Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult


For either the first or the thousandth time, I'm not sure at this point,

The objective evidence for the non-existence of God is the lack of evidence for the existence of God.

You can say it as many times as you like, a lack of evidence is not evidence. Not unless you can specify what evidence there should be if there were a God, and support that objectively. Can you?

By your standards, all that is apparently non-existent must be assumed to exist because no one can produce evidence for non-existence.

By that standard, one must acknowledge with equal likelihood the existence of every god ever imagined in history of man's imagination.[/QUOTE]

As to your first claim, no. Quite the opposite. You are the one applying that standard by saying that if no one can produce evidence of existence it must be assumed not to exist. My standard is if you can't produce any evidence then any assumption is mere belief. Whether it is positive or negative is irrelevant.

As to your first claim, to some extent yes. I think it is fair to say we have enough information that the sun is not Apollo in his chariot, but beyond that they are all pretty much equal. In the absence of objective evidence, all assumptions are equally valid. Saying one is more valid than another is just belief.

I don't know you at all. So I will say you are a 37 year old man, with red hair, a small mole on your left shoulder, and are currently wearing green shorts and a red tank top with USC printed in gold letters on the front. Someone else may make another guess, but both guesses would be equally valid based upon the information available. Valid meaning, in this case, a blind guess with a near zero chance of being correct. But that guess is made with available information that you are human (an assumption I will take as a given) and speak English either as or as good as a native American. Considerably more evidence than we have regarding God.[/QUOTE]

Faith was invented to give credibility to delusion, or hallucination, or imagination, simply because of the stakes involved.

A person who claims to hear voices in his head and talks to them generally gets labeled as crazy to one degree or another.

A person who claims that God speaks to him and who prays to God is simply deemed a person of faith.

And by extension, it's because of the general difference between the two above (along with the stakes involved) that earns the atheist so much scorn.[/QUOTE]

Another claim of pure belief. A statement of faith, if you will. There is absolutely no evidence faith was "invented". It is far more probable faith is inherent in humans. You certainly don't lack it.

What earns the Atheist scorn is that their expression of belief, and it is belief regardless of the definitions, is not in keeping with the majority. All minorities are scorned. This too is human nature. We always attack the outsider.
Here's another rational atheist nutter:
"Gustav Potthoff has a cross to bear: He's a self-proclaimed atheist accused of attacking his roommate whom he thought was Jesus.

"As such, he believes that only an atheist attorney can defend him properly.

"Police in Orlando, Fla. allege that Potthoff attacked his roommate, Raymond Hernandez, with a glass cup and a butter knife on Monday."

Obviously, the only people dealing with a full deck are atheists. that you? NYC????

Atheist Attacks Roommate He Thinks Is Jesus Cops
"A self-described militant atheist with a criminal past faces multiple charges after an attack on a pastor who, after his sermon, had asked the man's girlfriend if she felt safe.

"James Maxie, 28, of Springfield, Ohio, is charged with second-degree felonious assault and misdemeanor resisting arrest after an incident Sunday at The Bridge Community Church in North Hampton."

- See more at: Self-described militant atheist violently attacks pastor...
"A self-described militant atheist with a criminal past faces multiple charges after an attack on a pastor who, after his sermon, had asked the man's girlfriend if she felt safe.

"James Maxie, 28, of Springfield, Ohio, is charged with second-degree felonious assault and misdemeanor resisting arrest after an incident Sunday at The Bridge Community Church in North Hampton."

- See more at: Self-described militant atheist violently attacks pastor...
So, you're reduced to scouring police blotters.

You extremists are in a dark and sleazy place.
Poster boy for atheism:


Atheist Attacks Roommate With A Knife Because He Thought He Was Jesus
Pick up a rock, any rock, and that is your objective evidence right there in your hand. That is matter. It contains potential energy which will become kinetic energy if you let it fall under the influence of gravity which is one of the forces of the universe.

All of those are objective and pertinent facts that the universe exists.

Compared to those facts there is not one single objective and pertinent facts that an omnipotent creator exists. Nowhere will you be able to point to a particle of matter or observe energy in motion or demonstrate a universal force that establishes the existence of an omnipotent creator.

In one hand you have a rock and in the other nothing whatsoever.

What rational conclusion can you draw from the evidence (and lack thereof) in your hands?

Well, since you are apparently talking to me again...

You have just given me the same argument I have gotten from Theists. Look at this rock, how else could it have gotten here if not for God? I will give you the same response.... I have no idea. Now, when you actually have some objective and pertinent fact let me know. All you have given me so far is unsupported belief.

What rock, where? I'm a geologist, so ask me a specific question about a specific rock, and I will give you a specific answer.

Really. I have a piece of geode on my desk my daughter gave to me. How is that evidence to existence or non-existence of God?

Your question is irrelevant to my challenge. My point is that just because you are clueless about rocks doesn't mean that others are also. For instance, your geode is a mineral-laden void structure usually chemically deposited/grown in sedimentary or volcanic rock. Any questions?

