At my age of 80 I may not see 2030... But many of the rest of you ... where will you get the following???

It is sort of cute how they pretend there were not like 100 threads lamenting us running out of diesel
I am still amazed at how they delude themselves about their fuhrer's crimes. First, it was - "he never stole the documents." Then when Trump admitted that in fact, he did just that. They shifted to - "Sure, he took it but he is entitled to..." and so on and on.
I am still amazed at how they delude themselves about their fuhrer's crimes. First, it was - "he never stole the documents." Then when Trump admitted that in fact, he did just that. They shifted to - "Sure, he took it but he is entitled to..." and so on and on.

The best part of that is that Trump was forced to claim he did not really have them and that he was just trying to impress people by saying he did.
Frankly anyone who makes a dumb ass and totally unprovable statement like "Everyone on here is an expert" is a perfect
example of what a liar you are and a perfect example of the totally ignorant person you are!

Having a bad day are we?

Do not be pissed at me that you openly admitted you lie because the MSM lies
It is sort of cute how they pretend there were not like 100 threads lamenting us running out of diesel
Well using your example, of exaggeration...
"Golfing Gator is a perfect example of the thousands of threads making totally unsubstantiated and wild ass comments."
Keep up proving how truly uninformed and ill-informed you are!
I am still amazed at how they delude themselves about their fuhrer's crimes. First, it was - "he never stole the documents." Then when Trump admitted that in fact, he did just that. They shifted to - "Sure, he took it but he is entitled to..." and so on and on.
Prove it. You are a liar until you prove differently.
Trump thought he would find the cure for covid by riffing in a press conference… there is zero nuance between suggesting people get injected with disinfectant and saying he said drink bleach.. and just gloss over him suggesting to stick a lightbulb up your ass to kill covid… Dude is a monumental moron.. not a genius figuring out how to save us all from covid by riffing. Are you that far gone?
No question Trump is a monumental moron.
I am still amazed at how they delude themselves about their fuhrer's crimes. First, it was - "he never stole the documents." Then when Trump admitted that in fact, he did just that. They shifted to - "Sure, he took it but he is entitled to..." and so on and on.
They should have listened to Rex Tillerson. He called it early.
Nuclear power is the only option at this point.

We have enough nuclear "waste" to power this country for a couple centuries if we upgrade to fast reactors.

No question Trump is a monumental moron.
For a moron worth over $4 billion in properties, what category are YOU? Definitely not in the Trump Moron category as the
They should have listened to Rex Tillerson. He called it early.
OK... let me have the moron Trump's net worth at $2.5 billion,

Rex Tillerson..Net Worth: $300 Million Rex Tillerson Net Worth

So if Trump is a MORON and seeing Trump's net worth is 8 times Tillerson, what does that make Tillerson?
You are 100% right! Trump almost always said what he was thinking. Unlike politicians and politically correct dummies who ALWAYS consider how to show themselves in the best fashion FIRST, Trump was as millions of us that really like him as the executive (and see this is the major difference between dummies like you and millions like me... WE DON"T GIVE A CRAP how Trump sounds! I personally don't like him! And millions of us are like that! The biggest distinction though is we want things done for the country, not for Trump, not for his billions but because HE GETS things DONE! And pompous idiots like you are like little grade school kids..."aw johnny just said something bad about me... wahwahwah!!!! Grow up! Trump executed several monumental achievements at least 2 or more that no president has done!
But again truly uninformed little dicks like you would NEVER comprehend that because like the little grade-school and DEFINITELY PROVINCIAL mentality you display, you don't get it! Tell me something you pauper... do you have 1,000th of 1% of property like the following? Of course not. You are too busy crying about Trump!
View attachment 802624

Ha. Good one. My dad wasn’t a billionaore who gave me a hundred million. He was a soldier and I increased my wealth more proportionately than Trump.

Guy is a moron leading morons. He didn’t deliver on any of his campaign promises except cutting taxes for the wealthy and companies.

  • no wall paid by mexico
  • no health care solution
  • no immigration reform
  • no draining of the swamp
  • said he’d work all the time but eclipsed every president in golf playing days
  • said he’d hire the best and had the highest turnover and most criminally convicted leaders since the Middle Ages
  • nearly died from Covid and nearly killed Christie
  • bilked the SS for money
Plus he tried to keep office with force after he was voted out.
OK... let me have the moron Trump's net worth at $2.5 billion,

Rex Tillerson..Net Worth: $300 Million Rex Tillerson Net Worth

So if Trump is a MORON and seeing Trump's net worth is 8 times Tillerson, what does that make Tillerson?
A solid businessman...educated and principled.
Guy is a moron leading morons. He didn’t deliver on any of his campaign promises except cutting taxes for the wealthy and companies.

  • no wall paid by mexico
  • no health care solution
  • no immigration reform
  • no draining of the swamp
  • said he’d work all the time but eclipsed every president in golf playing days
  • said he’d hire the best and had the highest turnover and most criminally convicted leaders since the Middle Ages
  • nearly died from Covid and nearly killed Christie
  • bilked the SS for money
Prove it regarding just ONE of your unsubstantiated ignorant claims! Why are you so stupid?

You wrote:no wall paid by mexico--- IDIOT
Overall, in 2019, the U.S. government brought in $79 billion in tariffs, twice the value from two years earlier and
a sharp break from recent trends.
You wrote no health care solution- WHY? FACT:
Obamacare signed up according to his Obamacare architect.. Gruber who also said ..." using data from the Census Bureau,
estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified
” for 2014.
Now you don't I'm sure understand the above but let me help you for your 8.5 second attention span!
Obamacare architect Gruber called YOU stupid for voting for Obamacare because 63% of the enrollees WERE ALREADY ELIGIBLE BEFORE OBAMACARE! Do you understand?
You wrote: no immigration reform: AT LEAST Trump didn't ENCOURAGE illegals!
Remember Biden said these exact words: "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

You wrote:no draining of the swamp
You wrote: said he’d work all the time but eclipsed every president in golf playing days
Right and at the same time: Exchanges with reporters TRUMP 710 BIDEN..322... Total press conferences:Trump 88 Biden 27
You wrote:said he’d hire the best and had the highest turnover and most criminally convicted leaders since the Middle Ages
Right and here is :"Biden Tells Story of Getting the Ukraine Prosecutor Fired The Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating Biden's son & his company was fired at Biden's request after threatening to withhold $1B in aid.
You wrote:nearly died from Covid and nearly killed Christie
You wrote:bilked the SS for money:
Where? When? did Trump bilk the SS?
Prove it! Totally uninformed and false claims! Another example of how lazy and really ignorant you are! Who would believe you?

You are so triggered for getting called out for openly admitting you lied because the MSM lies.

But here, just for you since you do not seem to read the news...

"If you want to know the truth, it was bravado. I was just talking and holding up papers and talking about, but I have no documents," Trump told ABC, referring to his conversation, which was captured on audio and detailed in the special counsel Jack Smith's indictment earlier this month.
OK... let me have the moron Trump's net worth at $2.5 billion,

Rex Tillerson..Net Worth: $300 Million Rex Tillerson Net Worth

So if Trump is a MORON and seeing Trump's net worth is 8 times Tillerson, what does that make Tillerson?

So, it is your position that we can measure intelligence based on net worth?

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