At one time, liberals were outraged that the government would spy on a US citizen.

Under Bush, warrentless wiretapping of US citizerns caused outrage by the liberals. What changed?

  • Im liberal and now a FASCIST and agree with whatever the government does to the other side.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • As a moderate, what ever happens i could care less as long as it isnt me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • As a concerned citizens, with what the government is doing, it can be turned back against those.

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
Remember back in the day under George W.(liberal republican) Bush when he enacted the FISA courts to battle terrorism, and if someone overseas was conversing with a US citizen, they FISA were allowed to warrantless wiretap on said US citizen. The left went crazy about civil liberties...Why doesnt it bother you today, liberals, that our government has spied on a US citizen without proper vetting of a bogus dossier, that was paid for by the DNC? Have you gone so far down the FASCIST path that you will allow your government to do such a dirty dead?

Poll: Americans support impeaching Bush for wiretapping
ecently White House spokesman Scott McClellan cited a Rasmussen poll that found 64% believe the NSA "should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects." Of course, that is exactly what Congress authorized when it created the FISA courts to issue special expedited secret warrants for terrorism suspects. But Bush defied the FISA law and authorized warrantless wiretaps of Americans, which has outraged Americans to the point that a majority believe Congress should consider Bush's impeachment.
They were right. Dumb ass W should have been impeached but so should have Big Ears, when he not only continued the illegal spying but expanded it.
Obummer also extended the Patriot Act and the NDAA ( along with Congress), and combined with that, the misuse of the State Secrets Privilege ( abusing secrecy agreements- NDA's ) and he expanded the war on whistlebowers. If Clinton had won in 2016, Assange would be in Guantanamo or dead already.
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At one time, Americans were outraged that a foreign adversary would try to interfere with our elections.

No more, for half of us anyway.
Lol, Mueller said no collusion.
She meant Israel and Saudi Arabia.
You mean the way Obama meddled in Israel's election?
That was "meddling?" When a head of state openly says who he/she supports in an ally's election? Netanyahu didn't have any qualms about coming here and addressing Congress when he wanted his way, either, did he?
Remember back in the day under George W.(liberal republican) Bush when he enacted the FISA courts to battle terrorism, and if someone overseas was conversing with a US citizen, they FISA were allowed to warrantless wiretap on said US citizen. The left went crazy about civil liberties...Why doesnt it bother you today, liberals, that our government has spied on a US citizen without proper vetting of a bogus dossier, that was paid for by the DNC? Have you gone so far down the FASCIST path that you will allow your government to do such a dirty dead?

Poll: Americans support impeaching Bush for wiretapping
ecently White House spokesman Scott McClellan cited a Rasmussen poll that found 64% believe the NSA "should be allowed to intercept telephone conversations between terrorism suspects." Of course, that is exactly what Congress authorized when it created the FISA courts to issue special expedited secret warrants for terrorism suspects. But Bush defied the FISA law and authorized warrantless wiretaps of Americans, which has outraged Americans to the point that a majority believe Congress should consider Bush's impeachment.


Good question. What changed? IOW, who is spying on whom?
Benghazi was to disparage and slander Hillary Clinton to prevent a very popular Secretary of State from being elected President.
Oh boy! You've somehow got your head shoved way way up there. You should get in touch with Guinness, I think you may be world record contender.
At one time, Americans were outraged that a foreign adversary would try to interfere with our elections.

No more, for half of us anyway.


You mean like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi??? For 5 years?

Here’s the difference. Russian interference actually happened and it’s still happening.
How was there Russian interference when Obama and his Intel were in charge during the 2016s elections?
Benghazi was to disparage and slander Hillary Clinton to prevent a very popular Secretary of State from being elected President.
Oh boy! You've somehow got your head shoved way way up there. You should get in touch with Guinness, I think you may be world record contender.

I guess FOX News didn’t play that interview with a Republican member of Trey Gowdy’s Investigation admitted that the investigation was to stop her candidacy.

Benghazi was to disparage and slander Hillary Clinton to prevent a very popular Secretary of State from being elected President.
Oh boy! You've somehow got your head shoved way way up there. You should get in touch with Guinness, I think you may be world record contender.

I guess FOX News didn’t play that interview with a Republican member of Trey Gowdy’s Investigation admitted that the investigation was to stop her candidacy.

Democrats when they hear facts.
At one time, Americans were outraged that a foreign adversary would try to interfere with our elections.

No more, for half of us anyway.
we still are outraged, and still no one has gone after clinton or obammy yet. why not?
At one time, liberals were outraged that the government would spy on a US citizen

As opposed to conservatives who never were
So you believe in marginalizing the events that has just happened with the spying on the Trump candidacy?
Who "spied on the Trump candidacy"?

Please be specific.
The FBI under Obama spied on the Trump campaign, dumbass.
At one time, liberals were outraged that the government would spy on a US citizen

As opposed to conservatives who never were
So you believe in marginalizing the events that has just happened with the spying on the Trump candidacy?
Who "spied on the Trump candidacy"?

Please be specific.
The FBI under Obama spied on the Trump campaign, dumbass.

How? When?
At one time, Americans were outraged that a foreign adversary would try to interfere with our elections.

No more, for half of us anyway.
Lol, Mueller said no collusion.

Here's the a summary of the FBI's Investigation of Clinton where it clears her of all charges about her supposed "Illegal" email server.

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts."

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"Set Her Free"
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