At leats the bad cop is getting his. This time...

This is what I'm talking about

dimocraps are the scum of the earth -- period

Dem Rep. James Clyburn Blames Voter ID Laws For South Carolina Police Shooting…

Ummm… huh… what?

CLYBURN: “Well, I think you are exactly right. I have been saying for several years now that a certain atmosphere seems to be created in this country that gives license to this. All you have to do is look at this, what is it, American legislative exchange council that’s been drawing up pieces of legislation, mailing them out to legislatures all over the country, stand your ground. That’s nothing but a law for vigilante activity. We have seen these new voter suppression laws. They call it voter id. It’s about suppressing voters. The leader of the Pennsylvania legislature told us as much when they passed their law up there. We see these laws where we are stacking African-Americans in one district and bleaching out districts all around it. These things tend to get a rise, the political process. They tend to give license to people to do vigilante things and if you have police officers managing that sort of thing, some of them will take license from that to do things they are doing. So, no, we shouldn’t brush — use a broad brush in all of this. Most police officers are just outstanding citizens.”
This is what I'm talking about

dimocraps are the scum of the earth -- period

Dem Rep. James Clyburn Blames Voter ID Laws For South Carolina Police Shooting…

Ummm… huh… what?

CLYBURN: “Well, I think you are exactly right. I have been saying for several years now that a certain atmosphere seems to be created in this country that gives license to this. All you have to do is look at this, what is it, American legislative exchange council that’s been drawing up pieces of legislation, mailing them out to legislatures all over the country, stand your ground. That’s nothing but a law for vigilante activity. We have seen these new voter suppression laws. They call it voter id. It’s about suppressing voters. The leader of the Pennsylvania legislature told us as much when they passed their law up there. We see these laws where we are stacking African-Americans in one district and bleaching out districts all around it. These things tend to get a rise, the political process. They tend to give license to people to do vigilante things and if you have police officers managing that sort of thing, some of them will take license from that to do things they are doing. So, no, we shouldn’t brush — use a broad brush in all of this. Most police officers are just outstanding citizens.”

What? Dude, I could give you 10 more posts and even YOU wouldnt be able to explain how Clyburn blames voter ID for a police shooting. Unless by sheer mention that means he's comparing the two.

But he also said Vigilante and broad brush..Must've been comparing Vigilantes to brushes too.

This is silly you make no sense. Police abuses and fighting them is the OPPOSITE of being all for yourself

BS. An autopsy would have clearly shown that the man was shot several times in the back. Just as it proved the victim in Ferguson was not shot in the back and he did not have his hands up.

What do you get from adding in a lie like that?

Do we agree that he had hid hands up was lie? It would have made a lot of difference to me if he would have been trying to surrender rather than charging the police officer to hit him AGAIN.

No and I'm waiting for anyone to provide anything showing that was a lie. ANYTHING

You really aren't very bright, merely uninformed or a racist asshole. The DOJ found that the cop was innocent and the autopsy report verified that the victims hands were not up. In addition, several credible eye witnesses said that under oath.
Do we agree that he had hid hands up was lie? It would have made a lot of difference to me if he would have been trying to surrender rather than charging the police officer to hit him AGAIN.

No and I'm waiting for anyone to provide anything showing that was a lie. ANYTHING
Dozens of witnesses and the physical evidence proved it's a lie. I don't give a shit if you refuse to pay attention to it.

Nuff said.

Like I said I'm waiting for anyone to provide anything showing it was a lie. ANYTHING
Sorry, but presenting evidence to you is a total waste. Your mind is already made up, so nothing will meet the standard.

I know, I keep getting that response when asked for ANYTHING that shows it was a lie....weird because everytime I ask for it I get the same response.

"Oh dear would you look at the time. Gotta go!"

If you are smart enough to use google, look it up yourself.
Glad to hear that these b****rd will get what he deserved! It's absurd that such unskilled idiots are still working in police!
I saw the video and there is no proofs that so-called "thug" grabbed his tazer!
And just think - guy who possibly grabbed the tazer didn't used it to stop the cop... Very strange, right?

BS. An autopsy would have clearly shown that the man was shot several times in the back. Just as it proved the victim in Ferguson was not shot in the back and he did not have his hands up.

What do you get from adding in a lie like that?

Do we agree that he had hid hands up was lie? It would have made a lot of difference to me if he would have been trying to surrender rather than charging the police officer to hit him AGAIN.

No and I'm waiting for anyone to provide anything showing that was a lie. ANYTHING

You really aren't very bright, merely uninformed or a racist asshole. The DOJ found that the cop was innocent and the autopsy report verified that the victims hands were not up. In addition, several credible eye witnesses said that under oath.

That is the lie right there. I like how you threw that in and still not one person since the decision has been able to provide ANYTHING showing it was a lie.

Not ONE thing?

The chart above doesn’t reveal who was right or wrong about what happened that day, but it is a clear indication that perceptions and memories can vary dramatically.

Here’s a breakdown of the data we found:

  • More than 50 percent of the witness statements said that Michael Brown held his hands up when Darren Wilson shot him. (16 out of 29 such statements)


Second column over from the right, shows the Hands up question.

The rest of the charts are here:
What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting


The chart above doesn’t reveal who was right or wrong about what happened that day, but it is a clear indication that perceptions and memories can vary dramatically.

Here’s a breakdown of the data we found:

  • More than 50 percent of the witness statements said that Michael Brown held his hands up when Darren Wilson shot him. (16 out of 29 such statements)

View attachment 39374

Second column over from the right, shows the Hands up question.

The rest of the charts are here:
What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting


See? When I said no one provided one thing....THIS is what "a thing" looks like. Unfortunatly this thing says the opposite of what these other assholes have been saying.

Wait, oh I know the next excuse. They are going to say all those people are...wait for it....UNRELIABLE....and everyone else (that they dont have the evidence, links or quotes for) are the Really really reliable people.

Anybody that is still claiming that Michael Brown had his hands up is a lying motherfucker.

It's just no more complicated than that

BS. An autopsy would have clearly shown that the man was shot several times in the back. Just as it proved the victim in Ferguson was not shot in the back and he did not have his hands up.

What do you get from adding in a lie like that?

Do we agree that he had hid hands up was lie? It would have made a lot of difference to me if he would have been trying to surrender rather than charging the police officer to hit him AGAIN.

No and I'm waiting for anyone to provide anything showing that was a lie. ANYTHING
Did Michael Brown have his hands up when he was shot - The Washington Post

The forensic evidence was inconsistent with a person surrendering. It is consistent with someone charging forward and that jives with the account given by the police officer. Further, there is a mountain of evidence that there was an altercation IN the police vehicle as well and that he attempted to get the police officers pistol from him. Also very consistent with the officers testimony.

NOTHING about the hands up story jives with the evidence at all while there is a lot that shows it is false.

The chart above doesn’t reveal who was right or wrong about what happened that day, but it is a clear indication that perceptions and memories can vary dramatically.

Here’s a breakdown of the data we found:

  • More than 50 percent of the witness statements said that Michael Brown held his hands up when Darren Wilson shot him. (16 out of 29 such statements)

View attachment 39374

Second column over from the right, shows the Hands up question.

The rest of the charts are here:
What do the newly released witness statements tell us about the Michael Brown shooting

That is entirely irrelevant when the actual evidence shows that is highly unlikely. I could care less what the eye witnesses claim happened against evidence gathered. What matters is what testimony was given that ALSO fits the facts gathered from the scene. THAT is what matters.
In hindsight he should have chased him, but at least shoot him once in the leg or something.

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