At this point, why not bypass the legal niceties and just put Trump in jail?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

At this point, why not bypass the legal niceties and

just put Trump in jail?

2 Aug 2023 ~~ By David Strom

The Biden Administration has clearly given up on the idea that the federal government exists to do anything but satisfy Joe Bidenā€™s whims.
So why not get it over with? Throw Donald Trump in jail without due process, construct reeducation camps, and rename the FBI the Stasi?
In less than 1 week the administration has shredded the already tattered reputation of the Justice Department.
  • Last Wednesday a US Attorney tried to convince a judge to give what amounted to a plenary pardon to Hunter Biden for all crimes he had committed in the past.
  • On Thursday Donald Trump was indicted yet again.
  • Then Sam Bankman-Fried was let off the hook for funneling $90 million of stolen funds into the pockets of Democrats.
  • Then the Justice Department demanded a judge jail a whistleblower who has revealed that Joe Biden was deeply involved in Hunter Bidenā€™s influence peddling.
  • Then the FBI reveals it contracted illegally with a spyware firmā€¦
  • And on Tuesday Donald Trump got indicted yet again.
As I said, they arenā€™t even trying to pretend they are anything but corrupt tyrants who are convinced they can get away with anything they want to.
The infuriating thing is that they are right.
If we lived in a free country with a working press there would at least be some outcry. Stories about the corruption would be printed and crusading journalists would be ringing alarm bells about the destruction of democracy.
Actually, on that latter point, they are doing precisely that, only they are blaming the Republicans for not buckling to the inevitable. The current definition of ā€œdemocracyā€ is simply complying with anything the Left wants to impose on us.
We have a Justice Department perfectly fine with abusing its power, an FBI that goes after parents and pro-lifers, an IRS that intimidates reporters, and all of these agencies determined to destroy Trump and every Republican.
Somebody has to clean all this up right frigging NOW, and I am not confident that Trump knows how to do it. He sure didnā€™t in his first term, and we got Joe Biden in office now.
Imagine a Biden second term. If this is Biden when he is seeking reelection, imagine Biden without any constraints at all.
Can it get any worse?
Yes, yes it can.

Since we`re going bananas, why bother with the mere formalities.
letā€™s just get to anarchy part, since that is what we have in our federal government. Might is Right, now. Maoist Democrats gave us a preview during the trump presidency with their `Peaceful But Fiery Protests`. We can certain show them the same.
Some Maoist Democrats make it obvious that they know Trump is guilty and he shouldnā€™t be allowed a trial or access to the governmentā€™s evidence against him. They want Trump to just go directly to prison for what he apparently did according to them. Why beat around the bush with a trial?
If Trump is reelected the Executive agencies will experience a blood bath. The left knows they have awakened a sleeping giant who will pursue them with terrible wrath. They cannot allow Trump to become POTUS again and will do anything they can to derail his candidacy. If these latest legal gambits fail to take down Trump, I fear that Maoist Democrats and Deep State are not above assassination.
Jeff Childers made some interesting legal points on this subject today in his `Coffee & Covid column`.
``In a long series of poorly-considered Trump cases, this is one of the dumbest yet.
First, nearly all the conduct described in the four counts is speech, and not just speech, but political speech. Political speech is the most protected kind of speech under the Constitutionā€™s First Amendment. That probably wonā€™t stop the Obama-appointed judge from letting the case survive an inevitable motion to dismiss, but my initial take is the counts canā€™t survive without rewriting the Constitution.``
If you think that's bad.......just think of what can happen in the next 15 months or so. We'll be damned lucky if there's a country left
Many people have reached the conclusion that we cannot vote our way out of it, we are an occupied nation, we are American 2.0.

I recently moved out of NY to a more rural location and Iā€™ve never seen so many American flags! Iā€™ve also seen many signs of the seething rage as the Progressive Fascist Occupiers continue to pile on the kindlingā€” and itā€™s genuinely frightening!

I pray for Divine Intervention and no need for violence

At this point, why not bypass the legal niceties and

just put Trump in jail?

