At this rate, I can't support Trump if we even have an election in '24

We've reached that tipping point I figured was coming along. It is almost 6 months to the midterm elections. In a midterm, the President's party traditionally loses seats. However, this year, Trump is still talking about a rigged and stolen election that wasn't. We all saw what happened in the GA Senate runoffs when he couldn't keep his trap shut. We are on course for the same thing to happen in November. So far, Biden hasn't had ONE stretch of good news to prop his numbers up in the last year plus. It's all been playing janitor..except for the unforced error of the Afghanistan withdrawal. If the news turns around and Trump keeps talking and the majority of Republicans don't shun him...that could portend bad things in November....for Republicans. :) And would be a shame...NOT.
I doubt that the GOP will lose any ground but his instilling suspicion into the electoral process isn't helping.. You're right.
Trump need to stop talking. It's enough already. We're already at Defcon 2, first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The former President - who does not control anything - just needs to be quiet

He's not the President, it's not helpful or necessary to remind everyone how much better off we were before the Greatest Theft in American History in Nov 2020.

Further, he's on the wrong side of Ukraine Russia. Added with Barr, Wray and all the Deep State critters Trump had beside him, it's clear he does not see the problem and therefore will not correct the problem. Maybe he's working with the WEF, just as bad as not going after them.

Realistically, I doubt we'll have a "normal" election in the midterm and I think it's less than likely we will ever have another Presidential election
Surely you can find a different candidate who also has no knowledge of policy or governance and no desire to govern, but who is not also a mentally ill, narcissistic sociopath.

Or maybe not.
It just means that they didn't belong in the ranks in the 1st place!

It takes ball's O' steel to continue to roll with Trump only because he continues to be proven right and best protects America!

Beyond this, Trump recently said that Putin today doesn't seem to be the Putin he knew. This is very disconcerting, as the Donald is a keen judge of character, or lack, thereof.
I don't care too much for retreads on general principle but if he manages to make it through the primaries I'll vote for him again.

I wonder if Twitter would have to let him back on or be forced to suspend the accounts of his dem opponents too? It would seem to me that election laws would come into play since there are no 1st amendment rights on Twitter so every Tweet by a dem they allow to be posted could be considered a corporation giving a candidate a campaign donation.

But Joe Biden doesn't Twitter and he won the last election without using Twitter which means that Twitter doesn't have to give "equal time" to candidates.

Twitter isn't denying access to all Republicans. Just those who post disinformation about covid, lies about the election, Russian propaganda, and/or incitement to violence. Why is it so hard for Republicans to follow the rules?
Surely you can find a different candidate who also has no knowledge of policy or governance and no desire to govern, but who is not also a mentally ill, narcissistic sociopath.

Or maybe not.
Well, it would almost certainly be DeSantis, who is every bit as petulant and base-ass-kissing. But at least he does appear to be able to act like an adult, at least on occasion.
Surely you can find a different candidate who also has no knowledge of policy or governance and no desire to govern, but who is not also a mentally ill, narcissistic sociopath.

Or maybe not.

See CF?

You opened yourself up to being mocked by some of the Board's biggest losers.
I've come to the same conclusion. The fact is that we are at the point of jumping off into civil conflict. If he runs, I'll vote for him but only because of the alternative of leaving Democrats in charge. These fools who seem to want to push Putin into a hard corner with no way out but more humiliation are apt to get a LOT MORE than they're bargaining for, whatever that might be.
What "way out" do you suggest for Putin, giving him half of Ukraine? You're the kind that would have approved of giving the Studenten to Hitler.
It takes ball's O' steel to continue to roll with Trump only because he continues to be proven right and best protects America!

Beyond this, Trump recently said that Putin today doesn't seem to be the Putin he knew. This is very disconcerting, as the Donald is a keen judge of character, or lack, thereof.

Donald is a keen judge of character???? Then why do so many of his friends and associates end up in jail? His girlfriends are all "paid companions" working in the porn business? All of his friends are blackmailers, grifters, or foreign agents.
It’s now obvious you don’t pay for food and gasoline out of your own pocket.
On LA TV news there was a guy that said "I don't mind paying $6 per gallon gas. Too bad for those that can't afford to. I can, so it doesn't bother me one bit"

Do you act the same way as that elitist jackass? Obviously, I think you do.
Florida has never voted in a President who actually came from that state. What do you think DeSantis' chances are?

Slim and none. De Santis has completely lost his mind over the past few months and become completely unhinged.
Donald is a keen judge of character???? Then why do so many of his friends and associates end up in jail? His girlfriends are all "paid companions" working in the porn business? All of his friends are blackmailers, grifters, or foreign agents.

He had Hillary's number along with many other D.C. swamp dwellers, didn't he??


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