At this juncture, the RW rejects the science of man-made climate change because it scares them

Are you going to answer the man Billy Boy?

Says the guy who made an idiot out of himself when he tried to provide some actual evidence that supports AGW over natural show evidence of some climate change with a great big assumption that we are causing it tacked on and call that evidence that supports AGW over natural variability.
You think the temperature trend of the last 100 years is within the realm of natural variability? Idiot.
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?

MWP pwns you s0n!:coffee:

Anyway........those studies aren't mattering for dick in the real world. Crap and Tax has been dead for years and no interest in it at politician is going out there on a platform of, "We need to save the planet, so I'm doubling your electric bill next week!!". Well........might entice a few progressives but they are politically irrelevant at the present time.:deal:
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
Please post up the evidence (empirical, observed and quantified) that you think supports your fear-mongering and supports the AGW hypothesis .. Show your work. Now how did you determined what warming is attributed to man and how it is changing the climate.. Don't forget natural variation and how you ruled that out..

I'll wait..

The influx of fools spouting the talking points but don't have a damn clue about the science is getting annoying..
Okay look, I'll give you an example of empirical research but before I do, I have to ask you why you would ask for this. Like really? You're questioning whether or not scientific studies have been done on this? You're asking the equivalent of "hey show me research done on cancer."

If I do a simple google search and provide you a link to one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies that show a link between human activity and climate change, you'll shut up? That's all it takes?

MWP pwns you s0n!:coffee:

Anyway........those studies aren't mattering for dick in the real world. Crap and Tax has been dead for years and no interest in it at politician is going out there on a platform of, "We need to save the planet, so I'm doubling your electric bill next week!!". Well........might entice a few progressives but they are politically irrelevant at the present time.:deal:

The politicians have been saying that so-called "green energy" will lower your utility bill.
You think the temperature trend of the last 100 years is within the realm of natural variability? Idiot.

Of course it is skid mark....Here, gold standard temperature reconstructions from both the Arctic and the Antarctic...both showing the same signatures indicating that the changes were both larger than anything we have seen and global in nature...unless of course, you would care to explain how the same temp spikes and dips could be happening at the poles but not in the space between. It has all been shown to you before, but being an idiot, it just doesn't sink in.


The politicians have been saying that so-called "green energy" will lower your utility bill.

yeah...ask the people in south Australia about their energy bills using so called green energy ...they have the distinction of paying some of the highest utility costs in the world.
The politicians have been saying that so-called "green energy" will lower your utility bill.

yeah...ask the people in south Australia about their energy bills using so called green energy ...they have the distinction of paying some of the highest utility costs in the world.
Germans pay three times what Americans pay.

South Australians wish they were paying what Germans pay. In south australia they have put more of their eggs in the renewables basket than the germans ahve and now they are paying the price.
As for my part, I resist the global redistribution of Trillions of dollars of US treasure based on politicised science, inaccurate models, or even a basic understanding on how a process that has existed for all of human history (global warming) is now considered by international politicians to be the certain death of humans.

The last time a widely-accepted scientific principle was used to make political decisions ... it resulted in the Holocaust.

The USA has no business giving ANY foreign government trillions of dollars until these asshats can at least upgrade their own shitty Medicare computer system/ software that is at least 30+ years old and highly outdated. Black screen with bright green print anyone??? Can't copy and paste information from screen to screen?? Angry stick figure man in lower corner when you type an error? Ummm hellloooo.
You think the temperature trend of the last 100 years is within the realm of natural variability? Idiot.
Empirically observed ice cores says it is...

Let me guess, you believe your fantasy modeling...
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The politicians have been saying that so-called "green energy" will lower your utility bill.

yeah...ask the people in south Australia about their energy bills using so called green energy ...they have the distinction of paying some of the highest utility costs in the world.
Germans pay three times what Americans pay.

South Australians wish they were paying what Germans pay. In south australia they have put more of their eggs in the renewables basket than the germans ahve and now they are paying the price.
One province, who claim they are the leader in renewables have crashed their entire power grid, 19 times in 6 months... and have daily brown outs.. which destroys motors and other electronics. The real cost of their idiocy is quite larger than the grid problems... Dont have a lifesaving surgery there, you might not survive it..
Businesses are already backing out of deals in South Australia because of energy issues and costs. Hahahaha, even recycling plants are closing because of the cost of electricity. Talk about your unintended consequences!
I mean, AGW is not a new idea...


We've watched it get worse and we've done nothing. We've been hearing about, learning about it but money is more important than our planet.

To some, it's more important than family.

Others are just stupid. Or willfully ignorant because even killing their grand kids is better than agreeing with the "educated, elitist left".

And some of these morons think we're gonna settle on Mars. Just any day now.

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We've watched it get worse and we've done nothing. We've been hearing about, learning about it but money is more important than our planet.

There is nothing to do anything about. Can you provide a single piece of observed, measured, data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? Just one?

Others are just stupid. Or willfully ignorant because even killing their grand kids is better than agreeing with the "educated, elitist left".

Well now, the stupid and wilfully ignorant tag goes to people like you. Even though you can't find a single shred of observed, measured, quantified data to support your belief over natural variability, you still believe and still spew your doom and gloom....and don't bother to question why you can't seem to find any real data to slap someone like me down with.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.
What observed, quantifiable, empirical evidence do you have to support this supposition?
Speaking of fear of science: the loons on the left are terrified of the biological reality that, except for a statstically insignificant middlesex, there are two sexes: male and female.
I sure to give it the slightest examination. That's why I'm laughing. I guarantee you that 100 years from now, so long as the warming cultists don't get their way, civilization will still be thriving and there will still by numskulls like predicting its end.
And yet that assumption is just something you've pulled out of your ass like always. My position is based on scientific data.
Your position is based on a hoax, a scam, a con.
It's not actually. It's based on science conducted AROUND THE WORLD. As in, most scientists and governments the world over understand it. Your position by comparison is based on republican propaganda, Fox News and other American RW media, and the fossil fuel industry protecting their profits. That's it. That's all you have on your side globally speaking.
What those governments and "scientists" understand is that the global warming con is a great way to vastly increase their power and income. Can anyone imagine them admitting it's not true, even if it were?

I've been saying global warming is a scam since 1994, long before FOX news and "RW media" even existed.
You're so dumb. There is zero evidence the world is collectively profiting off of this. HOW would that even happen to begin with?
Are you really this ignorant? I would say you are... Tell me, if the government takes all the lands, and makes you a servant and then forces you to pay for the ability to remain alive and live on it, how much money and power will that give bureaucrats?
You think the temperature trend of the last 100 years is within the realm of natural variability? Idiot.

All of these slopes are steeper than today's warming and far faster...

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