At stake, not JUST the oval office.....

Um ... no ... they are completely consistent since abortion on demand is supported by the left as a positive right, not a negative right

Did NOT expect you to understand......Carry on.
For myself, as a progressive democrat, the prospect of a republican in the oval office is disconcerting, but ultimately it would be a relatively short term for such a GOP presidency.

What is REALLY at stake, however, is the prospect of THREE supreme court judges being appointed in the next couple of years. With the current "stalemate" of the SC 4 to 4 decisions, the possible appointment of 3 new justices may shift the balance to a 6 to 3 majority of more progressive judgments for decades to come.

Thank you Donald Trump for handing that choice to Hillary on a silver platter.
You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't


Don't know what that's supposed to mean, I don't see any crying in the post. Actually, your reply is far more apt to you since you're the one who doesn't like my answer

you know what? I really don't care what you think or how you vote. Vote for a 3rd party loser if you want, just know that in so doing you will be helping the worst possible person into the whitehouse, Hillary Clinton would be Obama in a fat legged pant suit. She hates this country as much, or more, than Obama does. She is an ugly little fat girl who is trying to get even with the kids who made fun of her in the 3rd grade.
You know...when you guys go full retard like this, it makes it understandable how Trump is able to sell you whatever snake oil he comes up with

the truth really disturbs you, doesn't it? The snake oil is dripping from Hillary's lips and the lips of the establishment of both parties, and you just keep lapping it up like an obedient little sheep. pathetic.
Like Obama, Hillary will deliver on what she promises

Trump? Writing checks that can't be cashed
Fox created a monster and is now in a panic because they can't control it

which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve
which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

"life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" Do those words apply to living but unborn human beings? its a yes or no question.
which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

our huge inefficient government has created 20 trillion of national debt and trillions more of unfunded liability------------right size? I think not.
A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

"life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" Do those words apply to living but unborn human beings? its a yes or no question.

which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

corporate taxes are the highest in the world, companies are leaving the country to escape our taxation and over-regulation. On individual taxes, I thought you were opposed to the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

our huge inefficient government has created 20 trillion of national debt and trillions more of unfunded liability------------right size? I think not.


Which current government is more efficient than ours?
A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

"life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" Do those words apply to living but unborn human beings? its a yes or no question.

It's life, liberty and property. You quoted the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. And the answer is that the unborn don't own their mother's body, she does
which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

Muslim is not a race. Radical muslims want YOU and ME dead. Do you want our government to give them access to kill us?

Our borders are there, but they are not being enforced, so effectively we have no borders.
and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

"life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" Do those words apply to living but unborn human beings? its a yes or no question.


at what point during gestation do those words suddenly apply? What magically happens to make them applicable?
and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

"life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" Do those words apply to living but unborn human beings? its a yes or no question.

It's life, liberty and property. You quoted the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. And the answer is that the unborn don't own their mother's body, she does

Ok, but the word "life" appears in both. Do the unborn own their own bodies? If the mother owns them then why not kill them at 1 year old if they become inconvenient?
and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

our huge inefficient government has created 20 trillion of national debt and trillions more of unfunded liability------------right size? I think not.


Which current government is more efficient than ours?

the US government from 1776 until around 1950.
A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

Muslim is not a race. Radical muslims want YOU and ME dead. Do you want our government to give them access to kill us?

Our borders are there, but they are not being enforced, so effectively we have no borders.
Problem is, Republicans want to deny law abiding Muslims their constitutional rights
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

our huge inefficient government has created 20 trillion of national debt and trillions more of unfunded liability------------right size? I think not.


Which current government is more efficient than ours?

the US government from 1776 until around 1950.
The word current escapes you doesn't it?
and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
So much propaganda little time

Yes a woman has a choice to abort
We are looking at the right size government as required by the people
Taxes are the lowest they have been in 70 years
Our borders are still there and the illegal population has dropped by one million
...protecting Muslims from rightwing racists is not catering

More of a response to your lies than you deserve

Muslim is not a race. Radical muslims want YOU and ME dead. Do you want our government to give them access to kill us?

Our borders are there, but they are not being enforced, so effectively we have no borders.
Problem is, Republicans want to deny law abiding Muslims their constitutional rights

that is a bold faced LIE. You are a bold faced LIAR.

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