At stake, not JUST the oval office.....

please insert 'Hillary" for trump, 'she' for he, and 'democrats' for republicans, then you have it correct.

Hillary Clinton is the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. A liar, a criminal, a lifelong bitch, a disingenuous pretend senator and the worst SecState in history.

Plus, she is old and is showing signs of dementia and possible alzheimers. Her own staff has said that she gets confused easily and loses her temper over minor things. Do you really want a crazy old bitch running the country?

Accuse Clinton of being a bit too selfish and money hungry....BUT the rest of the above is simply FOX-inspired; underestimate her capabilities andpolitical savvy at your own peril.

are you kidding? Fox is an anti-Trump as MSNBC. She is 69, you cannot change that. She has had brain issues, you cannot change that, her staff said she is easily confused and angers over nothing, you cannot change that.

If you equate political savvy with finding legal ways to accept bribes, then I agree, she is very good at it.
Fox created a monster and is now in a panic because they can't control it
Garland was nominated by Obama to simply show the American voter just how out of step and anti-Constitution republican senators have become based on their Obama-hatred. Garland is a nearly "perfect" candidate and a bit too moderate for progressives.........In my opinion, Obama nominated him to drive in the last nail in the coffin of a GOP loss in the senate.
Republicans are making a deal with the devil in putting all their faith in an eventual Trump victory

1. What makes them think Trump will win?
2. If Trump were to win, what makes them think he would pick someone they like?

Trump is a symptom. A symptom that americans are fed up with the establishment and its promises that never happen. they are fed up with political corruption and legalized bribery, they are fed up with career politicians getting obscenely rich on taxpayer money.

Americans want an outsider who will bring down the corrupt establishment in both parties.

That's why Trump, Cruz, and Sanders are getting so many votes.

Will any of them fix the mess? no one knows, but what we all know is that Hillary will only make it worse.
Actually, Trump is a disease
He will crash and burn and bring down the GOP with him

The mad as hell Republicans are willing to cut off their nose to spite their face....they will get what they deserve

please insert 'Hillary" for trump, 'she' for he, and 'democrats' for republicans, then you have it correct.

Hillary Clinton is the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. A liar, a criminal, a lifelong bitch, a disingenuous pretend senator and the worst SecState in history.

Plus, she is old and is showing signs of dementia and possible alzheimers. Her own staff has said that she gets confused easily and loses her temper over minor things. Do you really want a crazy old bitch running the country?
Hillary will do what liberal voters want her to do. Defend obamacare, fight for better wages and benefits, push for immigration reform

Hillary is not a protest vote...Trump is

Obamacare is a fiscal disaster for policy holders and insurance companies and hospitals and doctors, but big pharma loves it------------does that tell you anything?

WTF is "immigration reform" ? We have immigration laws already. Immigration reform to you libs is amnesty and ignoring our existing immigration laws.

what good does it do a fast food worker if the MW is $15/hr and the fast food place is out of business? Second question: how many americans work fast food as a lifetime job?
FACT: Al Gore received more popular votes — about 540,000 more ----than Mr. Bush nationally.

Wow, Al Gore ran for the popular vote? Really? He's dumber than I thought. He didn't know how we elect Presidents in this country and he wanted to be President. LOL, what a dumb ass. As for me, I voted for the only one I'd have wanted to be President in that election. Harry Browne

so you wasted your vote, interesting.

Wasting my vote would have been picking between two people I did not want to be President

you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.

You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't

Republicans are making a deal with the devil in putting all their faith in an eventual Trump victory

1. What makes them think Trump will win?
2. If Trump were to win, what makes them think he would pick someone they like?

Trump is a symptom. A symptom that americans are fed up with the establishment and its promises that never happen. they are fed up with political corruption and legalized bribery, they are fed up with career politicians getting obscenely rich on taxpayer money.

Americans want an outsider who will bring down the corrupt establishment in both parties.

That's why Trump, Cruz, and Sanders are getting so many votes.

Will any of them fix the mess? no one knows, but what we all know is that Hillary will only make it worse.
Actually, Trump is a disease
He will crash and burn and bring down the GOP with him

The mad as hell Republicans are willing to cut off their nose to spite their face....they will get what they deserve

please insert 'Hillary" for trump, 'she' for he, and 'democrats' for republicans, then you have it correct.

Hillary Clinton is the worst possible person to put in the whitehouse. A liar, a criminal, a lifelong bitch, a disingenuous pretend senator and the worst SecState in history.

Plus, she is old and is showing signs of dementia and possible alzheimers. Her own staff has said that she gets confused easily and loses her temper over minor things. Do you really want a crazy old bitch running the country?
Hillary will do what liberal voters want her to do. Defend obamacare, fight for better wages and benefits, push for immigration reform

Hillary is not a protest vote...Trump is

Obamacare is a fiscal disaster for policy holders and insurance companies and hospitals and doctors, but big pharma loves it------------does that tell you anything?

WTF is "immigration reform" ? We have immigration laws already. Immigration reform to you libs is amnesty and ignoring our existing immigration laws.

what good does it do a fast food worker if the MW is $15/hr and the fast food place is out of business? Second question: how many americans work fast food as a lifetime job?
Obamacare is here to stay. Hillary will work to make it better. Republicans still haven't told us their alternative

Immigration reform addresses what we do with 11 million illegal immigrants. Responsible Republucans like Bush, Rubio and Kasich are willing to admit it

We need more wage reforms than minimum wage
Wow, Al Gore ran for the popular vote? Really? He's dumber than I thought. He didn't know how we elect Presidents in this country and he wanted to be President. LOL, what a dumb ass. As for me, I voted for the only one I'd have wanted to be President in that election. Harry Browne

so you wasted your vote, interesting.

