AT&T Plans To Fire 7000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Thus far, the corporations Ajit Pai and the Republican Party bent over backward to help haven’t exactly been returning the favor. GM plans to close plants and fire 14,000 people. Verizon has no plan to boost 5G investment, despite Pai’s claim that repealing net neutrality would lead to additional corporate network spending. Now AT&T is reportedly preparing to fire 7,000 people, despite having previously promised that tax breaks and freedom from burdensome regulation would actually create jobs.

AT&T Plans to Fire 7,000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal - ExtremeTech
Well AT&T sucks...but at least there are plenty of jobs for the terminated to apply for thanks to the Trump worries....
Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.
Thus far, the corporations Ajit Pai and the Republican Party bent over backward to help haven’t exactly been returning the favor. GM plans to close plants and fire 14,000 people. Verizon has no plan to boost 5G investment, despite Pai’s claim that repealing net neutrality would lead to additional corporate network spending. Now AT&T is reportedly preparing to fire 7,000 people, despite having previously promised that tax breaks and freedom from burdensome regulation would actually create jobs.

AT&T Plans to Fire 7,000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal - ExtremeTech

Too bad, so sad. But that's what happens when an economy comes up to the level of full employment and companies like GM, Verizon, and AT&T don't take advantage of it by expanding their operations.
Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Spoken like a true Marxist, comrade.
Watch. Takes endless war and plunder to prop up the charade now. Wealth redistribution is wealth redistribution.

I like endless wars. How else are we going to maintain world superiority in military technology and battlefield medicine?

You still think we're fighting the North Vietnamese, right?
Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Spoken like a true Marxist, comrade.
Watch. Takes endless war and plunder to prop up the charade now. Wealth redistribution is wealth redistribution.

I like endless wars. How else are we going to maintain world superiority in military technology and battlefield medicine?

You still think we're fighting the North Vietnamese, right?

"We" are fighting the middle class and poor in america as empires always do as they unwind. And the only answer to any social problem at home will be, as you suggest, based upon violence. And you're right, the system will bring its superiority in military technology to bear upon the people. That's why your police have been militarized.
Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Spoken like a true Marxist, comrade.

Not at all. Spoken like a true capitalist.

The only thing that needs steady and sustained growth for those at the bottom to succeed, is a pyramid scheme. What happens to those at the bottom when they can't find any more suckers to buy in and keep the pyramid growing?

What a business needs to do is to be profitable for its owners. To produce a good product that people want or need, and sell it at a fair price.

This rampage of unsustainable growth is the "cowboy economy", and it has created a situation where the profits of all of the labourers in the world, is accruing to an ever small number of elites and oligarch's the world over.

Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

Around the world, the profits are flowing steadily to the top. US Corporations didn't use their tax cuts to give raises to their workers. They used the money to buy out minority stockholders, and increase the value of their issued shares, further concentrating the ownership of these mega corporations in the hands of fewer and fewer people.

1% of the world's population owns half of its wealth. You think those people are making decisions to benefit you? Do you think that electing one of these people as President is to your benefit or to theirs?
Thus far, the corporations Ajit Pai and the Republican Party bent over backward to help haven’t exactly been returning the favor. GM plans to close plants and fire 14,000 people. Verizon has no plan to boost 5G investment, despite Pai’s claim that repealing net neutrality would lead to additional corporate network spending. Now AT&T is reportedly preparing to fire 7,000 people, despite having previously promised that tax breaks and freedom from burdensome regulation would actually create jobs.

AT&T Plans to Fire 7,000 People Despite Tax Breaks, Net Neutrality Repeal - ExtremeTech

AT&T Plans To Fire 7000 People Despite Tax Breaks

This is outrageous!
No company should ever fire any worker for any reason!!
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Exactly! Socialism. Societal race to the top while demonizing profit is much better.
Well AT&T sucks...but at least there are plenty of jobs for the terminated to apply for thanks to the Trump worries....

