Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

Oh..that's not happening enough?

Theists are a quiet lot eh?

Guess all those religious wars we are now experiencing all over the planet is a result of the "quiet".

As an atheist I don't want my kid brainwashed at school with lies so no mention of god on public property please ..

Fuck you.

I have the Constitutional right to express my religious beliefs and the only way you atheist liars can win is by using the government to force us believers into silence, ironically enough, using the First Amendment which guarantees religious freedom of speech.

You people lie so much you have gotten a lot of Christians to believe your bullshit, but we are all waking up.

Maybe you need to migrate to Bullshitistan?

Yea, see how that works? You have constitutional rights but don't like it that we have them too. When we exercise our rights its BIG GUBMENT. Jackass. :badgrin:
As an atheist I don't want my kid brainwashed at school with lies so no mention of god on public property please ..

Fuck you.

I have the Constitutional right to express my religious beliefs and the only way you atheist liars can win is by using the government to force us believers into silence, ironically enough, using the First Amendment which guarantees religious freedom of speech.

You people lie so much you have gotten a lot of Christians to believe your bullshit, but we are all waking up.

Maybe you need to migrate to Bullshitistan?

Yea, see how that works? You have constitutional rights but don't like it that we have them too.

Another atheist damned lie.

You just clearly stated you want to silence us so that we cannot mention God.

You do not have a Constitutional right to silence Christians, idiot.
How is that evidence for a god?

lol, kookburger deflection.

How can something eternal NOT be God the Creator?

Well, you haven't defined what a god is, where that definition comes from, or how we can test it. All your argument boils down to is assigning an unknown, hypothetical thing with the designation of "God the Creator." That's pretty arbitrary.

Lol, you say that as if the Catholic church has not defined God thousands of years ago.

IF you cant do some reading you are not worth my time. you have nothing?

That's what I thought.

But thanks for being so belligerent and insulting, instead of addressing the actual questions.

I already gave it, you ignored it, and demonstrate why you don't believe; YOU DONT WANT TO BELIEVE.


You have provided nothing. Infinite regress and an eternal "something"!? Really?

Yes, and your refusal to comprehend it only proves what a moron and a fool you are.

Yes, really.

Those are philosophical arguments. Do you have any kind of demonstrable evidence that a god exists today? That he intervenes in peoples lives? That praying does anything? That there is any reason to believe there is a heaven and a hell?


Or is your argument, "This all had to start somewhere. I don't know how it happened. It must be god."
That is called the argument from ignorance.

And that is called 'Straw man'. That is about all the arguments you atheist kookburgers can handle; straw men and fundies who cannot accept modern science.
Fuck you.

I have the Constitutional right to express my religious beliefs and the only way you atheist liars can win is by using the government to force us believers into silence, ironically enough, using the First Amendment which guarantees religious freedom of speech.

You people lie so much you have gotten a lot of Christians to believe your bullshit, but we are all waking up.

Maybe you need to migrate to Bullshitistan?

Yea, see how that works? You have constitutional rights but don't like it that we have them too.

Another atheist damned lie.

You just clearly stated you want to silence us so that we cannot mention God.

You do not have a Constitutional right to silence Christians, idiot.

Your little johnny can mention jesus on the playground all he wants he's just going to get his dork ass kicked or ignored as the nerdy bible thumper. Fact is I went to high school in the 80's and the only time I ever heard or saw anything about god was my wrestling coach would do a group prayer. I didn't know any better or I would have told him to shut the fuck up or I'll sue. LOL. Just kidding. I loved that guy. I would have just held hands, closed my eyes and doubted quietly like probably half the other guys in the circle. :eusa_shhh:

What's interesting is that I watch all these science shows and I keep hoping/wanting/looking for how a god is involved in the whole process but I just don't see one. All I hear is you and people like you. Thousands of years ago you'd be arguing for Zeus. You're a joke.
Hilarious, you ask who doesn't want to believe that they will go to heaven, then you say you don't want to believe it because it is wishful thinking, a circular argument at best, proof of your brain damage at worst.

I didn't say I DON'T want to believe because it is wishful thinking silly. I don't believe because I believe believing is nothing more than wishful thinking.

That is what your statement boils down to. To say I don't want to believe something because it is too good to be true is the same thing as saying I don't want to believe it. Saying it is too good to be true is not a rational argument, it is not a fact, it is merely an emotional statement of some ephemeral perception you have that could have resulted from the bad burger you had for lunch.

