At this juncture, the RW rejects the science of man-made climate change because it scares them

I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?

dang about being buried in the deep matrix. We cant help you in here.:up:
So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.

The lament of a bubble dweller.

World governments don't care s0n........the evidence is far and wide. Fossil fuels will dominate for decades........because they are cheap and you don't have to devastate the voters with mega-taxation.

Nobody is caring about the science.:popcorn:
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Who said "the world?" I said politicians and so-called "climate scientists," and the fact that they are profiting off it is irrefutable. Here's how they profit: hold a gun to our heads and extract the money from our paychecks. It's called "taxation," moron.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.
The single greatest way we could reduce the amount of carbon being released into the atmosphere could be accomplished tomorrow with a simple policy change that would have no negative impact on our lives at all. Stop importing millions of people from low consumption third world countries into high consumption countries in the north. Until the climate zealots make that their primary objective, they have no credibility.

You'd think these morons would be opposed to illegal immigration since it brings people from where their consumption of fossil fuels is low to a country where their consumption of fossil fuels is high. Yet, rather than wanting to control the problem, they want to exacerbate it. Their claims of being concerned about global warming are pure horseshit.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

Seems like YOU are demonstrably more scared than the Skeptics are. Damn those activists in labcoats for panicking you.

You can calm the fuck down now. NONE of the original projections of Doomsday are in play anymore. It's all been "moderated" by the scientific process. And if you don't KNOW what the Global Mean Annual Surface Temperature will BE in 2100 --- (which nobody does to any degree of certainty now) --- you should start drinking more to just resolve the trauma that was inflicted upon you..
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

Weak minds like to be told what to think. They also like to think they are at the centre of the universe, even if they are being blamed for something. They think it is better than being meaningless.

Climate change is the new religion. It allows them to take the perceived moral high ground, and judge those who think differently.

The reality is that the money wasted on useless efforts does nothing but 'signal' their supposed goodness while hurting those people and causes that the money would be better spent on.
I mean, AGW is not a new idea...


So you admit the left has always been screaming the end was near..

You do know we get tired of your fear mongering right?

So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.

More propaganda from you? Forget to mention fossil fuels supported the Paris accord retard?

The only reason commies give a fuck about "climate change" is because they want to use it as a trojan horse for world government and communist rule over everyone.
Do you notice how climate scientists and democrats never actually mention the word "communism" as it relates to climate change?

Yea they call it "social economic change"

Why don't you explain what you think socialism means.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

No, I reject your religion because it's bullshit.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

No, I reject your religion because it's bullshit.
Why? Based on what?
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

And you are accusing others of being "scared"??!!??!!


Look out!

Yep. You should be afraid. I am.
So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes? comes the old bait and switch....What you are being asked to provide is a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. Got any?

Crick raved on about the peer reviewed this and that and the ipcc this and that but when the rubber met the road, he couldn't come up with jack and what he did provide was absolutely laughable. So lets see it billy000...lets see a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

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