AT&T to Load iPhones With Emergency Alerts From Obama – That You Can’t Switch Off

A quick search of the Net reveals that right-wingers (Pam Geller, Alex Jones) have been flipping out about this for quite a while, although even Fox Business acknowledges that "presidential alerts," which would be sent to all enabled recipients in the U.S., are intended to be for the direst of natural disasters and other emergencies.

But isn't this just Obama megalomania? No, as the FCC explains:

Why can't consumers block WEAs [Wireless Emergency Alerts] issued by the President?

In passing the WARN Act, Congress allowed participating carriers to offer subscribers the capability to block all WEAs except those issued by the President.

The WARN Act is the Warning, Alert and Response Network Act, which was passed as part of a larger port security bill ... in 2006. That's 2006 as in "when Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of Congress."

So, yeah, this is more Obama fascism that was actually a Bush-era idea.

AT&T to Load iPhones With Emergency Alerts From Obama – That You Can’t Switch Off
Engadget reported:

AT&T has begun rolling out Wireless Emergency Alerts updates for iPhone 4S and 5, so you won’t be the last folks to know if the entire northern hemisphere is about to be covered in ice à la Day After Tomorrow.

You’ll receive a notification from the carrier when your update is ready, but only if you’re using iOS 6.1 or higher.

Once installed, AMBER and Emergency alerts are automatically sent to your phone unless you switch them off via Settings. However, should you be tired of Obama, just know that there’s no way to switch off Presidential alerts.
So now Barack can track your calls and send you messages, too.​
He sure does think highly of himself, doesn't he?
im sure every text you get from obama tingles your pussy
obama needs to hear "leave us alone" often.

His government is out of control.
Obama doesn't listen to us proles. He only listens to bootlickers and sycophants.

Heh...I beg to differ with you.

HE is the bootlicker and sycophant to his masters. Do you honestly think Obomber is running the show?? Come on, people. Look at the big picture here! He's a fucking puppet, just like all the rest of them. You do what they want, you're cool. If not, well, you get that grassy knoll thing going on. Know what I'm sayin?
AT&T to Load iPhones With Emergency Alerts From Obama – That You Can’t Switch Off
Engadget reported:

AT&T has begun rolling out Wireless Emergency Alerts updates for iPhone 4S and 5, so you won’t be the last folks to know if the entire northern hemisphere is about to be covered in ice à la Day After Tomorrow.

You’ll receive a notification from the carrier when your update is ready, but only if you’re using iOS 6.1 or higher.

Once installed, AMBER and Emergency alerts are automatically sent to your phone unless you switch them off via Settings. However, should you be tired of Obama, just know that there’s no way to switch off Presidential alerts.
So now Barack can track your calls and send you messages, too.​
He sure does think highly of himself, doesn't he?
im sure every text you get from obama tingles your pussy
See, that's just plain stupid. Why would getting a text from Obama excite me? Hint: It wouldn't.

Dumbass. :lol:
obama needs to hear "leave us alone" often.

His government is out of control.
Obama doesn't listen to us proles. He only listens to bootlickers and sycophants.

Heh...I beg to differ with you.

HE is the bootlicker and sycophant to his masters. Do you honestly think Obomber is running the show?? Come on, people. Look at the big picture here! He's a fucking puppet, just like all the rest of them. You do what they want, you're cool. If not, well, you get that grassy knoll thing going on. Know what I'm sayin?
I kinda doubt it. Obama is vastly incompetent. And things are just too fucked up to be the result of a plan.

No, Obama is running the show, and he's completely clueless about how to do it.

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