At stake, not JUST the oval office.....

Seriously, how about doing away with all deductions and exemptions and having one rate that applied to everyone, including small businesses and corporations and individuals?

NO, that is an infantile "compromise"......although a graduated tax rate without most exemptions would be best. As an example, a trucking company utilizes highways much MORE than any individual.....or air travel's use of airport maintenance, etc.
Seriously, how about doing away with all deductions and exemptions and having one rate that applied to everyone, including small businesses and corporations and individuals?

NO, that is an infantile "compromise"......although a graduated tax rate without most exemptions would be best. As an example, a trucking company utilizes highways much MORE than any individual.....or air travel's use of airport maintenance, etc.

Diesel tax and most tolls are higher for trucks

You just made my argument. Corporations consistently hold those that help the company make money , down in the economic world.
Yet, they pay those you are worried about more money. How many employees could they hire or give a raise to if they stopped foolish payments. Including stock optional payments for CEO's and such.
Thank you for agreeing with me.

It seems all they want to do is ridicule and ruin any chance or way for the real workers in this country of ever getting closer to the American dream.
I challenge each and everyone of them to really look into the history of mining and manufacturing and understand the real reason that Unions were and are needed.
The treatment of these workers were nearly next to slavery.
Granted today it isn't as bad but these workers still need a way to protect themselves....immediately on the job and not wait for some bureaucratic intervention.
They are needed too but Unions affords workers the right to safe and healthy working conditions.
It also allows them to make financial gains in the work force.
Its quite ironic that CEO's get a pass when they seek such means but when it is the American worker they are greedy for wanting to earn a livable and substantial wage.
Then the right wingers(teabaggers) say they are all about American values and how they strive to see this country become fiscally on top of the rest of the world.
Maybe for the top 0.01% which is laughable.
Unions forever.!

what a moronic post. Unions are your salvation???? are you completely crazy? The union bosses are taking your money and putting it in their pockets and the pockets of corrupt politicians who protect the union bosses.

We have laws to protect workers today, Unions are nothing but a collection agency for the DNC.
Unions are our salvation, only we have been convinced otherwise

When we had strong unions, workers got a wage they could live off of, fair treatment on the job, benefits, healthcare. Union workers didn't get rich, but they could support their families and someday retire

Now that it is every man for himself, workers are scared, they work for bare minimum or risk getting fired.

Unions destroyed the US car industry, the US steel industry, the US textile industry, the US shipbuilding industry, the US tractor industry.

BUT, non-union car companies in the south are doing well, paying good wages and providing good benefits-----------BMW, Mercedes, VW, Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai. How can they do that if all employers are evil and are exploiting their workers?

once again, you prove yourself full of shit.
It was not the union workers who were getting rich, it was the executives and shareholders

It is a common threat, we can't survive unless workers accept wage and benefit concessions. Times are for less. Times are for less

American workers have been forced to accept a smaller and smaller slice of the pie while executive compensation escalates

a little truth there, I am not a fan of huge CEO salaries, nor am I a fan of huge paychecks to athletes and entertainers or politicians. Why is it that you on the left only attack business owners in your "they make too much" rants?

why don't you bitch about the Clintons getting $650,000 for giving a 15 minute speech to a wall street firm? Why don't you complain about that form of legal bribery?
This was an intelligent conversation until you resorted to name calling.
The only think moronic is your thought that Unions only benefit a small group employed by the Corporation.

It seems all they want to do is ridicule and ruin any chance or way for the real workers in this country of ever getting closer to the American dream.
I challenge each and everyone of them to really look into the history of mining and manufacturing and understand the real reason that Unions were and are needed.
The treatment of these workers were nearly next to slavery.
Granted today it isn't as bad but these workers still need a way to protect themselves....immediately on the job and not wait for some bureaucratic intervention.
They are needed too but Unions affords workers the right to safe and healthy working conditions.
It also allows them to make financial gains in the work force.
Its quite ironic that CEO's get a pass when they seek such means but when it is the American worker they are greedy for wanting to earn a livable and substantial wage.
Then the right wingers(teabaggers) say they are all about American values and how they strive to see this country become fiscally on top of the rest of the world.
Maybe for the top 0.01% which is laughable.
Unions forever.!

If that is your best argument then it doesn't hold water.
When CEO's compensation and pay has increased exponentially in the past 20 to 30 yrs while workers wages has stagnated, then you have to look at why their pay has jumped so much.
Taking away the right to collective bargaining only gives CEO's and corporations more of the upper hand.
Something I dont want to ever see happen.
Also, if you have ever worked in any industry where it manufactures something or in the oil fields or a chemical company, you would know full well that safety is sometimes a second thought.
Refusing to go into an unsafe work area, without Union protection, would have someone fired immediately.
If you think that for one instance, without protection from a Union, that you could not be fired for any little reason, you are mistaken.
Workers need Unions today now more than ever.

Right wingers can be really, really stupid or naive when it comes to their bashing of unions.
They often call for LESS government regulations in the work place and, of course, the abolition of unions, thereby relying solely on the "good will" of CEOs and board members to protect workers' safety and provide livable wages...Good luck with that.

what a moronic post. Unions are your salvation???? are you completely crazy? The union bosses are taking your money and putting it in their pockets and the pockets of corrupt politicians who protect the union bosses.

We have laws to protect workers today, Unions are nothing but a collection agency for the DNC.

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