were in response to attacks

The warmongering left is the proper and undeniable title.
Democracy is not perfect or easy.

Hell our democracy didnt first allow women or black people to vote.

they made slaves of both classes in a sense.

Should someone have stopped us for our own good from becoming a democracy?

They did, you fucking moron. We're a Republic.

Looks like he/she is a fucking moron on several threads. :lol:


You need to get around. She's like this on all of them, scores at a time.
So are you going to be shocked when all this comes to an end and they start stoning women under the new theocracy?

Will the warmongering left finally get it that they cannot force our way of life on people?

Don't take offense but that is one of the most naive things I have read in a long time. Think Communism, think Iraq, think a war on a noun. Do you guys twist reality naturally or do you get help?
Iraq; Bush (R)
Somalia; Clinton (D)
Lybia; Obama (D)
Yemen; Obama (D)
Cuba; JFK (D)
Viet Nam; JFK (D)
Korea; (D)
WW2; (D)

Afgan, and Dessert shield/storm were in response to attacks
The warmongering left is the proper and undeniable title.

I see that naivety isn't your strongest suit, a lack of historical knowledge trumps that. So let's take a fairer and actual historical view. We can start with WWII. Try to keep count and realize each of these wars and/or invasions is different.

WWII - Should FDR not have supported England? After Japan bombed us, should we have sat on our hands? bravo FDR, great great job.

Korea - My sense of this war is mixed, the times were different. Truman did well by using the UN and Eisenhower ignored the republican hawks. bravo both.

Vietnam - was begun by Truman and Eisenhower. "The administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower undertook instead to build a nation from the spurious political entity that was South Vietnam by fabricating a government there, taking over control from the French, dispatching military advisers to train a South Vietnamese army, and unleashing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct psychological warfare against the North." LBJ screwed up but the history is complicated. thumbs down all.

Cuba - Was not a war, and the idea of the invasion took root during Eisenhower's administration, check the history. JFK foolishly listened.

Grenada invasion under Reagan. This was a biggie you missed. LOL

Another Reagan screw up, Iran Contra guerrilla force in Nicaragua support done illegally. Impeachable.

First Gulf war - Kuwait - Troops sent into Kuwait to turn back Saddam Hussein.

Somalia - 1992-94 - Troops occupied Somalia during civil war.

Bosnia - humanitarian help. Air Force jets bombed "no-fly zone" during civil war in Yugoslavia.

Afghanistan - Bush screwed this up and we are still there because of his neglect. Obama gets no credit either.

Iraq - Illegal invasion that has caused more harm to people and to our economy and was unnecessary. Double thumbs down Bush Jr

Yemen ??? Did I miss something?

Libya - was a humanitarian assist and hardly war. Great move and successful too. Bravo Obama.

A source for America's wars: A History of American Wars

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