At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

Really? You've demanded the birth certificate and school transcripts of all Presidents? Sorry, finding that doubtful.

How many Presidents had their place of birth disputed?

None...including this one, except from insane people.

Why would you demand a birth certificate if no one disputes the place of birth? It does seem logical to provide it upon filing for candidacy since it demonstrates eligibility for the office.

Then demand the next white president set the precedent.

As for the transcripts, it seems logical if the campaign and it's followers are going to argue that he is the smartest man to be President, that they should provide evidence instead of sealing the records away. After all, we know the grades of countless other Presidential candidates. We know Bush's grades. We know Gore's grades. We know Kerry's grades. We know Reagan's grades. Why shouldn't we know Obama's?

Bullshit. No President except Bush had their grades released and he didn't do it.
None of the PRESIDENTS you mentioned released their transcripts. Candidate Kerry's were released later, not when he was running.

Dance black man, dance.
The GOP decided it on the day he was inaugurated.

From Day One - The Daily Beast

A leader can motivate and find consensus with those that oppose him.

That is the difference.

Bullshit! It takes one to fight and two to have peace. You idiots aren't leaders, so don't kid yourselves! We know what right-wing scum is.

Ever here of Gandhi? Isn't the fact that he lived absolute proof that it actually takes two to fight? Have you ever considered engaging your brain before you post?
Shutting down the government is more than the budget, it involves making our Senate unable to pass even the most widely supported legislation, just to waste it's time. Think about it! The Republican Minority Leader in the Senate filibusters his own bill that he proposed and you don't think that is obstruction of government? What more evidence does someone need?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is too be bad. Remember how widely supported the PATRIOT Act was? Why should I care that it takes a lot of work to make new laws when we have way too many laws already?

You just can't deal with reality. Some of that Senate business involves a law bill that has universal support. There were procedure methods used by Republicans to waste the Senate's time like getting your side to propose endless amendments to a bill that everybody supports. That forces the Senate to schedule debate and votes for endless amendments that aren't going to get passed, because the amendments suck and don't make sense.

Did I stutter?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is to be bad. Pointing out that some laws are supported by everyone does not change that.
Ever here of Gandhi? Isn't the fact that he lived absolute proof that it actually takes two to fight? Have you ever considered engaging your brain before you post?

No, the fact that Gandhi lived is proof that the British are an incredibly tolerant and peaceful people.

Had Obama been in charge, he would have sent a Drone to kill Gandhi in a split second.
Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Now you are simply desperate.
IN recent memory, the lack of a budget shut down ( which is really a misuse of terms) was during the 1995 FY. There were two. Each lasted 6 days.
The country did not grind to a halt.
Contrary to Obama's twice claimed "social security checks and military pay would not be coming", these things are NOT stopped by any government shut down.
Government Shutdowns – What is a Government Shutdown and What are the Effects of a Government Shutdown?

12 days is not "years"...
Look, you can believe what you wish. You can make all the unsubstantiated statements you wish. all of these things do not change the facts.

Shutting down the government is more than the budget, it involves making our Senate unable to pass even the most widely supported legislation, just to waste it's time. Think about it! The Republican Minority Leader in the Senate filibusters his own bill that he proposed and you don't think that is obstruction of government? What more evidence does someone need?
That's the problem my friend, folks like ThereIsNoSpoon and his fellow RW ilk aren't thinking. They just aren't.

Iths thimple.
The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is too be bad. Remember how widely supported the PATRIOT Act was? Why should I care that it takes a lot of work to make new laws when we have way too many laws already?

You just can't deal with reality. Some of that Senate business involves a law bill that has universal support. There were procedure methods used by Republicans to waste the Senate's time like getting your side to propose endless amendments to a bill that everybody supports. That forces the Senate to schedule debate and votes for endless amendments that aren't going to get passed, because the amendments suck and don't make sense.

Did I stutter?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is to be bad. Pointing out that some laws are supported by everyone does not change that.

Your point is ridiculous and shows you haven't looked at the laws that are widely supported. It's just more windbag well above the quantum level.
You just can't deal with reality. Some of that Senate business involves a law bill that has universal support. There were procedure methods used by Republicans to waste the Senate's time like getting your side to propose endless amendments to a bill that everybody supports. That forces the Senate to schedule debate and votes for endless amendments that aren't going to get passed, because the amendments suck and don't make sense.

Did I stutter?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is to be bad. Pointing out that some laws are supported by everyone does not change that.

Your point is ridiculous and shows you haven't looked at the laws that are widely supported. It's just more windbag well above the quantum level.

