At one time, liberals were outraged that the government would spy on a US citizen.

Under Bush, warrentless wiretapping of US citizerns caused outrage by the liberals. What changed?

  • Im liberal and now a FASCIST and agree with whatever the government does to the other side.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • As a moderate, what ever happens i could care less as long as it isnt me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • As a concerned citizens, with what the government is doing, it can be turned back against those.

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Remember back in the day under George W.(liberal republican) Bush when he enacted the FISA courts to battle terrorism, and if someone overseas was conversing with a US citizen, they FISA were allowed to warrantless wiretap on said US citizen. The left went crazy about civil liberties...Why doesnt it bother you today, liberals, that our government has spied on a US citizen without proper vetting of a bogus dossier, that was paid for by the DNC? Have you gone so far down the FASCIST path that you will allow your government to do such a dirty dead?

Poll: Americans support impeaching Bush for wiretapping
ecently White House spokesman Scott McClellan cited a Rasmussen poll that found 64% believe the NSA "should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects." Of course, that is exactly what Congress authorized when it created the FISA courts to issue special expedited secret warrants for terrorism suspects. But Bush defied the FISA law and authorized warrantless wiretaps of Americans, which has outraged Americans to the point that a majority believe Congress should consider Bush's impeachment.

At one time, Americans were outraged that a foreign adversary would try to interfere with our elections.

No more, for half of us anyway.
No option in your poll for ancaps, who believe the entirety of DHS, TSA, & NSA should be abolished along with the unpatriotic Patriot Act.
Remember back in the day under George W.(liberal republican) Bush when he enacted the FISA courts to battle terrorism, and if someone overseas was conversing with a US citizen, they FISA were allowed to warrantless wiretap on said US citizen. The left went crazy about civil liberties...Why doesnt it bother you today, liberals, that our government has spied on a US citizen without proper vetting of a bogus dossier, that was paid for by the DNC? Have you gone so far down the FASCIST path that you will allow your government to do such a dirty dead?

Poll: Americans support impeaching Bush for wiretapping
ecently White House spokesman Scott McClellan cited a Rasmussen poll that found 64% believe the NSA "should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects." Of course, that is exactly what Congress authorized when it created the FISA courts to issue special expedited secret warrants for terrorism suspects. But Bush defied the FISA law and authorized warrantless wiretaps of Americans, which has outraged Americans to the point that a majority believe Congress should consider Bush's impeachment.
True liberals are still very pissed. Unfortunately we've been turned into a silent minority.
Remember back in the day under George W.(liberal republican) Bush when he enacted the FISA courts to battle terrorism, and if someone overseas was conversing with a US citizen, they FISA were allowed to warrantless wiretap on said US citizen. The left went crazy about civil liberties...Why doesnt it bother you today, liberals, that our government has spied on a US citizen without proper vetting of a bogus dossier, that was paid for by the DNC? Have you gone so far down the FASCIST path that you will allow your government to do such a dirty dead?

Poll: Americans support impeaching Bush for wiretapping
ecently White House spokesman Scott McClellan cited a Rasmussen poll that found 64% believe the NSA "should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects." Of course, that is exactly what Congress authorized when it created the FISA courts to issue special expedited secret warrants for terrorism suspects. But Bush defied the FISA law and authorized warrantless wiretaps of Americans, which has outraged Americans to the point that a majority believe Congress should consider Bush's impeachment.

I am a liberal, and I have NEVER supported the FISA program. I don't care who is in control. SHUT THAT BITCH DOWN FOREVER.
At one time, liberals were outraged that the government would spy on a US citizen.

That was before they were doing the spying.
The rogue elements in NSA, CIA, deep state- whatever you want to call them-- go way beyond political labels.
Benghazi was to disparage and slander Hillary Clinton to prevent a very popular Secretary of State from being elected President.
At one time, liberals were outraged that the government would spy on a US citizen.

That was before they were doing the spying.
The rogue elements in NSA, CIA, deep state- whatever you want to call them-- go way beyond political labels.
Why do they only target Republicans then?
Remember back in the day under George W.(liberal republican) Bush when he enacted the FISA courts to battle terrorism, and if someone overseas was conversing with a US citizen, they FISA were allowed to warrantless wiretap on said US citizen. The left went crazy about civil liberties...Why doesnt it bother you today, liberals, that our government has spied on a US citizen without proper vetting of a bogus dossier, that was paid for by the DNC? Have you gone so far down the FASCIST path that you will allow your government to do such a dirty dead?

Poll: Americans support impeaching Bush for wiretapping
ecently White House spokesman Scott McClellan cited a Rasmussen poll that found 64% believe the NSA "should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects." Of course, that is exactly what Congress authorized when it created the FISA courts to issue special expedited secret warrants for terrorism suspects. But Bush defied the FISA law and authorized warrantless wiretaps of Americans, which has outraged Americans to the point that a majority believe Congress should consider Bush's impeachment.

They were right. Dumb ass W should have been impeached but so should have Big Ears, when he not only continued the illegal spying but expanded it.

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