At this rate, I can't support Trump if we even have an election in '24

Reality is beginning to set in I see. Took a while but you guys are starting to realize the costs of the cult.
GFY. You voted for AND continue to support a party that is destroying this nation. The only positive to come from a Democrat victory will be the realization by those like you that when the country collapses, it falls on YOU as well, and all the effing hate in the world against the others you blame will do you no good at all. When the fall comes, we all fall together.

You dumbasses are so media-indoctrinated that you actually believe he has a cult that got him elected. He was elected because of who he ran against. As I said, get prepared for what's coming because if you try to cheat again, all hell will break loose and if he wins again, all hell will break loose. Do you see a pattern here of where we're headed?
Trump and no one else.
Fuck all those Wall Street owned phonies.

I mean I am conflicted. Because on the one hand it's like...I love never having to hear his voice. Or see that dumb blonde bitch go up to the podium and lie and gaslight me like I'm a fucking caveman. So I don't want him to run.

But on the other hand, the guy is a loser who has never won a Popular Vote - so it's a free win for Biden. So it's kinda like "okay this is worth it".

But in general the GOP does not re-run losers. So we shall see.
I mean I am conflicted. Because on the one hand it's like...I love never having to hear his voice. Or see that dumb blonde bitch go up to the podium and lie and gaslight me like I'm a fucking caveman. So I don't want him to run.

But on the other hand, the guy is a loser who has never won a Popular Vote - so it's a free win for Biden. So it's kinda like "okay this is worth it".

But in general the GOP does not re-run losers. So we shall see.
A Republican has almost no chance to win the popular vote.
Trump should knock off the insults and just stick to his platform.
GFY. You voted for AND continue to support a party that is destroying this nation. The only positive to come from a Democrat victory will be the realization by those like you that when the country collapses, it falls on YOU as well, and all the effing hate in the world against the others you blame will do you no good at all. When the fall comes, we all fall together.

You dumbasses are so media-indoctrinated that you actually believe he has a cult that got him elected. He was elected because of who he ran against. As I said, get prepared for what's coming because if you try to cheat again, all hell will break loose and if he wins again, all hell will break loose. Do you see a pattern here of where we're headed?
Wow, and your lord and master lost by 9M votes to a mental patient? LOL
Of course, he didn't, idiot boy. Repeating the lie doesn't give it more credibility, Josef. More evidence is coming out monthly to delineate how the theft was accomplished. Several critical states are already passing more stringent electoral rules IN THEIR LEGISLATURES, and your steal isn't going to happen again. I've seen some of your kind screaming at the Potato-in-Chief to use an EO to basically rewrite the Constitution on electoral processes. Idiots...

Your choice is going to be simple. Accept the will of the electorate or fight. We ALL face that choice. The country cannot survive if our elections are no longer trusted by at least half the population and it takes a feeble-minded person to imagine otherwise.
The Democrats have learned how to steal elections. they have it down pat with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

We no longer have a Republic. Our Democracy is kaput.
America can't take another 4 years of this crap.
Did it ever occur to you that this might be by design?
BTW, Biden is so physically and mentally feeble that he probably won't finish this term and he certainly won't run again. Considering the talk out there about the rising star in the DNC being "Booty-Judge", I'd say they will eventually realize that their plans have failed and it's time to set everything on fire, rather than lose power.
What we need is a businessman that knows how to make a lot of money and can do the same thing for a country, and proved it. Politicians continue to help themselves. We are going to need quite a few years of America first to get out from under this mess. Vote for that instead of global...
Of course, he didn't, idiot boy. Repeating the lie doesn't give it more credibility, Josef. More evidence is coming out monthly to delineate how the theft was accomplished. Several critical states are already passing more stringent electoral rules IN THEIR LEGISLATURES, and your steal isn't going to happen again. I've seen some of your kind screaming at the Potato-in-Chief to use an EO to basically rewrite the Constitution on electoral processes. Idiots...

Your choice is going to be simple. Accept the will of the electorate or fight. We ALL face that choice. The country cannot survive if our elections are no longer trusted by at least half the population and it takes a feeble-minded person to imagine otherwise.

If you don't trust the elections...simply don't vote. LOL

The election was certified in all fifty red and blue states. You're in the sad minority.

Enjoy your sour grapes loser boy.

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