At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

What's amusing is that if you really read what Marc posted in his start to this thread? He admits that he disliked everything about Bush from before he even took office...even to how he "sounded" but then demands to know why it is that conservatives have the NERVE not to like Barry.

Let me restate this once again...

I don't dislike Barack Obama personally. I dislike his policies. Why? For one thing I think he naively sees government as the answer to all problems whereas I view government as the source of many of our problems.

Somehow that translates into my hating Barack Obama.
What's amusing is that if you really read what Marc posted in his start to this thread? He admits that he disliked everything about Bush from before he even took office...even to how he "sounded" but then demands to know why it is that conservatives have the NERVE not to like Barry.

Let me restate this once again...

I don't dislike Barack Obama personally. I dislike his policies. Why? For one thing I think he naively sees government as the answer to all problems whereas I view government as the source of many of our problems.

Somehow that translates into my hating Barack Obama.

You forgot to mention what a racist you are as well.

Anyone who dislikes Barry's policies is a hater AND a racist. Its all about his color doncha know??

According to Barry's worshipers that is.
What's amusing is that if you really read what Marc posted in his start to this thread? He admits that he disliked everything about Bush from before he even took office...even to how he "sounded" but then demands to know why it is that conservatives have the NERVE not to like Barry.

Let me restate this once again...

I don't dislike Barack Obama personally. I dislike his policies. Why? For one thing I think he naively sees government as the answer to all problems whereas I view government as the source of many of our problems.

Somehow that translates into my hating Barack Obama.
The left also wants us to believe the ONLY reason for those to oppose Obama policies is due to his race.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.


What's amusing is that if you really read what Marc posted in his start to this thread? He admits that he disliked everything about Bush from before he even took office...even to how he "sounded" but then demands to know why it is that conservatives have the NERVE not to like Barry.

Let me restate this once again...

I don't dislike Barack Obama personally. I dislike his policies. Why? For one thing I think he naively sees government as the answer to all problems whereas I view government as the source of many of our problems.

Somehow that translates into my hating Barack Obama.
I didn't hate him in the beginning, nor did I resign myself to "no matter what."

Not until he went down that war path and topped it off with two unpaid and unnecessary wars that led to damn near total world-financial collapse.

I gave my reasons.

And the man does sound and talk like a dunce, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.
When you have RW politicos rejecting proposals that THEY THEMSELVES PROPOSE it kinda points to the fact that Obama's black.

We don't just say that for no reason, but you guys like to make up shat and say that.

More dishonesty from the radical RW.
When you have RW politicos rejecting proposals that THEY THEMSELVES PROPOSE it kinda points to the fact that Obama's black.

This demonstrates that you have utterly no rational argument.

People reject Obama's agenda because he is a far left radical. Since you cannot offer rational support of his agenda, you just scream "******" at them. (maybe you use "racist,' but it's the same thing - serving the same purpose.)

We don't just say that for no reason, but you guys like to make up shat and say that.

More dishonesty from the radical RW.

Do you have any evidence that people would embrace a fascist health care system and severe limitations to civil rights if these were promoted by a white person?
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.


What's amusing is that if you really read what Marc posted in his start to this thread? He admits that he disliked everything about Bush from before he even took office...even to how he "sounded" but then demands to know why it is that conservatives have the NERVE not to like Barry.

Let me restate this once again...

I don't dislike Barack Obama personally. I dislike his policies. Why? For one thing I think he naively sees government as the answer to all problems whereas I view government as the source of many of our problems.

Somehow that translates into my hating Barack Obama.
I didn't hate him in the beginning, nor did I resign myself to "no matter what."

Not until he went down that war path and topped it off with two unpaid and unnecessary wars that led to damn near total world-financial collapse.

I gave my reasons.

And the man does sound and talk like a dunce, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.

You said that you disliked everything about him...right down to how he SOUNDED, Marc...and that was before he took office. Funny how you seem so concerned that others have hated Barack Obama because of how he looks and sounds but don't have any issue with doing that yourself.

And Bush didn't go to war against Al Queda without reason...have you forgotten 9/11 and and terrorist slaughtering thousands of Americans? How you deem a response to THAT as "unnecessary" is hard to understand.

Your claim that those wars almost led to a total world financial collapse is as ignorant as your initial post. The things that turned what should have been a simple recession into a financial melt down had very little to do with any wars and if you'd stop wearing your partisan "blinders" you'd know that.
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Wow. That is incredible. Now I am racist because I didn't vote for this communist. Funny, I never realized that me (a black man) could be accused of being a "racist" against a bi-racial man. I guess it is true. The times, they are a changing.....

However, just to set the record straight....I dislike ALL liberals, be they white, brown, black, yellow or the new "in" color....Bi-Racial. 99.999% of your don't have the sense to pour piss out of your boots.

Careful Randall, they'll start calling you "race traitor" and "Uncle Tom." The lefties are vile people, particularly to those who dare challenge their party.

I hear you - nothing new. The LAST thing the left wants is a black man who actually thinks for himself. And, you are correct. The left is full of vile people. Evil people.
The left also wants us to believe the ONLY reason for those to oppose Obama policies is due to his race.

Which is so stupid. Those who opposed the policies of Clinton, pretty much oppose the policies of Obama.

