Zone1 Atheism Has No Basis for the Idea of Good or Evil, Just or Unjust

No i don't.

I don't rape, kill, steal, cheat on my wife nor do i dabble in any of the 7 other deadly sins.
There. You just sinned.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Here ya go

James 4:7 to 10, James finally calls his readers to turn from sin in repentance. He calls them to respond to Christ in faith. He commands them to convert to Christ–and in doing so, shows us the heart of true conversion

Convert or die.
The basis of all monotheistic teachings.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. "
Where do you dig up your bullshit?
Be good for goodness sake.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Above all, do no harm...

What is hard to understand about this?
What’s good for you may not be good for me or anyone else. Take doctors. Their oath says do no harm. So now they mutilate children in the name of gender affirming care.
You want God to turn you into a robotic creature?
Go for it God.
show me what you can do.

since people keep blaming "god" as in "it's God's will" then I say to God, "Eff it then, buddy!"

If you take the blame then play the game.
Take control of those genocides.
Next earthquake that kills 10k people, stand right up before the event and say "THIS IS ME ASSHOLES! WHO YA GONNA WORSHIP BITCHES?"

I'm waiting...
You suppose god is in the crapper or something?
What’s good for you may not be good for me or anyone else. Take doctors. Their oath says do no harm. So now they mutilate children in the name of gender affirming care.
Your ethics seem mostly situational.
Mine aren't.

That you consider a doctor's actions harmful is because your a moronic bigot.
But you go be you.
God loves that kind of hate.
Your ethics seem mostly situational.
Mine aren't.

That you consider a doctor's actions harmful is because your a moronic bigot.
But you go be you.
God loves that kind of hate.
No, yours is situational. Mine is embedded in the Rock of Salvation. The highest judge and law possible, God. It’s the secular atheist who changes good to evils and evil to good based on what society votes for.
As an example of a Rock. Our Constitution is the highest law of the land where all other laws and what is good and what is evil is based on for our country. However, as we are witnessing, man is changing good into evil and doing so by voting. There is no voting when it comes to God’s laws, constitution, commandments…
Right, but you also said you went to seminary school. Was that at the Westboro Baptist church per chance?
Just for the record I don't disagree with Westboro Baptist Church's teachings. I only disapprove of their techniques.

Name one thing that they teach that is unBiblical and I'll prove you wrong. Yes. I'll go on the record. I haven't heard anything that Westboro Baptist Church teachings that is unBiblical.

I am currently enrolled in Slidell Baptist Seminary but I never said that I attended seminary before this post. Go back and read what I said.
No, yours is situational. Mine is embedded in the Rock of Salvation. The highest judge and law possible, God. It’s the secular atheist who changes good to evils and evil to good based on what society votes for.
As an example of a Rock. Our Constitution is the highest law of the land where all other laws and what is good and what is evil is based on for our country. However, as we are witnessing, man is changing good into evil and doing so by voting. There is no voting when it comes to God’s laws, constitution, commandments…
Your God raped a little girl and murdered millions of babies.

He can keep his and your lack of any morality to yourselves.
So James telling Christians to submit to each other means go out and murder Jews?
I love you Leftards. You all think you’re theologians.
It means worship my god or die.

You know, the way Christians have obediently murdered non-believers for 2000 years.
Just for the record I don't disagree with Westboro Baptist Church's teachings. I only disapprove of their techniques.

Name one thing that they teach that is unBiblical and I'll prove you wrong. Yes. I'll go on the record. I haven't heard anything that Westboro Baptist Church teachings that is unBiblical.

I am currently enrolled in Slidell Baptist Seminary but I never said that I attended seminary before this post. Go back and read what I said.
I’m sure a group of a hundred people is important to the worldwide community.
You do what feels good at the moment.
I'm good for goodness sake
Not because some fantasy demon is threatening me.

When your god
Murdered all the people of Babylon
Murdered almost all the life on earth
Murdered Job's family and tortured Job
Raped Mary

Was he being moral.

You and your God,
as long as we can say the bible approves,
any crime
is just fine.
I'm good for goodness sake
Not because some fantasy demon is threatening me.

When your god
Murdered all the people of Babylon
Murdered almost all the life on earth
Murdered Job's family and tortured Job
Raped Mary

Was he being moral.

You and your God,
as long as we can say the bible approves,
any crime
is just fine.
Tell us why it’s good to murder babies.
In my reading of the Bible, there are very few thought crimes, and I'm ambiguous on at least one of them.'

It is immoral to COVET. That is to say, to want what your "neighbor" has. That is not the same as wanting something like what your neighbor want THAT thing or person (wife). That is immoral. As for "hate" or even "love" it doesn't matter what is in your heart, which is transitory. What matters is what you do. We cannot control our thoughts.
In my reading of the Bible, there are very few thought crimes, and I'm ambiguous on at least one of them.'

It is immoral to COVET. That is to say, to want what your "neighbor" has. That is not the same as wanting something like what your neighbor want THAT thing or person (wife). That is immoral. As for "hate" or even "love" it doesn't matter what is in your heart, which is transitory. What matters is what you do. We cannot control our thoughts.
We are all sinners in need of salvation.

I’m sure you’ve run across people who covet to the point it controls their lives.

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