At the risk of being labeled "racist", "xenophobic","white supremacist" what is the reason for...

I'm going to repeat somethings I said earlier...
My whole point in this "RANT" as some of you probably ignorantly declare is that if I were a black person I would be offended by the TV ads that were trying to push the
imagery that these commercials are pushing.

The black people I worked with in the 70s in Texas (one my partner) would be laughing on the outside but I know he would be embarrassed at this blatant attempt to
really stereotype the black person.
Why should there be questions like I asked?

Why not just create a reasonable honest commercial where the black family is like most black families.
Hard working, honest and above all certainly not the stereotypes that the MSM is honking!

But the commercials are truly insulting many blacks in this country and they don't know how to express this without being accused of being a "house...." or some other epithet that
many WHITE socialistic, liberals would put on them...i.e. look at all the black conservatives in this country...true heroes by the way and the accusations that they have sold out being
probably the least offensive!

When you idiot, white, socialistic, liberals attack people like Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain and call them "house n.....r" or "uncle Toms"... because they have provided a
black conservative point of view that is what I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy!

Those of you that attacked me for defending the integrity of the black community that is vastly represented by the Clarence Thomas,Dr.Carsons... of the world are the racists!

You in your attempts to quote make blacks in commercials superior to whites, smarter than whites, are truly perpetuating the plantation owners' mentality, i.e. the Black community
isn't smart enough to raise and your stereotypical liberal, phony intellectually superior pack especially in the advertising business are really trying to in your
mind elevate the Black population when it doesn't need the help!

You seem to be unaware that people like me, who had a black cousin in the 50s in IOWA no less with less then 1% of the population black are called "racists" because we want to treat
Blacks as equals...not superiors! You seem to be unaware that Diamond and Silk (who in the famous words of Obama "and by the way they are black!!!") are great supporters of Trump and people like me because we treat them as adults first. Not people that depend on White tax money in the form of Section 8, free cell phones, SNAP, and the variety of methods
designed to KEEP them dependent on the White Democrat politician.
Why do you think this is happening?
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
Even as cable news networks debate reports of the existence of a recording of President Donald Trump using a racial slur, a new poll from Rasmussen Reports says that the president's approval rating among African-Americans is at 36 percent, nearly double his support at this time last year.

"Today's @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 36%," Rasmussen said in a tweet. "This day last year: 19%."

That is a staggeringly high number for a man who only won 8 percent of the African-American vote in 2016.

It is even more unexpected given the president's rocky history on matters related to race, including his current nasty feud with former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, who has alleged Trump said "n word" on the set of the reality-TV show "The Apprentice."

Conservatives celebrated the poll as a sign of trouble for Democrats in upcoming elections.

Charlie Kirk, the founder of the conservative campus group Turning Point USA, cited the poll as evidence that Trump "is breaking the Democrat party as we know it."
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds

Could it be this statistic?:black unemployment hit 5.9% in 2018, the lowest since the statistics were started to be kept in Jan 1972...46 years ago!
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

So my contention is don't insult the blacks by stereotyping them as the commercials are doing now. "Pandering" to puff the image. That is just stupid.
Last edited:
Then you must not know very many smart white people. Blacks bring property values down. One, five, seven percent? not too much. But once a neighborhood goes over 30% black, values fall drastically.

I've lived here for 35 years; 25 of those years I owned the place. Of course it was mostly white when I bought it.

I had a bank appraisal done a few years back. They appraised the property at less value than I paid for it 25 years ago, and I got it at a damn good price because I was a tenant here. This is typical for areas that have a large percentage of blacks moving in.

So if you know white people that are not including that factor in their purchase, they are not very wise investors.

Horseshit. What brings down housing prices is how the neighborhood is maintained and the age of the houses.

It didn't have anything to do with that. You made the assumption that most whites interact with blacks 30% of the time. Companies do expose themselves to the largest audience they can; city people. So that's probably one of the reasons you see so many blacks in ads today.

And I stand by that assumption, the outliers in Utah and Montana do not changing that.
I'm going to repeat somethings I said earlier...
My whole point in this "RANT" as some of you probably ignorantly declare is that if I were a black person I would be offended by the TV ads that were trying to push the
imagery that these commercials are pushing.

The black people I worked with in the 70s in Texas (one my partner) would be laughing on the outside but I know he would be embarrassed at this blatant attempt to
really stereotype the black person.
Why should there be questions like I asked?

Why not just create a reasonable honest commercial where the black family is like most black families.
Hard working, honest and above all certainly not the stereotypes that the MSM is honking!

But the commercials are truly insulting many blacks in this country and they don't know how to express this without being accused of being a "house...." or some other epithet that
many WHITE socialistic, liberals would put on them...i.e. look at all the black conservatives in this country...true heroes by the way and the accusations that they have sold out being
probably the least offensive!

