Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

{As a new business that opened less than two months ago, owner Steven Rose started to offer a discount for those who bring in their church bulletin. When the Freedom From Religion Foundation got word of this small, 10% discount, they sent a letter demanding he stop honoring the reduction saying it violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. }

Doughy Dispute Atheist Group Threatens Lawsuit Over Church Discount - Ky Sisson

Fucking Taliban.
Pick up a rock, any rock, and that is your objective evidence right there in your hand. That is matter. It contains potential energy which will become kinetic energy if you let it fall under the influence of gravity which is one of the forces of the universe.

All of those are objective and pertinent facts that the universe exists.

Compared to those facts there is not one single objective and pertinent facts that an omnipotent creator exists. Nowhere will you be able to point to a particle of matter or observe energy in motion or demonstrate a universal force that establishes the existence of an omnipotent creator.

In one hand you have a rock and in the other nothing whatsoever.

What rational conclusion can you draw from the evidence (and lack thereof) in your hands?

Well, since you are apparently talking to me again...

You have just given me the same argument I have gotten from Theists. Look at this rock, how else could it have gotten here if not for God? I will give you the same response.... I have no idea. Now, when you actually have some objective and pertinent fact let me know. All you have given me so far is unsupported belief.

What rock, where? I'm a geologist, so ask me a specific question about a specific rock, and I will give you a specific answer.

Really. I have a piece of geode on my desk my daughter gave to me. How is that evidence to existence or non-existence of God?

Your question is irrelevant to my challenge. My point is that just because you are clueless about rocks doesn't mean that others are also. For instance, your geode is a mineral-laden void structure usually chemically deposited/grown in sedimentary or volcanic rock. Any questions?

It wasn't your challenge, it was mine. I asked for any objective evidence as to the existence or non-existence of God. I made the assumption your comment had something to do with the conversation. I guess I was wrong.

For either the first or the thousandth time, I'm not sure at this point,

The objective evidence for the non-existence of God is the lack of evidence for the existence of God.

You can say it as many times as you like, a lack of evidence is not evidence. Not unless you can specify what evidence there should be if there were a God, and support that objectively. Can you?

By your standards, all that is apparently non-existent must be assumed to exist because no one can produce evidence for non-existence.

By that standard, one must acknowledge with equal likelihood the existence of every god ever imagined in history of man's imagination.
If your belief in God results in your denying your children life-saving medicine or treatments is having atheists say what fools those parents are and coming down like a ton of bricks on religions really so bad?

If a person's faith involves their being positive and happy people, more power to them. But that's not often what happens. More often than not people big into their given religions are real pills to have around trying to force it down everyone else's throat as we see with ISIS, fundy Christians in our own country, and how as with ISIS in Iraq, Christians here try to get their religious beliefs into secular laws.

Besides, if God as religious people envision it really exists, why should we do things like help a bunch of people trapped on a mountaintop? Let them pray for divine intervention. Surely if God exists, is benevolent, and all-powerful he'll lend a hand. And if not and they all die refusing to convert, at least they're now in heaven. So why bother helping them if God exists and we're all so sure it does?

I find more Atheists denying their children life saving medicines than religious people.

It is the Atheists who invariably rant about vaccines causing autism and spewing moronic horseshit about GMO's or EMI from cell phones.

40% of self-described Atheists believe in god? ROFL - too funny. One with utter faith that their is no god is a fool indeed, easily as foolish as those who believe without evidence that there is a god.

That has to be one of the most incoherent posts I seen outside of the drivel from where-r-my-keys and jimbowie.
I want theists to not take atheists so seriously and speak out against them more often.

How is it that 2.4% of the population rides rough shod on the other 97.6%?

(WMC) – A young girl, who claims she was standing up for her religious beliefs in the classroom, was suspended after breaking a class rule of saying "bless you" after a classmate sneezed.

When Dyer County High School senior Kendra Turner said bless you to her classmate, she says her teacher told her that was for church.}

Student reportedly suspended after saying Bless you - Action News 5 - Memphis Tennessee

Atheists are as radical as the Taliban in crushing competing beliefs. How do we allow this tiny cadre of thugs to crush the 1st Amendment?

Teacher was out of line. One child saying "bless you" following a sneeze is not a violation of the 1stA. If the teacher had said it then it might be but that isn't what happened.
Yes. Because Dyer County, TN is a bastion of radical Atheism. No other conceivable explanation for this event. Please.

Public schools are run by radical atheists. Suspending a student for saying "bless you" is a pretty absurd act. I guess we should be grateful they didn't take her out and stone her, still the atheists must be exposed as the anti-liberty thugs that they are.

