At this rate, I can't support Trump if we even have an election in '24

Ever since Russia started having trouble conquering Ukraine, the blob supporters seem to be more irate than ever.
I doubt Russia is having any trouble, but than I don’t believe msm propaganda.
On LA TV news there was a guy that said "I don't mind paying $6 per gallon gas. Too bad for those that can't afford to. I can, so it doesn't bother me one bit"

Do you act the same way as that elitist jackass? Obviously, I think you do.
You must be a complete moron to come up with that idea; the fact is that a receptionist who denies steep price increases is an idiot, but since that idiot agrees with you, you attack me.
Why did Trump sell the DC hotel? Why do his golf courses remain in the red? Must be business acumen. Yep, thats it. His new model is to grift folks like you.
He's worth billions. Our country was much better off with him. Things were affordable, countries stayed put. Food on the shelves. Let's go back to that.
He had Hillary's number along with many other D.C. swamp dwellers, didn't he??


He did??? Then why isn't Hillary in jail. Why aren't ANY of the people Trump accused of being criminals, in jail????

The only people who went to jail were the people around Donald Trump. It looks to me like Trump accused Hillary of doing the things HE was doing to deflect attention from HIM. Then he STOLE boxes of TOP SECRET documents from the White House when he left.

Trump called Clinton "Crooked Hillary", but no investigation has ever revealed any crime she committed, no charges have ever been filed in any jurisdiction, and she's never been credibly accused of a crime. Whereas Trump is facing so many criminal charges, he's likely to spend the rest of his life in court, or in some form of "house arrest".
Are we really at Defcon #2? Why the hell is Trump on your mind and not Biden? We haven't heard an unscripted sentence in a year and a half from Biden.
He did??? Then why isn't Hillary in jail. Why aren't ANY of the people Trump accused of being criminals, in jail????

The only people who went to jail were the people around Donald Trump. It looks to me like Trump accused Hillary of doing the things HE was doing to deflect attention from HIM. Then he STOLE boxes of TOP SECRET documents from the White House when he left.

Trump called Clinton "Crooked Hillary", but no investigation has ever revealed any crime she committed, no charges have ever been filed in any jurisdiction, and she's never been credibly accused of a crime. Whereas Trump is facing so many criminal charges, he's likely to spend the rest of his life in court, or in some form of "house arrest".

He did??? Then why isn't Hillary in jail. Why aren't ANY of the people Trump accused of being criminals, in jail????

The only people who went to jail were the people around Donald Trump. It looks to me like Trump accused Hillary of doing the things HE was doing to deflect attention from HIM. Then he STOLE boxes of TOP SECRET documents from the White House when he left.

Trump called Clinton "Crooked Hillary", but no investigation has ever revealed any crime she committed, no charges have ever been filed in any jurisdiction, and she's never been credibly accused of a crime. Whereas Trump is facing so many criminal charges, he's likely to spend the rest of his life in court, or in some form of "house arrest".

Let us not forget, in America, the crime is suppose to come before the investigation

Yes, Hillary, did nothing wrong, keeping a secret server in her closet and then destroying all the emails and data on it, after it was subpoenaed, destroyed in violation of federal laws.

But, what we need to remember about Hillary, is Travelgate, firing federal employees, leaving them jobless for no reason at all other than Hillary wanted jobs for campaign donors and personal friends. And of course, if that was all there was to that scandal, using the FBI to attack people who had not committed any crime was outright criminal. But the Clinton's got away with it. Clinton using the FBI to attack people, a long history of that, hopefully Trump was the last.
Let us not forget, in America, the crime is suppose to come before the investigation

Yes, Hillary, did nothing wrong, keeping a secret server in her closet and then destroying all the emails and data on it, after it was subpoenaed, destroyed in violation of federal laws.

But, what we need to remember about Hillary, is Travelgate, firing federal employees, leaving them jobless for no reason at all other than Hillary wanted jobs for campaign donors and personal friends. And of course, if that was all there was to that scandal, using the FBI to attack people who had not committed any crime was outright criminal. But the Clinton's got away with it. Clinton using the FBI to attack people, a long history of that, hopefully Trump was the last.

The precedent was set.
Dissolve the FBI.
Replace it!
Trump need to stop talking. It's enough already. We're already at Defcon 2, first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The former President - who does not control anything - just needs to be quiet

He's not the President, it's not helpful or necessary to remind everyone how much better off we were before the Greatest Theft in American History in Nov 2020.

Further, he's on the wrong side of Ukraine Russia. Added with Barr, Wray and all the Deep State critters Trump had beside him, it's clear he does not see the problem and therefore will not correct the problem. Maybe he's working with the WEF, just as bad as not going after them.

Realistically, I doubt we'll have a "normal" election in the midterm and I think it's less than likely we will ever have another Presidential election
What did Trump say?
What a stupid comment to make, but then I consider the source.

So if nobody sent Trump money, why did he have to refund more than $122 million to donors after he cleaned out their bank accounts?
Is there an enumerated list of these donors?

Riddle me this...
If Democrats only care about the poor, how so they get millions to campaign?
You're going to tell me that the poor send them money?
Then I throw your bullshit right back in your face.

You're going to tell me that the rich send them money?
Then that's the reason the poor are still poor.

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