At what age do black live begin to matter?

The OP should remember that his side is not without sin and he should take care of the plank in his eye compared to him worrying about the splinter in another's eye...
That's what the OP is all about, blacks going for the splinter and ignoring the plank

people need to understand that three criteria need to be met before a black life matters to the politically correct.First of all, the black in question must be a criminal. Secondly, their criminal behavior must engage a white person. Thirdly, the result of such criminality does not go well for them.

it is only upon the fulfillment of all three criteria that a black life can truly matter.
people need to understand that three criteria need to be met before a black life matters to the politically correct.First of all, the black in question must be a criminal. Secondly, their criminal behavior must engage a white person. Thirdly, the result of such criminality does not go well for them.

it is only upon the fulfillment of all three criteria that a black life can truly matter.
That is why Bernie Goetz is a National Hero.
Yes because they have been doing it for many years because they are black. If you didn't play suck up to the cops you might realize what they are doing is wrong..

Are you an idiot? Nevermind; you already proved it. For how many years have black gangs in the cities been killing black children? For how many years have hispanic gangs in the cities been killing hispanic children?

I don't give a shit about gangs killing gangs but someone needs to be up in arms over the children.. Black Lives Matter certainly doesn't care.
The age is irrelevant. All it takes is a white cop to be involved.
Are you an idiot? Nevermind; you already proved it. For how many years have black gangs in the cities been killing black children? For how many years have hispanic gangs in the cities been killing hispanic children?

I don't give a shit about gangs killing gangs but someone needs to be up in arms over the children.. Black Lives Matter certainly doesn't care.

No fucking liberals care, AT ALL. It's all about AGITPROP.


They don't matter......

The fact that black children are killed proves that blacks don't matter....

Now this logic doesn't apply to abortion because quite a few white folks have abortions and it doesn't feel good to claim that proves white lives don't matter....

But since we can finally say that black lives don't matter -- why not go even further and make it the law
Actually people protest abortions every day all over the country because they actually believe all lives matter. The presstitutes just ignore it though because the protesters are “on the right”.
Actually people protest abortions every day all over the country because they actually believe all lives matter. The presstitutes just ignore it though because the protesters are “on the right”.
And the Protestors didn't burn the cities down.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.

as a staunch conservative I believe that ALL life is precious until it is born.

After that I don't give a shit.

I am only opposed to PRE-birth abortions. POST birth abortions don't bother me at all....

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.

You'll be waiting until the democratic party's favored cows come home. There's no political currency to be accumulated over the deaths of any children, unless white men are responsible for them. Deaths trend just like tweets. Black children murdered by black thugs generates no outrage beyond that of the parents; no politician loves a black parent—or any other parent for that matter, unless their loss is politically charged. Then politicians will suck those parents' tragedies dry like vampires. This is known.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Whites like you have problems.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). The media has ignored white on white crime to such an extent that you can post articles like this while stories of missing white children are found buried in a backyard.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Whites like you have problems.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). The media has ignored white on white crime to such an extent that you can post articles like this while stories of missing white children are found buried in a backyard.

The difference is that white people are not rioting in the streets over one or two killings while ignoring the thousands of killings. I object strongly to all killings. The lack of respect within our society for human life is a shame. I don't care what color the person is or the victim is, I despise the killings.

The point is, though, that Black Lives Matters don't actually care about black lives. You should be up in arms that they're pretending to be for black people just to advance their destructive agenda, unless, of course, your agenda is the same. If their agenda, and your agenda, was to save black lives, then do something that actually saves lives. Take back the streets in black neighborhoods. Stop the killing.

Using your numbers, 3315 murdered whites, is 1 in about 71000 white people murdered in 2019. On the other hand, 1 in 13675 black people are murdered each year. How much do you really care about back people when your response to the killing of innocent black babies is, "Whitey does it, too." I care more about black lives than do you or Black Lives Matter. I'm more concerned about black deaths because they happen literally more than 5 times the rate of white people.

I care about the killing of white people, too, but the biggest, most urgent, problem is the killing of black babies and children. When those numbers get anywhere close to the numbers of murders in white communities, or in the nation as a whole, then we can look at the next biggest priority, the next biggest gain in lives saved - whether, at that time, it is white murders or murders in general, that becomes the next priority.

Quit telling us about 1 in 71000 deaths and focus on 1 in 13675 deaths.

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