Sure they are. Because the people who run those schools are hired by school boards, who are all radical
Atheists. And they are elected by the citizens of the school district. Who are all radical Atheists. It is amazing how many people are radical Atheists. It can't possibly be the young girl decided to disrupt the class and got exactly what she deserved. (Which, btw, was not a suspension no matter what you would like to believe) Oh no, how could you blame these radical Atheists if that were the case?
Pick up a rock, any rock, and that is your objective evidence right there in your hand. That is matter. It contains potential energy which will become kinetic energy if you let it fall under the influence of gravity which is one of the forces of the universe.

All of those are objective and pertinent facts that the universe exists.

Compared to those facts there is not one single objective and pertinent facts that an omnipotent creator exists. Nowhere will you be able to point to a particle of matter or observe energy in motion or demonstrate a universal force that establishes the existence of an omnipotent creator.

In one hand you have a rock and in the other nothing whatsoever.

What rational conclusion can you draw from the evidence (and lack thereof) in your hands?

Well, since you are apparently talking to me again...

You have just given me the same argument I have gotten from Theists. Look at this rock, how else could it have gotten here if not for God? I will give you the same response.... I have no idea. Now, when you actually have some objective and pertinent fact let me know. All you have given me so far is unsupported belief.

What rock, where? I'm a geologist, so ask me a specific question about a specific rock, and I will give you a specific answer.

Really. I have a piece of geode on my desk my daughter gave to me. How is that evidence to existence or non-existence of God?

Your question is irrelevant to my challenge. My point is that just because you are clueless about rocks doesn't mean that others are also. For instance, your geode is a mineral-laden void structure usually chemically deposited/grown in sedimentary or volcanic rock. Any questions?

It wasn't your challenge, it was mine. I asked for any objective evidence as to the existence or non-existence of God. I made the assumption your comment had something to do with the conversation. I guess I was wrong.

For either the first or the thousandth time, I'm not sure at this point,

The objective evidence for the non-existence of God is the lack of evidence for the existence of God.

You can say it as many times as you like, a lack of evidence is not evidence. Not unless you can specify what evidence there should be if there were a God, and support that objectively. Can you?

It's not my burden of proof to disprove the existence of that for which there is no evidence for its existence.

If you are married and claim to have been faithful, is the lack of evidence of adultery on your part irrelevant to the validity of your claim?

Or can everyone rightfully assume that your inability to PROVE that you haven't been unfaithful is evidence against you?
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?
Pick up a rock, any rock, and that is your objective evidence right there in your hand. That is matter. It contains potential energy which will become kinetic energy if you let it fall under the influence of gravity which is one of the forces of the universe.

All of those are objective and pertinent facts that the universe exists.

Compared to those facts there is not one single objective and pertinent facts that an omnipotent creator exists. Nowhere will you be able to point to a particle of matter or observe energy in motion or demonstrate a universal force that establishes the existence of an omnipotent creator.

In one hand you have a rock and in the other nothing whatsoever.

What rational conclusion can you draw from the evidence (and lack thereof) in your hands?

Well, since you are apparently talking to me again...

You have just given me the same argument I have gotten from Theists. Look at this rock, how else could it have gotten here if not for God? I will give you the same response.... I have no idea. Now, when you actually have some objective and pertinent fact let me know. All you have given me so far is unsupported belief.

What rock, where? I'm a geologist, so ask me a specific question about a specific rock, and I will give you a specific answer.

Really. I have a piece of geode on my desk my daughter gave to me. How is that evidence to existence or non-existence of God?

Your question is irrelevant to my challenge. My point is that just because you are clueless about rocks doesn't mean that others are also. For instance, your geode is a mineral-laden void structure usually chemically deposited/grown in sedimentary or volcanic rock. Any questions?

It wasn't your challenge, it was mine. I asked for any objective evidence as to the existence or non-existence of God. I made the assumption your comment had something to do with the conversation. I guess I was wrong.

For either the first or the thousandth time, I'm not sure at this point,

The objective evidence for the non-existence of God is the lack of evidence for the existence of God.

You can say it as many times as you like, a lack of evidence is not evidence. Not unless you can specify what evidence there should be if there were a God, and support that objectively. Can you?

By your standards, all that is apparently non-existent must be assumed to exist because no one can produce evidence for non-existence.

By that standard, one must acknowledge with equal likelihood the existence of every god ever imagined in history of man's imagination.

As to your first claim, no. Quite the opposite. You are the one applying that standard by saying that if no one can produce evidence of existence it must be assumed not to exist. My standard is if you can't produce any evidence then any assumption is mere belief. Whether it is positive or negative is irrelevant.

As to your first claim, to some extent yes. I think it is fair to say we have enough information that the sun is not Apollo in his chariot, but beyond that they are all pretty much equal. In the absence of objective evidence, all assumptions are equally valid. Saying one is more valid than another is just belief.