It demonstrates you have no facts, no reason and so it amounts to 'I don't want to believe.'

At least that's where the facts point. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

Lol, you don't know the most basic facts about what you claim to have this doubtless certitude about. That is hilarious.

And I'm not the one making the claim there is or isn't a god. I don't know what's on the other side of a black hole. Could be a guy on the other side and we are made in his image. Could be. What are the odds do you think? 100 million to 1 probably. 99.999999% chance there is no god as you all define him. And the ones who try to redefine him as energy are just plain crazy right? Look who I'm asking.

Yeah, that is really a rational take on the topic dude.

Go have another puff, chillax and then play in the street why doncha?
Fuck you.

I have the Constitutional right to express my religious beliefs and the only way you atheist liars can win is by using the government to force us believers into silence, ironically enough, using the First Amendment which guarantees religious freedom of speech.

You people lie so much you have gotten a lot of Christians to believe your bullshit, but we are all waking up.

Maybe you need to migrate to Bullshitistan?

Yea, see how that works? You have constitutional rights but don't like it that we have them too.

Another atheist damned lie.

You just clearly stated you want to silence us so that we cannot mention God.

You do not have a Constitutional right to silence Christians, idiot.

I don't think anyone is trying to keep you from mentioning god. Those of us that don't believe, just don't want god forced on us. We support the separation of church and state.
You didn't answer the question.

His 'question' was a rhetorical one, a tossed out guess for spin.

But to answer the question seriously, no, I do not want a theocracy like they have in England, Israel or Sweden.

Then why force religion down our throats?

Christians expressing their beliefs does not equate to 'forcing religion down your throat', you cock-sucking cretin.
Fuck you.

I have the Constitutional right to express my religious beliefs and the only way you atheist liars can win is by using the government to force us believers into silence, ironically enough, using the First Amendment which guarantees religious freedom of speech.

You people lie so much you have gotten a lot of Christians to believe your bullshit, but we are all waking up.

Maybe you need to migrate to Bullshitistan?

Yea, see how that works? You have constitutional rights but don't like it that we have them too.

Another atheist damned lie.

You just clearly stated you want to silence us so that we cannot mention God.

You do not have a Constitutional right to silence Christians, idiot.

No teacher can brainwash the group with god. Against the law.

I know you right wingers don't watch PBS or listen to NPR enough so here you go: The Lord Is Not On Trial Here Today | PBS Programs | PBS


She was called "that awful woman" by her neighbors, and "that atheist mother" by newspapers across the country. Her friends stopped returning phone calls rather than risk speaking with her. She was branded a communist, and the Illinois State Legislature nearly outlawed her and her husband from ever working at the state university again. She received up to 200 letters a day, some of the writers claiming they would pray for her; many wishing for much worse.

Rhode Island Teen Atheist Gets $40K Scholarship - ABC News

Jessica Ahlquist, 16, won a court battle in January to have the prayer sign removed from Cranston High School West, a decision that outraged many in her school and community.

The mural has been in the school since 1963, and a school committee said it was "historical" and "artistic." :eusa_liar::badgrin::eusa_pray:

"Freedom From Religion [an atheist group] wanted to send flowers to her, and none of the florists in Rhode Island would even deliver flowers to her," Mehta said. "A state representative called her evil in an interview. Every time stories come up about how people are treating this 16-year-old girl, my heart just goes out to her and I want to help her in some way."

Mehta referred to a radio interview in January in which state representative Peter Palumbo called Ahlquist an "evil little thing."

"This didn't happen in the Bible Belt," Mehta said. "This happened in Rhode Island. A Rhode Island state representative called her evil, when in my perspective she's just defending the Constitution." :eusa_clap:
'No Religion' Is World's Third-Largest Religious Group After Christians, Muslims According To Pew Study

'No Religion' Is World's Third-Largest Religious Group After Christians, Muslims According To Pew Study

REUTERS - People with no religious affiliation make up the third-largest global group in a new study of the size of the world's faiths, placing after Christians and Muslims and just before Hindus.

The "unaffiliated" category covers all those who profess no religion, from atheists and agnostics to people with spiritual beliefs but no link to any established faith.