It wasn't your challenge, it was mine. I asked for any objective evidence as to the existence or non-existence of God. I made the assumption your comment had something to do with the conversation. I guess I was wrong.

My earlier response was to your claim : "Look at this rock, how else could it have gotten here if not for God? I will give you the same response.... I have no idea." I responded with : "What rock, where? I'm a geologist, so ask me a specific question about a specific rock, and I will give you a specific answer." Your response was " I have a piece of geode on my desk my daughter gave to me. How is that evidence to existence or non-existence of God?" My response was "Your question is irrelevant to my challenge. My point is that just because you are clueless about rocks doesn't mean that others are also. For instance, your geode is a mineral-laden void structure usually chemically deposited/grown in sedimentary or volcanic rock. Any questions?"

I wasn't responding to your "challenge". I was responding to your apparent lack of understanding that the natural world can be explained without invoking imagery deities. The origins of most rock types are well understood, and those that aren't don't require one to resort to "god did it". Get it?
Oh yawn. When you can't criminalize, you marginalize. This is what the progressives did to justify killing off and sterilizing the inhabitants of mental wards in the 50s.
How did you avoid....
Nobody created God. God has always existed.
That was easy.
A simpleton response from a simpleton.

You hope to sidestep any accounting for your simpleton claims.

Why would one r more of your gawds make the stars, galaxies and intervening space and light from said stars and galaxies, in there present configurations. All this was done, presumably, to give the appearance of a very old, vast universe, and therefore to mislead scientists (and the rest of the rational world) to the spurious conclusion of a big bang that happened about 15 billion years ago.

It seems your gawds have played a cruel joke on you.
someone who believes ostriches evolved from mammals 6000 years ago should not be calling another, a simpleton......
Your belief in a 6,000 year old planet is an obvious cause for concern.
so is your claim about 150k year old global warming....
Religion induced psychosis?
I wouldn't recommend professional help.....
Oh yawn. When you can't criminalize, you marginalize. This is what the progressives did to justify killing off and sterilizing the inhabitants of mental wards in the 50s.
How did you avoid....
Nobody created God. God has always existed.
That was easy.
A simpleton response from a simpleton.

You hope to sidestep any accounting for your simpleton claims.

Why would one r more of your gawds make the stars, galaxies and intervening space and light from said stars and galaxies, in there present configurations. All this was done, presumably, to give the appearance of a very old, vast universe, and therefore to mislead scientists (and the rest of the rational world) to the spurious conclusion of a big bang that happened about 15 billion years ago.

It seems your gawds have played a cruel joke on you.
someone who believes ostriches evolved from mammals 6000 years ago should not be calling another, a simpleton......
Your belief in a 6,000 year old planet is an obvious cause for concern.
so is your claim about 150k year old global warming....
Religion induced psychosis?
I wouldn't recommend professional help.....
I do find it to be a pattern of behavior that you extremists will typically resort to spamming when you're unable to address questions.
Mainstream Christians aren't extremists, and what do you call it when you post the same stupid phrase over and over.....? Isn't that spamming?
Oh yawn. When you can't criminalize, you marginalize. This is what the progressives did to justify killing off and sterilizing the inhabitants of mental wards in the 50s.
How did you avoid....
Nobody created God. God has always existed.
That was easy.
A simpleton response from a simpleton.

You hope to sidestep any accounting for your simpleton claims.

Why would one r more of your gawds make the stars, galaxies and intervening space and light from said stars and galaxies, in there present configurations. All this was done, presumably, to give the appearance of a very old, vast universe, and therefore to mislead scientists (and the rest of the rational world) to the spurious conclusion of a big bang that happened about 15 billion years ago.

It seems your gawds have played a cruel joke on you.
someone who believes ostriches evolved from mammals 6000 years ago should not be calling another, a simpleton......
Your belief in a 6,000 year old planet is an obvious cause for concern.
so is your claim about 150k year old global warming....
Religion induced psychosis?
I wouldn't recommend professional help.....
I do find it to be a pattern of behavior that you extremists will typically resort to spamming when you're unable to address questions.
ROFL.....more self diagnosis.....
Do you not know what the meaning of "spam" is? Do you just use the term indiscriminately, like you use the word "extremist", without actually knowing what it means?
Do you not know what the meaning of "spam" is? Do you just use the term indiscriminately, like you use the word "extremist", without actually knowing what it means?
Do you feel a need to spam every thread with your nonsense?
Ladies. This thread is in Zone 2. That means posts must contain some content relevant to the topic under discussion. Food fights belong in the Flame Zone.

For those that need a topic refresher please refer to post #1 (readers digest version: those nutty athiests).

Further violations will be dealt with accordingly.
If you're a "christian", then take your beliefs and enjoy them. Stop trying to persuade everyone you're way is the only way.

Its not.
If you're a "christian", then take your beliefs and enjoy them. Stop trying to persuade everyone you're way is the only way.

Its not.
no one is keeping you from digging your own path.....we just think its kinda silly when there's a free and easy one already made.....and there's no guarantee you're digging in the right direction......

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