At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?


Standard Disclaimer: It's a fake.

Pretty funny though.
I think it was the day he announced he was going to put a 25 cent surcharge on all service calls going overseas and I thought "Alright, he's gonna bring our jobs back" and then nothing was ever said about it again.

"bring our jobs back"...What the hell are you blabbering about?
Let's say for a moment this was mentioned. It went away because such acts are outside the authority of the POTUS to enact such a charge.
To people like Dubya...anyone who won't go along with Obama's progressive agenda...even though they were elected not to go along with an obstructionist.

But when Harry Reid reacts to the 2010 mid-term losses by refusing to even allow legislation from the GOP controlled House to reach the floor of the Senate...that isn't obstructionism.

The House was doing what they were sent to Washington by their constituents to do...Harry Reid defied the will of that electorate by refusing to even let legislation crafted by those people be discussed let alone voted on. Funny how with Reid (one man) it's fine but with a GOP majority in the House it's not.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?.

for some reason, this clip came to mind and I believe it is the response you are looking for:

[ame=]Blazing Saddles: "The sheriff is a ..." - YouTube[/ame]

Hmmm...and someone's on the board trying to make the point that the Left doesn't play the race card anymore...

Too funny...
Why not?? Is there any reason he wouldn't unseal his transcripts?

Just because other presidents don't doesn't mean Barry shouldn't.

After all isn't his administration the most transparant in history??

Sorry, but "why not" is not justification for trying to make the black man dance for you again.

Take your black man bullshit and shove it up your ass asshole.

I'd be asking the same questions of a white, Latino, or Asian. Would you?

Oh wait. Your a racist. I forgot. Never mind.

Really? You've demanded the birth certificate and school transcripts of all Presidents? Sorry, finding that doubtful.
Sorry, but "why not" is not justification for trying to make the black man dance for you again.

Take your black man bullshit and shove it up your ass asshole.

I'd be asking the same questions of a white, Latino, or Asian. Would you?

Oh wait. Your a racist. I forgot. Never mind.

Really? You've demanded the birth certificate and school transcripts of all Presidents? Sorry, finding that doubtful.

The law actually requires a birth certificate, and I see no reason why a president wouldn't release his transcripts.
Take your black man bullshit and shove it up your ass asshole.

I'd be asking the same questions of a white, Latino, or Asian. Would you?

Oh wait. Your a racist. I forgot. Never mind.

Really? You've demanded the birth certificate and school transcripts of all Presidents? Sorry, finding that doubtful.

The law actually requires a birth certificate, and I see no reason why a president wouldn't release his transcripts.

So show me the post where you demanded any past president (other than the current) provide those.

Past Presidents AND candidates have released taxes. Did you call for Romney to?
So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?

Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Now you are simply desperate.
IN recent memory, the lack of a budget shut down ( which is really a misuse of terms) was during the 1995 FY. There were two. Each lasted 6 days.
The country did not grind to a halt.
Contrary to Obama's twice claimed "social security checks and military pay would not be coming", these things are NOT stopped by any government shut down.
Government Shutdowns – What is a Government Shutdown and What are the Effects of a Government Shutdown?

12 days is not "years"...
Look, you can believe what you wish. You can make all the unsubstantiated statements you wish. all of these things do not change the facts.

Shutting down the government is more than the budget, it involves making our Senate unable to pass even the most widely supported legislation, just to waste it's time. Think about it! The Republican Minority Leader in the Senate filibusters his own bill that he proposed and you don't think that is obstruction of government? What more evidence does someone need?
So every time a Democrat filibustered it was "obstruction of justice"?

Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Kindly label for me what Harry Reid has been doing for the past two years, Dubya. If you control one part of the government and you won't let the opposition's legislation come to the floor for discussion? What is that if not obstruction?

Why don't you explain how the Senate works and if it doesn't match the simple facts that can be found in sources like wiki, then you're going to get called out for lying about it?
Really? You've demanded the birth certificate and school transcripts of all Presidents? Sorry, finding that doubtful.