When you idiot, white, socialistic, liberals attack people like Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain and call them "house n.....r" or "uncle Toms"... because they have provided a
black conservative point of view that is what I'm pointing out is the hypocrisy!

Those of you that attacked me for defending the integrity of the black community that is vastly represented by the Clarence Thomas,Dr.Carsons... of the world are the racists!

You in your attempts to quote make blacks in commercials superior to whites, smarter than whites, are truly perpetuating the plantation owners' mentality, i.e. the Black community
isn't smart enough to raise and your stereotypical liberal, phony intellectually superior pack especially in the advertising business are really trying to in your
mind elevate the Black population when it doesn't need the help!

You seem to be unaware that people like me, who had a black cousin in the 50s in IOWA no less with less then 1% of the population black are called "racists" because we want to treat
Blacks as equals...not superiors! You seem to be unaware that Diamond and Silk (who in the famous words of Obama "and by the way they are black!!!") are great supporters of Trump and people like me because we treat them as adults first. Not people that depend on White tax money in the form of Section 8, free cell phones, SNAP, and the variety of methods
designed to KEEP them dependent on the White Democrat politician.
Why do you think this is happening?
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
Even as cable news networks debate reports of the existence of a recording of President Donald Trump using a racial slur, a new poll from Rasmussen Reports says that the president's approval rating among African-Americans is at 36 percent, nearly double his support at this time last year.

"Today's @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 36%," Rasmussen said in a tweet. "This day last year: 19%."

That is a staggeringly high number for a man who only won 8 percent of the African-American vote in 2016.

It is even more unexpected given the president's rocky history on matters related to race, including his current nasty feud with former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, who has alleged Trump said "n word" on the set of the reality-TV show "The Apprentice."

Conservatives celebrated the poll as a sign of trouble for Democrats in upcoming elections.

Charlie Kirk, the founder of the conservative campus group Turning Point USA, cited the poll as evidence that Trump "is breaking the Democrat party as we know it."
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds

Could it be this statistic?:black unemployment hit 5.9% in 2018, the lowest since the statistics were started to be kept in Jan 1972...46 years ago!
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

So my contention is don't insult the blacks by stereotyping them as the commercials are doing now. "Pandering" to puff the image. That is just stupid.

As has been pointed out by someone else, pretty much everyone gets stereotyped in commercials. :dunno:
I had to look up XENOPHOBIC.

Sure a lot of phobics and isms these days It's hard to keep up with progressive projection and their victim roles.
I had to look up XENOPHOBIC.

Sure a lot of phobics and isms these days It's hard to keep up with progressive projection and their victim roles.

Not really a new term at all, has been used to describe many nations down through history.
Only 3% of commercials were all black . Blacks make up 10% of the population.

This is a stupid study because of all the variables in commercials .

many white people cant see the white forests for the white trees if they think their are too many minorities on tv.

I think the point here is that television and marketing companies promote a melting pot scenario. Even though blacks are a small percentage of our population, they appear in about a third of commercial advertising.

One of two reasons for this: the first is that they don't want to be accused of ignoring the blacks. There are Jessie Jackson groups out there waiting to cast a discrimination accusation against companies that ignore blacks. Jackson is America's only legal extortionist and who needs that headache? Or two: younger people relate to the melting pot scenario, and it's younger people that will be the biggest consumers of just about any product.

Question for you, do you see black people during more than a third of your day?


Here’s the problem with this study . Take Sam Jackson. He’s a spokesman for that credit card . Does he have the gig cause he’s black , or cause he’s Sam Jackson? It’s cause he’s a famous actor .

Personally I like it when it’s a mixed family commercial. Cause I know it drives white racists crazy .
Only 3% of commercials were all black . Blacks make up 10% of the population.

This is a stupid study because of all the variables in commercials .

many white people cant see the white forests for the white trees if they think their are too many minorities on tv.

I think the point here is that television and marketing companies promote a melting pot scenario. Even though blacks are a small percentage of our population, they appear in about a third of commercial advertising.

One of two reasons for this: the first is that they don't want to be accused of ignoring the blacks. There are Jessie Jackson groups out there waiting to cast a discrimination accusation against companies that ignore blacks. Jackson is America's only legal extortionist and who needs that headache? Or two: younger people relate to the melting pot scenario, and it's younger people that will be the biggest consumers of just about any product.

Question for you, do you see black people during more than a third of your day?


Here’s the problem with this study . Take Sam Jackson. He’s a spokesman for that credit card . Does he have the gig cause he’s black , or cause he’s Sam Jackson? It’s cause he’s a famous actor .

Personally I like it when it’s a mixed family commercial. Cause I know it drives white racists crazy .