Let me get this straight. The Trump policies that allegedly create jobs aren't creating jobs so it's no big deal if people are losing jobs upon implementation of the policies because there are so many jobs available because of the aforementioned job creating policies that aren't actually creating jobs.

Or, to put it another way, shenanigans.
Well AT&T sucks...but at least there are plenty of jobs for the terminated to apply for thanks to the Trump worries....

Let me get this straight. The Trump policies that allegedly create jobs aren't creating jobs so it's no big deal if people are losing jobs upon implementation of the policies because there are so many jobs available because of the aforementioned job creating policies that aren't actually creating jobs.

Or, to put it another way, shenanigans.
Unemployment is at record lows....people have choices in jobs for a change....thank goodness the Obama days of economic sluggishness are OVER!!!!
Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Spoken like a true Marxist, comrade.
Watch. Takes endless war and plunder to prop up the charade now. Wealth redistribution is wealth redistribution.

I like endless wars. How else are we going to maintain world superiority in military technology and battlefield medicine?

You still think we're fighting the North Vietnamese, right?

"We" are fighting the middle class and poor in america as empires always do as they unwind. And the only answer to any social problem at home will be, as you suggest, based upon violence. And you're right, the system will bring its superiority in military technology to bear upon the people. That's why your police have been militarized.

I sincerely wish my local law-enforcement personnel would get even more military hardware. They're some good ol' boys and girls and if you want to know the truth, I'm on a first-name basis with some who are both active and retired.

My local Sheriff's Department sometimes notifies me when they're going to the range for training, so I can have all the leftover brass. As a matter of fact, a widow just cleaned out her basement, a mile up the road from me. She turned in some ammunition she had to the Sheriff's Department because she didn't know what to do with it.

Anyway, I got call a couple days ago from a retired officer friend of mine, asking me if I wanted any of it. Too bad it was in calibers I can't use.
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Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Spoken like a true Marxist, comrade.

Not at all. Spoken like a true capitalist.

The only thing that needs steady and sustained growth for those at the bottom to succeed, is a pyramid scheme. What happens to those at the bottom when they can't find any more suckers to buy in and keep the pyramid growing?

What a business needs to do is to be profitable for its owners. To produce a good product that people want or need, and sell it at a fair price.

This rampage of unsustainable growth is the "cowboy economy", and it has created a situation where the profits of all of the labourers in the world, is accruing to an ever small number of elites and oligarch's the world over.

Richest 1% on target to own two-thirds of all wealth by 2030

Around the world, the profits are flowing steadily to the top. US Corporations didn't use their tax cuts to give raises to their workers. They used the money to buy out minority stockholders, and increase the value of their issued shares, further concentrating the ownership of these mega corporations in the hands of fewer and fewer people.

1% of the world's population owns half of its wealth. You think those people are making decisions to benefit you? Do you think that electing one of these people as President is to your benefit or to theirs?

Americans would do well to go back and read The Powell Memorandum. We have a generation or two now who simply were not alive to recall america before US worker productivity was divorced from US worker compensation packages. There has indeed been a vast redistribution of societal wealth over the past half century or so. And nothing stands in the way of the current trajectory, certainly not the political system.
Capitalism. Societal race to the bottom while chasing profit margin growth to infinity for the substantial people.

Spoken like a true Marxist, comrade.
Watch. Takes endless war and plunder to prop up the charade now. Wealth redistribution is wealth redistribution.

I like endless wars. How else are we going to maintain world superiority in military technology and battlefield medicine?

You still think we're fighting the North Vietnamese, right?

"We" are fighting the middle class and poor in america as empires always do as they unwind. And the only answer to any social problem at home will be, as you suggest, based upon violence. And you're right, the system will bring its superiority in military technology to bear upon the people. That's why your police have been militarized.

I sincerely wish my local law-enforcement personnel would get even more military hardware. They're some good ol' boys and girls and if you want to know the truth, I'm on a first-name basis with some who are both active and retired.

Oh I have no doubt of that at all, your pathology is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers. What's better than a police state in which one sees himself as one of the police?

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