The law actually requires a birth certificate, and I see no reason why a president wouldn't release his transcripts.

So show me the post where you demanded any past president (other than the current) provide those.

Past Presidents AND candidates have released taxes. Did you call for Romney to?

Right after you show me a post where I demanded this one do so.
Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Now you are simply desperate.
IN recent memory, the lack of a budget shut down ( which is really a misuse of terms) was during the 1995 FY. There were two. Each lasted 6 days.
The country did not grind to a halt.
Contrary to Obama's twice claimed "social security checks and military pay would not be coming", these things are NOT stopped by any government shut down.
Government Shutdowns – What is a Government Shutdown and What are the Effects of a Government Shutdown?

12 days is not "years"...
Look, you can believe what you wish. You can make all the unsubstantiated statements you wish. all of these things do not change the facts.

Shutting down the government is more than the budget, it involves making our Senate unable to pass even the most widely supported legislation, just to waste it's time. Think about it! The Republican Minority Leader in the Senate filibusters his own bill that he proposed and you don't think that is obstruction of government? What more evidence does someone need?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is too be bad. Remember how widely supported the PATRIOT Act was? Why should I care that it takes a lot of work to make new laws when we have way too many laws already?
Really? You've demanded the birth certificate and school transcripts of all Presidents? Sorry, finding that doubtful.

How many Presidents had their place of birth disputed? Why would you demand a birth certificate if no one disputes the place of birth? It does seem logical to provide it upon filing for candidacy since it demonstrates eligibility for the office.

As for the transcripts, it seems logical if the campaign and it's followers are going to argue that he is the smartest man to be President, that they should provide evidence instead of sealing the records away. After all, we know the grades of countless other Presidential candidates. We know Bush's grades. We know Gore's grades. We know Kerry's grades. We know Reagan's grades. Why shouldn't we know Obama's?
The GOP decided it on the day he was inaugurated.

From Day One - The Daily Beast

A leader can motivate and find consensus with those that oppose him.

That is the difference.

Bullshit! It takes one to fight and two to have peace. You idiots aren't leaders, so don't kid yourselves! We know what right-wing scum is.

Right. Somebody right-wing's fault. Not Obama.

Leadership and consensus building by the CEO mean nothing.
The GOP decided it on the day he was inaugurated.

From Day One - The Daily Beast

A leader can motivate and find consensus with those that oppose him.

That is the difference.

Bullshit! It takes one to fight and two to have peace. You idiots aren't leaders, so don't kid yourselves! We know what right-wing scum is.

Alright then, what is right-wing scum?

BTW you may be fighting with me, but I'm not fighting with you.
Now you are simply desperate.
IN recent memory, the lack of a budget shut down ( which is really a misuse of terms) was during the 1995 FY. There were two. Each lasted 6 days.
The country did not grind to a halt.
Contrary to Obama's twice claimed "social security checks and military pay would not be coming", these things are NOT stopped by any government shut down.
Government Shutdowns – What is a Government Shutdown and What are the Effects of a Government Shutdown?

12 days is not "years"...
Look, you can believe what you wish. You can make all the unsubstantiated statements you wish. all of these things do not change the facts.

Shutting down the government is more than the budget, it involves making our Senate unable to pass even the most widely supported legislation, just to waste it's time. Think about it! The Republican Minority Leader in the Senate filibusters his own bill that he proposed and you don't think that is obstruction of government? What more evidence does someone need?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is too be bad. Remember how widely supported the PATRIOT Act was? Why should I care that it takes a lot of work to make new laws when we have way too many laws already?

You just can't deal with reality. Some of that Senate business involves a law bill that has universal support. There were procedure methods used by Republicans to waste the Senate's time like getting your side to propose endless amendments to a bill that everybody supports. That forces the Senate to schedule debate and votes for endless amendments that aren't going to get passed, because the amendments suck and don't make sense.

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