Zone1 Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust

Considering 168 million have been murdered by their own God hating governments in the past century I doubt it.

Really do we have an accurate count how many people Jews Christians and Muslims have murdered in the last 2000 years?
Hitler believed he was doing good.
Everyone has their own definition if there is no God.
So did those leading the inquisitions, the crusades, the genocides of Native peoples in the Americas...

And they all claimed to be acting in the name of God.
Your free to tell us how many have been murdered by their own Godless governments in the past century.

You can start with.

How many god worshipping government have murdered their own or others?

I'm not supporting mass murder by anyone you are though
Most people claim things to blame others.

Tell us the verse that says murder Jews.

Go on. You can do it.
Here ya go

James 4:7 to 10, James finally calls his readers to turn from sin in repentance. He calls them to respond to Christ in faith. He commands them to convert to Christ–and in doing so, shows us the heart of true conversion

Convert or die.
The basis of all monotheistic teachings.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. "

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