At this juncture, the RW rejects the science of man-made climate change because it scares them

I remember back in the 70's that the "scientists said that we were heading towards another ice age and that was used in conjunction with the rise in oil prices (especially heating oil) and coal. Since the world's economy runs on oil that the robber barons control all of? and since we have learned that oil is the second most prevalent fluid on earth and is actually an abiotic entity naturally produced by the earth's crust? Well, the global elites have decided that oil and coal is bad...not that the use of them will stop nor will suppressed technology to free us from the use of oil or coal be allowed. They simply want to "double dip" by charging a carbon tax but nothing is gonna change. They might stop spraying the atmosphere with heavy metal nano-particulates as much but I doubt it since it has so many military applications. People like Billy are either planted shills or flat out stupid..........either or.
Yes your an idiot.. Myself and SSDD have presented the data from BOTH HEMISPHERES showing that it was indeed a global event.. by refusing to even think you have shown yourself an IDIOT!

These guys are big on predicting doom, but damned short on any data that shows the present climate is behaving in any way other than completely naturally.
They used to get a panicked reaction due to their fear-mongering and gloom and doom predictions. This is common with people who are young or have no contextual information with which to judge the severity of the true problem. Now that the past predictions have failed to materialize, most are looking for the information as to why they failed and they are learning that its a huge pile of excrement.

Now they are again ramping up the deceit and lies but no one is listening to them and the populace has greater information from the skeptic side about the non-problem. They now resort to name calling and other bully tactics in an effort to again become relevant..

And rather than looking at the long view, which actually tells you something about the variability of climate. they want to look at shorter and shorter periods of time in an effort to make things look worse. It's like they feel the need to worry even if they have to make something up to worry about .
A panicked person will make irrational decisions because their emotions are driving their decision making process. This is when we lose our freedoms and our sovereignty because they are thinking from fear. When we think rationally and weigh the information with a calm mind we make much better decisions and ones that are not in conflict with our best interests.

IF they can get people to react in a panicked, emotional frenzy, they can get them to give up their very lives, something they would never do if thinking rationally.
Yes your an idiot.. Myself and SSDD have presented the data from BOTH HEMISPHERES showing that it was indeed a global event.. by refusing to even think you have shown yourself an IDIOT!

These guys are big on predicting doom, but damned short on any data that shows the present climate is behaving in any way other than completely naturally.
They used to get a panicked reaction due to their fear-mongering and gloom and doom predictions. This is common with people who are young or have no contextual information with which to judge the severity of the true problem. Now that the past predictions have failed to materialize, most are looking for the information as to why they failed and they are learning that its a huge pile of excrement.

Now they are again ramping up the deceit and lies but no one is listening to them and the populace has greater information from the skeptic side about the non-problem. They now resort to name calling and other bully tactics in an effort to again become relevant..

And rather than looking at the long view, which actually tells you something about the variability of climate. they want to look at shorter and shorter periods of time in an effort to make things look worse. It's like they feel the need to worry even if they have to make something up to worry about .
A panicked person will make irrational decisions because their emotions are driving their decision making process. This is when we lose our freedoms and our sovereignty because they are thinking from fear. When we think rationally and weigh the information with a calm mind we make much better decisions and ones that are not in conflict with our best interests.

IF they can get people to react in a panicked, emotional frenzy, they can get them to give up their very lives, something they would never do if thinking rationally.

Thinking clearly and rationally isn't generally liberal's best thing. That would be why they are known as the kings of unintended consequences...they operate on feeling rather than rationality.
The only reason commies give a fuck about "climate change" is because they want to use it as a trojan horse for world government and communist rule over everyone.

Telling other people what they think huh? It's never really a good idea. Plus you're wrong.

Got any actual evidence to support that claim?

Let me usual, that would be a resounding no.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
What observed, quantifiable, empirical evidence do you have to support this supposition?
There isn't any for a prediction like that, but considering there are so many factors stacked against us, it's a reasonable assumption. Natural disasters will get worse. Drought will get worse. Global flooding will get worse. War over resources will become more likely. We are already in the midst of a mass extinction of the planet. Marine life is rapidly dying which of course will inevitably affect the quality of life of humans the world over.
"Repent, then end is near!"
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Lol dude your graph is of fucking Greenland. Meanwhile, the average GLOBAL TEMPERATURE has accelerated at an unprecedented rate since the industrial revolution.
That's just a flat out fucking lie.
Falsification and fabrication is rampant in the government sector. Most, if not all, of their conclusions are flat wrong and have been proven wrong or flat out fabricated. Peer review is pal review these days, it means nothing to most of the people actually doing science in my field. So I ask for YOUR EVIDENCE because so much of it is false or flat made up. You take it on faith because it fits your narrative and you want to believe it. As a scientist I am skeptical of all of it... so buck up and put up!
You are such an idiot. It's unfathomable you ar such a hypocrite abou this burden of providing evidence. You have no evidence whatsoever for any of the claims you made in this post.