The bills that were widely supported? Like the PATRIOT Act? Are you saying that was a good law?
Did I stutter?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is to be bad. Pointing out that some laws are supported by everyone does not change that.

Your point is ridiculous and shows you haven't looked at the laws that are widely supported. It's just more windbag well above the quantum level.

The bills that were widely supported? Like the PATRIOT Act? Are you saying that was a good law?
How'd you get that from simply stating the fact that a Bill was widely supported?

Does someone really have to spell out the point of the matter is that a Bill that is widely supported by the public should NOT be Mission Impossible to get passed?

Are you that obtuse?
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

I can't say that I have ever come to that conclusion, but what struck the biggest cord of animosity that I feel towards him, is something that really lies at the feet of his partners in shredding the Constitution: Pelosi and Reid, namely "Obamacare". Obamacare is nothing more than a power grab by the Democratic Party and a disaster for the American people. Obama gets the blame, but the ones who deserve it are Pelosi and Reid.

How'd you get that from simply stating the fact that a Bill was widely supported?

Does someone really have to spell out the point of the matter is that a Bill that is widely supported by the public should NOT be Mission Impossible to get passed?

Are you that obtuse?

Perhaps Obama should try suggesting bills that are widely supported then.

Of course, it doesn't help when Harry Reid wont let widely supported bills be voted on.
Did I stutter?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is to be bad. Pointing out that some laws are supported by everyone does not change that.

Your point is ridiculous and shows you haven't looked at the laws that are widely supported. It's just more windbag well above the quantum level.

The bills that were widely supported? Like the PATRIOT Act? Are you saying that was a good law?

I said normal Senate business involving bills that were without controversy. Denying reality isn't going to change what the Republicans did. You are only going to cater to right-wing fools and you can't deny the stats on filibusters or the fact that the Republicans changed the rules, because they thought they had a chance to gain control of the Senate and didn't want the same thing done to them.
Obstruction is shutting the government down for years and you damn well know the Republicans did it.

Kindly label for me what Harry Reid has been doing for the past two years, Dubya. If you control one part of the government and you won't let the opposition's legislation come to the floor for discussion? What is that if not obstruction?

Why don't you explain how the Senate works and if it doesn't match the simple facts that can be found in sources like wiki, then you're going to get called out for lying about it?

I ask you to explain why what Harry Reid has been doing for the two years isn't obstructing government and your response is a demand that I explain how the Senate works?

So basically you don't want to even address what Reid has done? Because it doesn't jive with your progressive narrative that it's the GOP that obstructs government and NOT the Democrats? He's currently sitting on over 40 House bills that he hasn't allowed on the Senate floor for discussion. Explain why THAT isn't obstruction of the democratic process?
Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, Clinton, Kerry, Gore, or any other Democrat ..

It doesn't matter.

If they support Abortion on Demand, Gun Control, Open Borders, Illegal Immigrant Rights, Big Government, I will vote against them. They can be the most honest person in the world, and I may enjoy spending hours at their home, but I still wouldn't support them for elected office.

And yes, it is personal.

Democrats, and Republicans who want to be like them in order to be liked by the press, are going to be the death of this country.
Kindly label for me what Harry Reid has been doing for the past two years, Dubya. If you control one part of the government and you won't let the opposition's legislation come to the floor for discussion? What is that if not obstruction?

Why don't you explain how the Senate works and if it doesn't match the simple facts that can be found in sources like wiki, then you're going to get called out for lying about it?

I ask you to explain why what Harry Reid has been doing for the two years isn't obstructing government and your response is a demand that I explain how the Senate works?

So basically you don't want to even address what Reid has done? Because it doesn't jive with your progressive narrative that it's the GOP that obstructs government and NOT the Democrats? He's currently sitting on over 40 House bills that he hasn't allowed on the Senate floor for discussion. Explain why THAT isn't obstruction of the democratic process?

I gave you the answer, but you want to avoid it, because you damned well know Reid hasn't done anything to obstruct the Senate.
Did I stutter?

The more widely supported a law is, the more likely it is to be bad. Pointing out that some laws are supported by everyone does not change that.

Your point is ridiculous and shows you haven't looked at the laws that are widely supported. It's just more windbag well above the quantum level.

The bills that were widely supported? Like the PATRIOT Act? Are you saying that was a good law?

The patriot act was reactionary and a different matter altogether. It wasn't bad because it had support.
Your point is ridiculous and shows you haven't looked at the laws that are widely supported. It's just more windbag well above the quantum level.

The bills that were widely supported? Like the PATRIOT Act? Are you saying that was a good law?

The patriot act was reactionary and a different matter altogether. It wasn't bad because it had support.
The Republicans and their false equivalency, every. single. time.

It never fails.


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