2 Aug 2023 ~~ By David Strom

The Biden Administration has clearly given up on the idea that the federal government exists to do anything but satisfy Joe Bidenā€™s whims.
So why not get it over with? Throw Donald Trump in jail without due process, construct reeducation camps, and rename the FBI the Stasi?
In less than 1 week the administration has shredded the already tattered reputation of the Justice Department.
  • Last Wednesday a US Attorney tried to convince a judge to give what amounted to a plenary pardon to Hunter Biden for all crimes he had committed in the past.
  • On Thursday Donald Trump was indicted yet again.
  • Then Sam Bankman-Fried was let off the hook for funneling $90 million of stolen funds into the pockets of Democrats.
  • Then the Justice Department demanded a judge jail a whistleblower who has revealed that Joe Biden was deeply involved in Hunter Bidenā€™s influence peddling.
  • Then the FBI reveals it contracted illegally with a spyware firmā€¦
  • And on Tuesday Donald Trump got indicted yet again.
As I said, they arenā€™t even trying to pretend they are anything but corrupt tyrants who are convinced they can get away with anything they want to.
The infuriating thing is that they are right.
If we lived in a free country with a working press there would at least be some outcry. Stories about the corruption would be printed and crusading journalists would be ringing alarm bells about the destruction of democracy.
Actually, on that latter point, they are doing precisely that, only they are blaming the Republicans for not buckling to the inevitable. The current definition of ā€œdemocracyā€ is simply complying with anything the Left wants to impose on us.
We have a Justice Department perfectly fine with abusing its power, an FBI that goes after parents and pro-lifers, an IRS that intimidates reporters, and all of these agencies determined to destroy Trump and every Republican.
Somebody has to clean all this up right frigging NOW, and I am not confident that Trump knows how to do it. He sure didnā€™t in his first term, and we got Joe Biden in office now.
Imagine a Biden second term. If this is Biden when he is seeking reelection, imagine Biden without any constraints at all.
Can it get any worse?
Yes, yes it can.

Since we`re going bananas, why bother with the mere formalities.
letā€™s just get to anarchy part, since that is what we have in our federal government. Might is Right, now. Maoist Democrats gave us a preview during the trump presidency with their `Peaceful But Fiery Protests`. We can certain show them the same.
Some Maoist Democrats make it obvious that they know Trump is guilty and he shouldnā€™t be allowed a trial or access to the governmentā€™s evidence against him. They want Trump to just go directly to prison for what he apparently did according to them. Why beat around the bush with a trial?
If Trump is reelected the Executive agencies will experience a blood bath. The left knows they have awakened a sleeping giant who will pursue them with terrible wrath. They cannot allow Trump to become POTUS again and will do anything they can to derail his candidacy. If these latest legal gambits fail to take down Trump, I fear that Maoist Democrats and Deep State are not above assassination.
Jeff Childers made some interesting legal points on this subject today in his `Coffee & Covid column`.
``In a long series of poorly-considered Trump cases, this is one of the dumbest yet.
First, nearly all the conduct described in the four counts is speech, and not just speech, but political speech. Political speech is the most protected kind of speech under the Constitutionā€™s First Amendment. That probably wonā€™t stop the Obama-appointed judge from letting the case survive an inevitable motion to dismiss, but my initial take is the counts canā€™t survive without rewriting the Constitution.``

At this point, why not bypass the legal niceties and

just put Trump in jail?