Wasting my vote would have been picking between two people I did not want to be President

you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.

You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't


Don't know what that's supposed to mean, I don't see any crying in the post. Actually, your reply is far more apt to you since you're the one who doesn't like my answer
so you wasted your vote, interesting.

Wasting my vote would have been picking between two people I did not want to be President

you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.

You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't


Don't know what that's supposed to mean, I don't see any crying in the post. Actually, your reply is far more apt to you since you're the one who doesn't like my answer

you know what? I really don't care what you think or how you vote. Vote for a 3rd party loser if you want, just know that in so doing you will be helping the worst possible person into the whitehouse, Hillary Clinton would be Obama in a fat legged pant suit. She hates this country as much, or more, than Obama does. She is an ugly little fat girl who is trying to get even with the kids who made fun of her in the 3rd grade.
you know what? I really don't care what you think or how you vote. Vote for a 3rd party loser if you want, just know that in so doing you will be helping the worst possible person into the whitehouse, Hillary Clinton would be Obama in a fat legged pant suit. She hates this country as much, or more, than Obama does. She is an ugly little fat girl who is trying to get even with the kids who made fun of her in the 3rd grade.

It is PRECISELY this type of hate-filled spewing that contributes to your current party's demise.....Thanks...
Fox created a monster and is now in a panic because they can't control it

which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected
Wasting my vote would have been picking between two people I did not want to be President

you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.

You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't


Don't know what that's supposed to mean, I don't see any crying in the post. Actually, your reply is far more apt to you since you're the one who doesn't like my answer

you know what? I really don't care what you think or how you vote. Vote for a 3rd party loser if you want, just know that in so doing you will be helping the worst possible person into the whitehouse, Hillary Clinton would be Obama in a fat legged pant suit. She hates this country as much, or more, than Obama does. She is an ugly little fat girl who is trying to get even with the kids who made fun of her in the 3rd grade.
You know...when you guys go full retard like this, it makes it understandable how Trump is able to sell you whatever snake oil he comes up with
you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.

You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't


Don't know what that's supposed to mean, I don't see any crying in the post. Actually, your reply is far more apt to you since you're the one who doesn't like my answer

you know what? I really don't care what you think or how you vote. Vote for a 3rd party loser if you want, just know that in so doing you will be helping the worst possible person into the whitehouse, Hillary Clinton would be Obama in a fat legged pant suit. She hates this country as much, or more, than Obama does. She is an ugly little fat girl who is trying to get even with the kids who made fun of her in the 3rd grade.
You know...when you guys go full retard like this, it makes it understandable how Trump is able to sell you whatever snake oil he comes up with

the truth really disturbs you, doesn't it? The snake oil is dripping from Hillary's lips and the lips of the establishment of both parties, and you just keep lapping it up like an obedient little sheep. pathetic.
Wasting my vote would have been picking between two people I did not want to be President

you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.

You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't


Don't know what that's supposed to mean, I don't see any crying in the post. Actually, your reply is far more apt to you since you're the one who doesn't like my answer

you know what? I really don't care what you think or how you vote. Vote for a 3rd party loser if you want, just know that in so doing you will be helping the worst possible person into the whitehouse, Hillary Clinton would be Obama in a fat legged pant suit. She hates this country as much, or more, than Obama does. She is an ugly little fat girl who is trying to get even with the kids who made fun of her in the 3rd grade.

You know what's funny is that your post was clicked funny by the idiot nat who constantly calls me a "Republican" and will continue doing so because he's stupid
Fox created a monster and is now in a panic because they can't control it

which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
you voted for someone with no chance of winning rather voting against Obama, YOU wasted your vote.

You aren't processing that I am not a Republican, you don't own my vote. BTW, Obama wasn't a candidate in 2000 ... Frankly if I had that vote to do over and didn't vote for Browne, I'd have voted for Gore. W was worse because he got his way where Gore wouldn't


Don't know what that's supposed to mean, I don't see any crying in the post. Actually, your reply is far more apt to you since you're the one who doesn't like my answer

you know what? I really don't care what you think or how you vote. Vote for a 3rd party loser if you want, just know that in so doing you will be helping the worst possible person into the whitehouse, Hillary Clinton would be Obama in a fat legged pant suit. She hates this country as much, or more, than Obama does. She is an ugly little fat girl who is trying to get even with the kids who made fun of her in the 3rd grade.

You know what's funny is that your post was clicked funny by the idiot nat who constantly calls me a "Republican" and will continue doing so because he's stupid

yeah, I saw that. morons like him are of no consequence except for a laugh once in a while.

at least you stand for what you believe, nat and the left wing morons only stand for what their handlers have pumped into their empty heads.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Fox created a monster and is now in a panic because they can't control it

which monster is that? giving air to both sides? telling the truth? letting the viewers decide?

A monster that even scares the Republican propaganda machine

and the democrat propaganda machine, why isn't that a good thing?
The Democratic propaganda machine is perfectly happy with endorsing Hillary. Not only does she support liberal values, but she had a 70% chance of being elected

liberal values--------------give us a list of them, please.

or let me

1. abortion on demand
2. huge intrusive federal government
3. high taxes
4. no borders
5. catering to radical muslims
6 catering to illegal aliens
7. no one held responsible for their actions
8. huge national debt
9. weak military
10, denigrating of police
11. attacking successful people for being successful (unless they are in Hollywood or politics)
12. ignoring radical muslims who are vowed to kill us
13. dividing the country on race, sex, religion, age, ethnicity, income, and location
14. free stuff for those who are too lazy to work
15. legal drugs for all
16. lying to achieve political ends

True. Wouldn't it be cool if Republicans were willing to do anything about any of that?

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