I don't know you at all. So I will say you are a 37 year old man, with red hair, a small mole on your left shoulder, and are currently wearing green shorts and a red tank top with USC printed in gold letters on the front. Someone else may make another guess, but both guesses would be equally valid based upon the information available. Valid meaning, in this case, a blind guess with a near zero chance of being correct. But that guess is made with available information that you are human (an assumption I will take as a given) and speak English either as or as good as a native American. Considerably more evidence than we have regarding God.
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.

Where do you think you have the right to change what the thread I started is about, you ficking fascist liar?

It is about how fringe and irrelevant atheists are in number, but since you shits conspire and black ball people as a matter of course in every endeavor, you quickly dominate every institution that makes the mistake of tolerating you.
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.

Wrong again. This discussion is about the fact that the atheist faction, particularly of this site, is a fringe kook cult.

And the comments in the thread more than support that theory.
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.

Wrong again. This discussion is about the fact that the atheist faction, particularly of this site, is a fringe kook cult.

And the comments in the thread more than support that theory.

Ironic given that the OP fits the description of a "fringe kook cult[ist]".

But you don't get to decide how atheists perceive the mindless bashing by theists since you are not an atheist. The OP has been put on ignore for the endless use of vulgar insults. Do you condone your fellow believers acting like boorish louts and doing more harm to the image of your religion than good?
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.

Wrong again. This discussion is about the fact that the atheist faction, particularly of this site, is a fringe kook cult.

And the comments in the thread more than support that theory.

Ironic given that the OP fits the description of a "fringe kook cult[ist]".

But you don't get to decide how atheists perceive the mindless bashing by theists since you are not an atheist.
Bullshit, she can decide whatever the hell she decides to believe, and you are among the absolute worst liars here.
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.

Wrong again. This discussion is about the fact that the atheist faction, particularly of this site, is a fringe kook cult.

And the comments in the thread more than support that theory.

Ironic given that the OP fits the description of a "fringe kook cult[ist]".

But you don't get to decide how atheists perceive the mindless bashing by theists since you are not an atheist. The OP has been put on ignore for the endless use of vulgar insults. Do you condone your fellow believers acting like boorish louts and doing more harm to the image of your religion than good?

Ho hum. I have watched atheists thrash and troll this particular forum for years, and listened to their deranged cawing at the check-out stand in the store, at the school, and at work all my life. Hysterics/zealots one and all.
Nobody created God. God has always existed.
That was easy.
A simpleton response from a simpleton.

You hope to sidestep any accounting for your simpleton claims.

Why would one r more of your gawds make the stars, galaxies and intervening space and light from said stars and galaxies, in there present configurations. All this was done, presumably, to give the appearance of a very old, vast universe, and therefore to mislead scientists (and the rest of the rational world) to the spurious conclusion of a big bang that happened about 15 billion years ago.

It seems your gawds have played a cruel joke on you.
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.

Wrong again. This discussion is about the fact that the atheist faction, particularly of this site, is a fringe kook cult.

And the comments in the thread more than support that theory.

Ironic given that the OP fits the description of a "fringe kook cult[ist]".

But you don't get to decide how atheists perceive the mindless bashing by theists since you are not an atheist. The OP has been put on ignore for the endless use of vulgar insults. Do you condone your fellow believers acting like boorish louts and doing more harm to the image of your religion than good?

Ho hum. I have watched atheists thrash and troll this particular forum for years, and listened to their deranged cawing at the check-out stand in the store, at the school, and at work all my life. Hysterics/zealots one and all.

Thank you for tacitly admitting that you condone the moronic slurs of your fellow cultists. Personally I have a problem with atheists who are incapable of rising about the discord. There is no point in lowering oneself to the abysmal level of those who are incapable of having a civil discourse. The OP set himself up for failure with a poorly worded post that should have had this entire thread consigned to the FZ from the outset in my opinion. His fellow mental midgets have not done much to alter that perception.
Of course I do, if the discussion is about faith. And it is. Do you ever add anything to these discussions?

Nope! This discussion is about the endless atheism bashing that those who imagine they are going to heaven feel free to indulge themselves in whenever they need someone to blame.

Wrong again. This discussion is about the fact that the atheist faction, particularly of this site, is a fringe kook cult.

And the comments in the thread more than support that theory.

Ironic given that the OP fits the description of a "fringe kook cult[ist]".

But you don't get to decide how atheists perceive the mindless bashing by theists since you are not an atheist. The OP has been put on ignore for the endless use of vulgar insults. Do you condone your fellow believers acting like boorish louts and doing more harm to the image of your religion than good?

Ho hum. I have watched atheists thrash and troll this particular forum for years, and listened to their deranged cawing at the check-out stand in the store, at the school, and at work all my life. Hysterics/zealots one and all.
What a shame you learned nothing from those who sought to help you.

I think debates like these are important... although, ultimately, they do nothing to advance science or educate fundies. However, they do expose the lack of science in creationism, the dishonest tactics of fundie zealots, and they do demonstrate to the public that real science has nothing to hide.

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