I can imagine when ever one of his ads comes on the TV these guys going "damn, another black man on my screen"..:21::21::21:
Only 3% of commercials were all black . Blacks make up 10% of the population.

This is a stupid study because of all the variables in commercials .

many white people cant see the white forests for the white trees if they think their are too many minorities on tv.

I think the point here is that television and marketing companies promote a melting pot scenario. Even though blacks are a small percentage of our population, they appear in about a third of commercial advertising.

One of two reasons for this: the first is that they don't want to be accused of ignoring the blacks. There are Jessie Jackson groups out there waiting to cast a discrimination accusation against companies that ignore blacks. Jackson is America's only legal extortionist and who needs that headache? Or two: younger people relate to the melting pot scenario, and it's younger people that will be the biggest consumers of just about any product.

Question for you, do you see black people during more than a third of your day?


Here’s the problem with this study . Take Sam Jackson. He’s a spokesman for that credit card . Does he have the gig cause he’s black , or cause he’s Sam Jackson? It’s cause he’s a famous actor .

Personally I like it when it’s a mixed family commercial. Cause I know it drives white racists crazy .

I can imagine when ever one of his ads comes on the TV these guys going "damn, another black man on my screen"..:21::21::21:

Oh , and if it’s an implied gay couple. They are firing off angry emails to the company !
Horseshit. What brings down housing prices is how the neighborhood is maintained and the age of the houses.

Not really. Crime is the biggest factor.

My sister lives in the next city, and she's selling out right now. Why? Because there are no stores in the area. No Walmart, K-Mart, JC Penny, nothing. Blacks closed them down because of the theft.

At one time, our shopping centers were nationally known. The actor Ted Night (played Ted Baxter on the Mary Tyler Moore show) used to do commercials for the mall in our city. Only a couple miles away, Randall Park Mall was the largest in the country at it's time. It drew people from coast to coast.

Our mall today is half a ghost town. They tore down Randall Park and now Amazon bought the property and is making a distribution center there. There is virtually nowhere to shop here.

Our city is in the red because of property values being down, some of the people don't pay their property taxes anyway, and our crime is tenfold of what it was when I moved here.

And I stand by that assumption, the outliers in Utah and Montana do not changing that.

Those two alone, no they don't. But there are many places around the country where it's very much the same situation. Outside of Cleveland in the country side, there are virtually no blacks in most of those towns.
What percentage of the actors in commercials are black. The study says that blacks appear in 32% of the ads but if the ad has five people in the ad, and only one of them are black, and he/she then only 20% of the actors in that commercial are black.

This is a prime example of “figures never lie, but liars often figure”. Every time I walk down the street, or look out my car window, I see people who aren’t white. But my town in overwhelmingly white. Am I only supposed to see people of colour in the exact proportions as they appear in the population?

And last but not least, why does this bother you?

I wondered this as well. How many ads have blacks in them doesn't actually tell us the percentage of blacks in the ads, which would seem to be the important number if one is comparing to the percentage of the population that is black.

The study apparently found that almost 60% of the ads had only white actors. Should we be concerned that whites are over-represented in commercials? :p

So what's wrong with appealing to a white audience? How many whites are on the BET channel?

In the past several long running hit shows had all white casts. They did well for many, many years. Then the blacks started to complain about it, so they had to make a role for a new black actor or actress. Then the shows went right down the toilet. Two that comes to mind were Friends and That 70's show.

What about the statistics involved gives the impression that white audiences are not being appealed to? 58.8% of ads were all-white. Another 28.7% had blacks and whites. That's 87.5% of all ads having whites, and the number is likely higher; there were probably ads with whites and people of other races, but no blacks.

If the point of the thread is that having blacks in 32% of ads is a problem because blacks are only 12.6% of the population, wouldn't having whites in at least 87.5% of ads when they are only 63.3% of the population also be a problem?

Are you really saying that Friends and That 70s Show became bad shows because of the inclusion of a black actor?

I didn't say that, but the show was written for a certain group of people and yes, I think forcing a new role turned off a lot of people.

I don't watch sitcoms that much, but in the 70's there were mostly black shows on. The Jeffersons come to mind and so does Sanford and Son. It was mostly a black cast. The only part whites had were the idiots or outcast of the show. The Jeffersons had an annoying white neighbor that intruded all the time. On Sanford and Sons, it was the white cop that was always trying to use black phrases and looked like an idiot.

As I stated earlier about BET. It's probably a mostly black audience, so having shows and commercials with exclusively black actors is not that unusual. They are appealing to their audience.