Obama is just a radical, ultra-left version of Clinton

I did not vote for Clinton the first time around. I voted for Ross Perot..Why? Based solely on on "that giant sucking sound"..Perot was a brilliant business man.
I supported Clinton's economic policies. I supported them because Clinton was wise enough ot adhere to the words of his economic advisers. As a result, the economy zoomed. Clinton also used these words, "the era of deficits is over"...Words to that effect.
I opposed Clinton's social policy.
As a matter of fact, I do not support politics mixing with social issues.
In my mind, Obama in no way other than sharing the name of political party, resembles Clinton. Obama is a Jimmy Carter reincarnate.
That does not make Barack Obama a bad person. It makes him a bad president.
I hear you - nothing new. The LAST thing the left wants is a black man who actually thinks for himself. And, you are correct. The left is full of vile people. Evil people.

One of the most brilliant minds in economics is Thomas Sowell. His introductory book "Basic Economics" is a primer that cuts through jargon and creates a clear picture of economic principles. The ability to explain a complex subject to laymen, whilst retaining accuracy is a feat of brilliance.

Dr. Sowell is a remarkable man who happens to be black. The reality of that statement undermines the entire premise of leftist race relations.
Wow. That is incredible. Now I am racist because I didn't vote for this communist. Funny, I never realized that me (a black man) could be accused of being a "racist" against a bi-racial man. I guess it is true. The times, they are a changing.....

However, just to set the record straight....I dislike ALL liberals, be they white, brown, black, yellow or the new "in" color....Bi-Racial. 99.999% of your don't have the sense to pour piss out of your boots.

Careful Randall, they'll start calling you "race traitor" and "Uncle Tom." The lefties are vile people, particularly to those who dare challenge their party.

I hear you - nothing new. The LAST thing the left wants is a black man who actually thinks for himself. And, you are correct. The left is full of vile people. Evil people.

A black person that "goes off the reservation" is in very good company. People such as Dr Walter E Williams. Thomas Sowell. and Dr Benjamin Carter.
When you have RW politicos rejecting proposals that THEY THEMSELVES PROPOSE it kinda points to the fact that Obama's black.

We don't just say that for no reason, but you guys like to make up shat and say that.

More dishonesty from the radical RW.

"kinda points to the fact that Obama is black"..
You are not even sure that is the reason. But it's low hanging fruit to make the accusation of racism. So you take the lazy way out.
"Ahh, he doesn't like Obama's policies....racist"..
Doesn't work that way.
Making an accusation of racism is a grave concern because it is a very serious charge. Not one to be flung about lightly.
So, you want to try that again? This time forget the race card. It's not going to fly. It is rejected.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.


What's amusing is that if you really read what Marc posted in his start to this thread? He admits that he disliked everything about Bush from before he even took office...even to how he "sounded" but then demands to know why it is that conservatives have the NERVE not to like Barry.

Let me restate this once again...

I don't dislike Barack Obama personally. I dislike his policies. Why? For one thing I think he naively sees government as the answer to all problems whereas I view government as the source of many of our problems.

Somehow that translates into my hating Barack Obama.
I didn't hate him in the beginning, nor did I resign myself to "no matter what."

Not until he went down that war path and topped it off with two unpaid and unnecessary wars that led to damn near total world-financial collapse.

I gave my reasons.

And the man does sound and talk like a dunce, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.

You can't be this shallow, but I guess by what you just said, then there is no other explanation for all of us to now conclude, other than the conclusion that you are this shallow in life so own

Were you one who supported one of those wars against us? If not, then why do you say two un-paid and unnecessary wars in which we waged instead of one ? Do you think that we should have not responded to the attack of 9-11 ? Are you telling us something in an oops moment that you may have accidentally slipped by you, and this in your speak found in this way ?
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I hear you - nothing new. The LAST thing the left wants is a black man who actually thinks for himself. And, you are correct. The left is full of vile people. Evil people.

One of the most brilliant minds in economics is Thomas Sowell. His introductory book "Basic Economics" is a primer that cuts through jargon and creates a clear picture of economic principles. The ability to explain a complex subject to laymen, whilst retaining accuracy is a feat of brilliance.

Dr. Sowell is a remarkable man who happens to be black. The reality of that statement undermines the entire premise of leftist race relations.

Thomas Sowell taught economics as a visiting professor at Amherst College for one year while I was going to UMass and I was fortunate to be able to take a class with him through the 5 Colleges exhange program. Incredibly intelligent man and great at making the complex understandable.
I hear you - nothing new. The LAST thing the left wants is a black man who actually thinks for himself. And, you are correct. The left is full of vile people. Evil people.

One of the most brilliant minds in economics is Thomas Sowell. His introductory book "Basic Economics" is a primer that cuts through jargon and creates a clear picture of economic principles. The ability to explain a complex subject to laymen, whilst retaining accuracy is a feat of brilliance.

Dr. Sowell is a remarkable man who happens to be black. The reality of that statement undermines the entire premise of leftist race relations.

I'm quite familiar with Dr Sowell's work. the man is an absolute genius. Unfortunately, the left refuses to acknowledge the good Doctor because he stands in direct opposition of Barry Obama's nonsensical ideas of "running America into the ground" by his LACK of a simple understanding of basic economic theories.

Doctor Sowell is a distinguished academic. Barry Obama is a poseur.
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