At this juncture, the RW rejects the science of man-made climate change because it scares them

The world can't be that damned scared of "Climate Change" or they wouldn't be giving passes to countries like China, Russia and India that would even be allowed to INCREASE their CO2 outputs. Besides, until geo-engineering is added into the equation? There is no way of knowing what the actual temperature is.

They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
What observed, quantifiable, empirical evidence do you have to support this supposition?
There isn't any for a prediction like that, but considering there are so many factors stacked against us, it's a reasonable assumption. Natural disasters will get worse. Drought will get worse. Global flooding will get worse. War over resources will become more likely. We are already in the midst of a mass extinction of the planet. Marine life is rapidly dying which of course will inevitably affect the quality of life of humans the world over.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Are you really this ignorant? I would say you are... Tell me, if the government takes all the lands, and makes you a servant and then forces you to pay for the ability to remain alive and live on it, how much money and power will that give bureaucrats?
Oh you're hilarious. You demand scientific evidence from me when we both know there is absolutely no evidence for what you're talking about. Climate change research by comparison is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed studies from around the world.
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

Do you know how many times the church has predicted the apocalypse, because of how bad things were? The apocalypse is a great seller, because every generation in human history has had it worse than the ones before it. Isn't the whole AGW fear mongering and wouldn't it disprove that the right wing brain is less susceptible to fear??? You're whole point
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Are you really this ignorant? I would say you are... Tell me, if the government takes all the lands, and makes you a servant and then forces you to pay for the ability to remain alive and live on it, how much money and power will that give bureaucrats?
Oh you're hilarious. You demand scientific evidence from me when we both know there is absolutely no evidence for what you're talking about. Climate change research by comparison is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed studies from around the world.
Current Empirical evidence shows your AGW hypothesis a failed one..
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Are you really this ignorant? I would say you are... Tell me, if the government takes all the lands, and makes you a servant and then forces you to pay for the ability to remain alive and live on it, how much money and power will that give bureaucrats?
Oh you're hilarious. You demand scientific evidence from me when we both know there is absolutely no evidence for what you're talking about. Climate change research by comparison is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed studies from around the world.
Current Empirical evidence shows your AGW hypothesis a failed one..
Definitely not. In fact, there is no scientific field that conflicts with this theory. You finding some random study funded by big oil or is not peer-reviewed would do nothing to undo years of research.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Are you really this ignorant? I would say you are... Tell me, if the government takes all the lands, and makes you a servant and then forces you to pay for the ability to remain alive and live on it, how much money and power will that give bureaucrats?
Oh you're hilarious. You demand scientific evidence from me when we both know there is absolutely no evidence for what you're talking about. Climate change research by comparison is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed studies from around the world.
Current Empirical evidence shows your AGW hypothesis a failed one..
Definitely not. In fact, there is no scientific field that conflicts with this theory. You finding some random study funded by big oil or is not peer-reviewed would do nothing to undo years of research.
Wrong again...

Your ability to silence those who disagree with the pseudoscience of AGW is no longer going to work. The Empirical Evidence is out of the bag and the attempts to make up data and change up records to suit your agenda are over.

Tell me how you determined what is caused by natural variation and what can be attributed to man. Where is your work? Where is your evidence and causal (ruling out all other potential causes) work?

To date, NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO DO IT! So where is your work?
Last edited:
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Are you really this ignorant? I would say you are... Tell me, if the government takes all the lands, and makes you a servant and then forces you to pay for the ability to remain alive and live on it, how much money and power will that give bureaucrats?
Oh you're hilarious. You demand scientific evidence from me when we both know there is absolutely no evidence for what you're talking about. Climate change research by comparison is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed studies from around the world.
Current Empirical evidence shows your AGW hypothesis a failed one..
Definitely not. In fact, there is no scientific field that conflicts with this theory. You finding some random study funded by big oil or is not peer-reviewed would do nothing to undo years of research.
Wrong again...

Your ability to silence those who disagree with the pseudoscience of AGW is no longer going to work. The Empirical Evidence is out of the bag and the attempts to make up data and change up records to suit your agenda are over.

Tell me how you determined what is caused by natural variation and what can be attributed to man. Where is your work? Where is your evidence and causal (ruling out all other potential causes) work?
This is really isnt hard to figure out. Since around the start of the industrial revolution, the warming of the planet ACCELERATED and the last few years have been the hottest ON RECORD.
Are you really this ignorant? I would say you are... Tell me, if the government takes all the lands, and makes you a servant and then forces you to pay for the ability to remain alive and live on it, how much money and power will that give bureaucrats?
Oh you're hilarious. You demand scientific evidence from me when we both know there is absolutely no evidence for what you're talking about. Climate change research by comparison is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed studies from around the world.
Current Empirical evidence shows your AGW hypothesis a failed one..
Definitely not. In fact, there is no scientific field that conflicts with this theory. You finding some random study funded by big oil or is not peer-reviewed would do nothing to undo years of research.
Wrong again...

Your ability to silence those who disagree with the pseudoscience of AGW is no longer going to work. The Empirical Evidence is out of the bag and the attempts to make up data and change up records to suit your agenda are over.

Tell me how you determined what is caused by natural variation and what can be attributed to man. Where is your work? Where is your evidence and causal (ruling out all other potential causes) work?
This is really isnt hard to figure out. Since around the start of the industrial revolution, the warming of the planet ACCELERATED and the last few years have been the hottest ON RECORD.
As I demonstrated earlier;

The slope of today's warming has been seen throughout recent history and many of the slopes are far faster and greater than today's warming. Again, how did you determine man's influence on the current warming trend and how did you discern it from natural variation, which it clearly could be 100% caused by.? Better still, how did these trends happen before mans influence?

Placing today's trends in context blows your hypothesis out of the water.
Last edited:
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Lol dude your graph is of fucking Greenland. Meanwhile, the average GLOBAL TEMPERATURE has accelerated at an unprecedented rate since the industrial revolution.
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
So in other words you don't have an answer. That's what I thought.
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Dude your whole OP is condridicting itself, because the right wing is supposedly susceptible to fear, yet they aren't are afraid...but yet you call that's all very confusing. Obviously this OP is half cocked and not thought out. Anyway good job proving the hypocrisy of anything with a warm body blindly following what people tell them to think, claiming to be in the right on an issue.
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Lol dude your graph is of fucking Greenland. Meanwhile, the average GLOBAL TEMPERATURE has accelerated at an unprecedented rate since the industrial revolution.

It is in both hemispheres data. The swings are global due to the fact they were seen globally.

And you still haven't explained why the swings were there before man's influence. Why?
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Dude your whole OP is condridicting itself, because the right wing is supposedly susceptible to fear, yet they aren't are afraid...but yet you call that's all very confusing. Obviously this OP is half cocked and not thought out. Anyway good job proving the hypocrisy of anything with a warm body blindly following what people tell them to think, claiming to be in the right on an issue.
I think you were addressing the Billyzero.. But I agree that his whole premise is now at the bottom of the ocean with the titanic.
Last edited:
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Lol dude your graph is of fucking Greenland. Meanwhile, the average GLOBAL TEMPERATURE has accelerated at an unprecedented rate since the industrial revolution.

It is in both hemispheres data. The swings are global due to the fact they were seen globally.

And you still haven't explained why the swings were there before man's influence. Why?
Um no it isn't. It's the temperature of glacial ice in Greenland. Certain time periods are labeled but it's al in GREENLAND.

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