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make by bringing up The Jeffersons and Sanford & Son. Yes, they were mostly black cast sitcoms. What's the point? That black actors in commercials should be seen only during shows with mostly black casts? The statistics given in the OP show only 3.3% of commercials have all-black actors, so it's not as if other races are being entirely excluded from most advertising in favor of blacks. What does the couple of mostly black shows you bring up have to do with this thread exactly?
BET was not used in the sample.
Only 3% of commercials were all black . Blacks make up 10% of the population.

This is a stupid study because of all the variables in commercials .

many white people cant see the white forests for the white trees if they think their are too many minorities on tv.

I think the point here is that television and marketing companies promote a melting pot scenario. Even though blacks are a small percentage of our population, they appear in about a third of commercial advertising.

One of two reasons for this: the first is that they don't want to be accused of ignoring the blacks. There are Jessie Jackson groups out there waiting to cast a discrimination accusation against companies that ignore blacks. Jackson is America's only legal extortionist and who needs that headache? Or two: younger people relate to the melting pot scenario, and it's younger people that will be the biggest consumers of just about any product.

Oh I agree with the "Jackson" scenario! Most assuredly he'd make millions.

I tend to agree with the "melting pot" BUT the problem quite frankly is that by emphasizing the "black" superiority i.e. the white is the dunce meme, the net affect is actually embarrassing the black community that for the Blacks I know would rather no have "affirmative action" advantages as these "advantages" turn out to be more dependency!!
Those of you that attacked me for defending the integrity of the black community that is vastly represented by the Clarence Thomas,Dr.Carsons... of the world are the racists!

Would you rather be attacked for having started a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet?

Because we could totally do that. :deal:
When black people are extremely overrepresented in a field it is fine and even great to typical ignorant Democrats.

When white people are slightly overrepresented in any field it is a tragedy.
Only 3% of commercials were all black . Blacks make up 10% of the population.

This is a stupid study because of all the variables in commercials .

many white people cant see the white forests for the white trees if they think their are too many minorities on tv.

I think the point here is that television and marketing companies promote a melting pot scenario. Even though blacks are a small percentage of our population, they appear in about a third of commercial advertising.

One of two reasons for this: the first is that they don't want to be accused of ignoring the blacks. There are Jessie Jackson groups out there waiting to cast a discrimination accusation against companies that ignore blacks. Jackson is America's only legal extortionist and who needs that headache? Or two: younger people relate to the melting pot scenario, and it's younger people that will be the biggest consumers of just about any product.

Oh I agree with the "Jackson" scenario! Most assuredly he'd make millions.

I tend to agree with the "melting pot" BUT the problem quite frankly is that by emphasizing the "black" superiority i.e. the white is the dunce meme, the net affect is actually embarrassing the black community that for the Blacks I know would rather no have "affirmative action" advantages as these "advantages" turn out to be more dependency!!

Oh yeah. Cause tv portrays minorities is such a great light!!!

Come on! You don’t believe this do you?
Those of you that attacked me for defending the integrity of the black community that is vastly represented by the Clarence Thomas,Dr.Carsons... of the world are the racists!

Would you rather be attacked for having started a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet?

Because we could totally do that. :deal:

I have certainly made an impression on your anal fascinations. I bet as a fecalfeliac you would be honored to play with Obama's feces.
Those of you that attacked me for defending the integrity of the black community that is vastly represented by the Clarence Thomas,Dr.Carsons... of the world are the racists!

Would you rather be attacked for having started a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet?

Because we could totally do that. :deal:

I have certainly made an impression

You sure did Chuckles. It continues to astound me that you thought you could post that and it would just blow away.
Those of you that attacked me for defending the integrity of the black community that is vastly represented by the Clarence Thomas,Dr.Carsons... of the world are the racists!

Would you rather be attacked for having started a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet?

Because we could totally do that. :deal:

I have certainly made an impression

You sure did Chuckles. It continues to astound me that you thought you could post that and it would just blow away.

No what continues to fascinate you is an adult discussion regarding Muslim beliefs had fascinated you so that I wouldn't be surprised if you developed a fixation as manifested by
your bringing the topic up. I have no problem being an adult describing how Muslim religious beliefs declare the left hand dirty as it is used by right handed people to cleanse themselves.
And that is a topic of scholarly efforts around the world.
ONLY people that are still in junior high or mentally halted at that IQ seem to have a feces fixation.

In Sunan Abi Dawood (33) it is narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said:
The right hand of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was for his purification and food, and
his left hand was for using the toilet and anything that was dirty. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
The reason why the right hand is preferred over the left -
When black people are extremely overrepresented in a field it is fine and even great to typical ignorant Democrats.

When white people are slightly overrepresented in any field it is a tragedy.

Of course, the statistics in the report don't actually show blacks being over-represented. So even if someone believes in the ridiculous sentiment from your post, there's no way to know, from the information in this thread, whether it applies. ;)

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