2 Aug 2023 ~~ By David Strom

The Biden Administration has clearly given up on the idea that the federal government exists to do anything but satisfy Joe Bidenā€™s whims.
So why not get it over with? Throw Donald Trump in jail without due process, construct reeducation camps, and rename the FBI the Stasi?
In less than 1 week the administration has shredded the already tattered reputation of the Justice Department.
  • Last Wednesday a US Attorney tried to convince a judge to give what amounted to a plenary pardon to Hunter Biden for all crimes he had committed in the past.
  • On Thursday Donald Trump was indicted yet again.
  • Then Sam Bankman-Fried was let off the hook for funneling $90 million of stolen funds into the pockets of Democrats.
  • Then the Justice Department demanded a judge jail a whistleblower who has revealed that Joe Biden was deeply involved in Hunter Bidenā€™s influence peddling.
  • Then the FBI reveals it contracted illegally with a spyware firmā€¦
  • And on Tuesday Donald Trump got indicted yet again.
As I said, they arenā€™t even trying to pretend they are anything but corrupt tyrants who are convinced they can get away with anything they want to.
The infuriating thing is that they are right.
If we lived in a free country with a working press there would at least be some outcry. Stories about the corruption would be printed and crusading journalists would be ringing alarm bells about the destruction of democracy.
Actually, on that latter point, they are doing precisely that, only they are blaming the Republicans for not buckling to the inevitable. The current definition of ā€œdemocracyā€ is simply complying with anything the Left wants to impose on us.
We have a Justice Department perfectly fine with abusing its power, an FBI that goes after parents and pro-lifers, an IRS that intimidates reporters, and all of these agencies determined to destroy Trump and every Republican.
Somebody has to clean all this up right frigging NOW, and I am not confident that Trump knows how to do it. He sure didnā€™t in his first term, and we got Joe Biden in office now.
Imagine a Biden second term. If this is Biden when he is seeking reelection, imagine Biden without any constraints at all.
Can it get any worse?
Yes, yes it can.

Since we`re going bananas, why bother with the mere formalities.
letā€™s just get to anarchy part, since that is what we have in our federal government. Might is Right, now. Maoist Democrats gave us a preview during the trump presidency with their `Peaceful But Fiery Protests`. We can certain show them the same.
Some Maoist Democrats make it obvious that they know Trump is guilty and he shouldnā€™t be allowed a trial or access to the governmentā€™s evidence against him. They want Trump to just go directly to prison for what he apparently did according to them. Why beat around the bush with a trial?
If Trump is reelected the Executive agencies will experience a blood bath. The left knows they have awakened a sleeping giant who will pursue them with terrible wrath. They cannot allow Trump to become POTUS again and will do anything they can to derail his candidacy. If these latest legal gambits fail to take down Trump, I fear that Maoist Democrats and Deep State are not above assassination.
Jeff Childers made some interesting legal points on this subject today in his `Coffee & Covid column`.
``In a long series of poorly-considered Trump cases, this is one of the dumbest yet.
First, nearly all the conduct described in the four counts is speech, and not just speech, but political speech. Political speech is the most protected kind of speech under the Constitutionā€™s First Amendment. That probably wonā€™t stop the Obama-appointed judge from letting the case survive an inevitable motion to dismiss, but my initial take is the counts canā€™t survive without rewriting the Constitution.``
It would not surprise me if the Deep State did assassinate Trump.

The lone gunman type of assassination has been used too often and since a high number of people do not believe Oswald was the only shooter ā€” probably a bad idea. However there are many other ways to assassinate a person today.

If Trump suddenly dies I will become suspicious. Of course at his age that is possible.

Many people have reached the conclusion that we cannot vote our way out of it, we are an occupied nation, we are American 2.0.

I recently moved out of NY to a more rural location and Iā€™ve never seen so many American flags! Iā€™ve also seen many signs of the seething rage as the Progressive Fascist Occupiers continue to pile on the kindlingā€” and itā€™s genuinely frightening!

I pray for Divine Intervention and no need for violence
``Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.``
It would not surprise me if the Deep State did assassinate Trump.

The lone gunman type of assassination has been used too often and since a high number of people do not believe Oswald was the only shooter ā€” probably a bad idea. However there are many other ways to assassinate a person today.

If Trump suddenly dies I will become suspicious. Of course at his age that is possible.

One word:

So many fascists, see.

Can't share a nation with these folks.
They're not interested in "sharing". They love using words like "compromise, equality, community, democracy" and then behave like irrational children with machine guns when it comes to their demands.

They are, and always have been a loud mouth minority of lunatics motivated by hate and envy. They occasionally get a majority support through successful agitprop campaigns with their media apparatchiks but otherwise they're people who belong as patients in an asylum rather than professors, judges and political whores.

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