At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?


it's too blurry. It can say anything and Dumya will expect us to believe it

You shouldn't have asked.


filibuster chart - Google Search
Have you noticed you're getting your ass kicked here? No? It figures.

Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.
Have you noticed you're getting your ass kicked here? No? It figures.

Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.

Denial? you denying that Harry Reid hasn't had to use filibusters because if he doesn't like a piece of legislation that the House sends over to the Senate, he simply doesn't allow it on the floor for discussion, let alone a vote? But THAT isn't considered obstruction by you for some reason! Amusing stuff...
Have you noticed you're getting your ass kicked here? No? It figures.

Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.

So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?
They've already been linked, in this thread, dumbass.

Bush's only. His were leaked. He did not release them. Keep trying to make the black man dance for you..that'll win hearts and minds.



Al's Report Card -- Gore-LIEberman 2000 unofficial campaign web site

You should wake up. Those aren't released transcript. No president has ever been asked to release nor have the voluntarily released their transcripts. Just like no other President has been asked to produce a birth certificate.
You should wake up. Those aren't released transcript. No president has ever been asked to release nor have the voluntarily released their transcripts. Just like no other President has been asked to produce a birth certificate.

Right, comrade...

There has been resistance to the Obama Agenda, Dubya but that's hardly shocking. The mid-term elections in 2010 was a response by the electorate TO the Obama Agenda. The voters sent conservatives to Washington to stop what Barry, Harry and Nancy were doing.

Now if Barack Obama were half as intelligent as you seem to think he is...he would have pivoted to the center a la Bill Clinton. Didn't happen. Why? Because Barack Obama really isn't that intelligent or that politically savvy.
There has been resistance to the Obama Agenda, Dubya but that's hardly shocking. The mid-term elections in 2010 was a response by the electorate TO the Obama Agenda. The voters sent conservatives to Washington to stop what Barry, Harry and Nancy were doing.

Now if Barack Obama were half as intelligent as you seem to think he is...he would have pivoted to the center a la Bill Clinton. Didn't happen. Why? Because Barack Obama really isn't that intelligent or that politically savvy.

There is an alternative: He doesn't care. He is so arrogant he is going to do whatever he wants despite how the people react and despite how many people oppose him. I dont think he isn't intelligent or political savvy at all. We wouldn't have the monstrocity of Obamacare otherwise.
I think it was the day he announced he was going to put a 25 cent surcharge on all service calls going overseas and I thought "Alright, he's gonna bring our jobs back" and then nothing was ever said about it again.
Have you noticed you're getting your ass kicked here? No? It figures.

Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.

Denial? you denying that Harry Reid hasn't had to use filibusters because if he doesn't like a piece of legislation that the House sends over to the Senate, he simply doesn't allow it on the floor for discussion, let alone a vote? But THAT isn't considered obstruction by you for some reason! Amusing stuff...

Once the numbers of filibusters are high enough the Senate shuts down. Look at the numbers, fool, and the reality that the rules in the Senate were changed! Denying the facts aren't going to cut it.
Have you noticed you're getting your ass kicked here? No? It figures.

Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.

So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?

Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.
Bush's only. His were leaked. He did not release them. Keep trying to make the black man dance for you..that'll win hearts and minds.


Al's Report Card -- Gore-LIEberman 2000 unofficial campaign web site

You should wake up. Those aren't released transcript. No president has ever been asked to release nor have the voluntarily released their transcripts. Just like no other President has been asked to produce a birth certificate.

Nobody has ever asked any presidential candidate to release their transcripts? Seriously? I can prove that one wrong so fast it doesn't even count as absurd.

Brian Levin, J.D.: All Candidates, President Obama Included, Should Release University Transcripts

By the way, Kerry released all of his transcripts, so you can't argue that no one ever did it.

Kerry earned D's at Yale, transcript shows - politics | NBC News
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Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?.

for some reason, this clip came to mind and I believe it is the response you are looking for:

[ame=]Blazing Saddles: "The sheriff is a ..." - YouTube[/ame]
Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.

So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?

Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Kindly label for me what Harry Reid has been doing for the past two years, Dubya. If you control one part of the government and you won't let the opposition's legislation come to the floor for discussion? What is that if not obstruction?
So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?

Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Kindly label for me what Harry Reid has been doing for the past two years, Dubya. If you control one part of the government and you won't let the opposition's legislation come to the floor for discussion? What is that if not obstruction?

Its not obstruction when a Dem does it.

Its only obstructioin when a Rep does the same thing.

They are such hypocrites.
clearly, this is directed to the republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives of usmb.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like obama and were going to be against him no matter what?.

for some reason, this clip came to mind and i believe it is the response you are looking for:

[ame=]blazing saddles: "the sheriff is a ..." - youtube[/ame]

Why do you want THIS President to provide what no other President has been asked or required to provide? You really can't tell he is a smart man? The don't let dummies graduate from Harvard cum laude.

Why not?? Is there any reason he wouldn't unseal his transcripts?

Just because other presidents don't doesn't mean Barry shouldn't.

After all isn't his administration the most transparant in history??

Sorry, but "why not" is not justification for trying to make the black man dance for you again.

Take your black man bullshit and shove it up your ass asshole.

I'd be asking the same questions of a white, Latino, or Asian. Would you?

Oh wait. Your a racist. I forgot. Never mind.
Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.

So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?

Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Shutting the government down?
Funny, my neighbor who rides horses and gardens still gets her $2200.00 a month disability check with nothing wrong with her and Food stamps have increased 750% more than new job creation.
Where is the $$$ coming from other than GOVERNMENT?
Have you noticed you have avoided the evidence of the Republican obstruction of government? Any honest Republican knows it has happened. You were asked why the new rules for filibuster went into effect in January and they required the Republicans support to pass. The Senate can't be obstructed the way it was for 3 Congresses, so figure out the obvious. Lying about things on the internet doesn't win a discussion the way you think it does. Denying facts only proves you have lost credibility.

So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?

Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Now you are simply desperate.
IN recent memory, the lack of a budget shut down ( which is really a misuse of terms) was during the 1995 FY. There were two. Each lasted 6 days.
The country did not grind to a halt.
Contrary to Obama's twice claimed "social security checks and military pay would not be coming", these things are NOT stopped by any government shut down.
Government Shutdowns – What is a Government Shutdown and What are the Effects of a Government Shutdown?

12 days is not "years"...
Look, you can believe what you wish. You can make all the unsubstantiated statements you wish. all of these things do not change the facts.

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