Also, you clearly do not understand science, because while peer-reviewed science isn't perfect (nothing is), it is still the highest standard for scientific research.


I guess you slept through the Alarmists all "peer reviewing" their own works and that of their friends.. Peer review is now a laughing stock as are the so called reputable journals who employ the good ol boy reviewers..
Um no actually. You are just making shit up. Tell me, if peer reviewed is a farce, what specific scientific standard is better? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Sadly you do not appear to be able to use cognitive thought or critical thinking skills. This is why others and you are so easily duped.
Dude your whole OP is condridicting itself, because the right wing is supposedly susceptible to fear, yet they aren't are afraid...but yet you call that's all very confusing. Obviously this OP is half cocked and not thought out. Anyway good job proving the hypocrisy of anything with a warm body blindly following what people tell them to think, claiming to be in the right on an issue.
Labeling opposing positions as "fear" is just a leftwing propaganda tactic. They also always label them as "extreme, facist, sexist," yada, yada, yada.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

that scam is pretty much dead in the water. Trump torpedoed it. Thank God.
Guess billy000 has seem more actual evidence contradicting his claim than he can deal with. Guess he slinked off. Wonder how long before he just starts making the same claims that he just saw debunked in another thread.
Guess billy000 has seem more actual evidence contradicting his claim than he can deal with. Guess he slinked off. Wonder how long before he just starts making the same claims that he just saw debunked in another thread.
No matter how hard he gets slammed, Billy always comes back for another helping. Sometimes I almost feel guilty about setting him straight. But then I get a hold of myself when I remember what an utter lying douche bag he is.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
What observed, quantifiable, empirical evidence do you have to support this supposition?
There isn't any for a prediction like that, but considering there are so many factors stacked against us, it's a reasonable assumption. Natural disasters will get worse. Drought will get worse. Global flooding will get worse. War over resources will become more likely. We are already in the midst of a mass extinction of the planet. Marine life is rapidly dying which of course will inevitably affect the quality of life of humans the world over.
"Repent, then end is near!"

Yup. Or as the street corner religious wacko had painted on his soapbox, "TURN, OR BURN".
Why don't you explain what you think socialism means.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism · social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement
yeah...ask the people in south Australia about their energy bills using so called green energy ...they have the distinction of paying some of the highest utility costs in the world.

Same for Germany where electricity has become a luxury. It has doubled in cost to consumers which make it unaffordable for many consumers. Others turn off their power except during certain times of the day. Yep, that's the plan petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had in mind for us when he first took office. Unfortunately, for Obama, fracking on private and state land boomed giving us the opposite effect Obama wanted for us.
here billy000, some more science for you.

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

“Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away”

Modelling Antarctic and Greenland volume changes during the 20th and 21st centuries forced by GCM time slice integrations - ScienceDirect

“As a general result, it is found that the effect of increased precipitation on Antarctica dominates over the effect of increased melting on Greenland for the entire range of predictions, so that both polar ice sheets combined would gain mass in the 21st century. The results are very similar for both time-slice patterns driven by the underlying time evolution series with most of the scatter in the results caused by the variability in the lower-resolution AOGCMs. Combining these results with the long-term background trend yields a 20th and 21st century sea-level trend from polar ice sheets that is however not significantly different from zero.”
Okay allow me to explain why you're all still stupid. What that study says is that net gain of ice has slowed. It still says that Antartica is LOSING ice at an unprecedented rate even if more ice is still accumulating. They STILL ATTRIBUTE IT TO CLIMATE CHANGE.

And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Who said "the world?" I said politicians and so-called "climate scientists," and the fact that they are profiting off it is irrefutable. Here's how they profit: hold a gun to our heads and extract the money from our paychecks. It's called "taxation," moron.
You are such a retard. Who exactly is getting rich off revenue? Also, if the oil industry is so profitable, why wouldn't they just cling like leeches to those lobbyists instead?
Guess billy000 has seem more actual evidence contradicting his claim than he can deal with. Guess he slinked off. Wonder how long before he just starts making the same claims that he just saw debunked in another thread.
No matter how hard he gets slammed, Billy always comes back for another helping. Sometimes I almost feel guilty about setting him straight. But then I get a hold of myself when I remember what an utter lying douche bag he is.
Nah. I always succeed in making you look like fools. Every time.

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