Got to wonder why so many are opting out of all religions. Could it be that the OP is the "kook" here because he is trying to demonize atheists?

None of the above does not equate to atheism, you lying jack ass.

Except that it is not shrinking and I gave the facts to support it. Do you ever NOT lie?

The Great Decline: 61 years of religiosity in one graph, 2013 hits a new low | Corner of Church and State

The Great Decline: 61 years of religiosity in one graph, 2013 hits a new low

Religiosity in the United States is in the midst of what might be called ‘The Great Decline.’ Previous declines in religion pale in comparison. Over the past fifteen years, the drop in religiosity has been twice as great as the decline of the 1960s and 1970s.

Last year brought a continuation of this decline. 2013 was a new low for the level of religiosity in the country.

In 2013, we saw continued declines in religiosity. The importance of religion in people’s lives? Down. Church attendance? Down. People who say they are “no religion”? Up. The result: 2013 had the lowest level of religiosity of any year we can measure.

Whatever the reason this atheist really doesn't care.

Yeah, which is why you didn't post in response, oh, wait....

Atheists are the last minority that can still be discriminated against. And yes, that is what the OP is doing.

Lol, go away kookburger and maybe your friends in the Lunar Landing Was Faked and 9-11 Truther buddies will share some crybaby tea with you, lolol.


I don't tolerate being gratuitously insulted. If you cannot be respectful and civil you will only have yourself to blame for any consequences.
Yea, see how that works? You have constitutional rights but don't like it that we have them too.

Another atheist damned lie.

You just clearly stated you want to silence us so that we cannot mention God.

You do not have a Constitutional right to silence Christians, idiot.

I don't think anyone is trying to keep you from mentioning god.

You don't think anyone is trying to keep us from mentioning God when the news is full of atheists lawsuits to do that exact thing and seelybooboo just stated he did not want us mentioning God.

Do you wonder why I think you are stupid?


Those of us that don't believe, just don't want god forced on us.

Us expressing our beliefs is not force, dude.

We support the separation of church and state.

Great, so do I. Government involvement in religion is death to true faith.

Just look at England.
'No Religion' Is World's Third-Largest Religious Group After Christians, Muslims According To Pew Study

Got to wonder why so many are opting out of all religions. Could it be that the OP is the "kook" here because he is trying to demonize atheists?

None of the above does not equate to atheism, you lying jack ass.

Except that it is not shrinking and I gave the facts to support it. Do you ever NOT lie?

The Great Decline: 61 years of religiosity in one graph, 2013 hits a new low | Corner of Church and State

The Great Decline: 61 years of religiosity in one graph, 2013 hits a new low

Religiosity in the United States is in the midst of what might be called ‘The Great Decline.’ Previous declines in religion pale in comparison. Over the past fifteen years, the drop in religiosity has been twice as great as the decline of the 1960s and 1970s.

Last year brought a continuation of this decline. 2013 was a new low for the level of religiosity in the country.

In 2013, we saw continued declines in religiosity. The importance of religion in people’s lives? Down. Church attendance? Down. People who say they are “no religion”? Up. The result: 2013 had the lowest level of religiosity of any year we can measure.

lol, as if 'religiosity' = belief in God, roflmao.

Yeah, which is why you didn't post in response, oh, wait....

Atheists are the last minority that can still be discriminated against. And yes, that is what the OP is doing.

Lol, go away kookburger and maybe your friends in the Lunar Landing Was Faked and 9-11 Truther buddies will share some crybaby tea with you, lolol.


I don't tolerate being gratuitously insulted. If you cannot be respectful and civil you will only have yourself to blame for any consequences.

Don't threaten me, piss ant.
Yea, see how that works? You have constitutional rights but don't like it that we have them too.

Another atheist damned lie.

You just clearly stated you want to silence us so that we cannot mention God.

You do not have a Constitutional right to silence Christians, idiot.

No teacher can brainwash the group with god. Against the law.

Lol, this is how desperate you atheists are that you cannot tolerate a Christian telling anyone about their faith, because that is 'brainwashing' to you, or 'forcing God' on you.

You really have no tolerance for believers being allowed to speak of their beliefs.

What is outraging so many Christians in this country and why so many are waking up, is that they are realizing how the courts have been taking over by idiots who think that the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of religious speech, is actually written to silence religious speech. The First Amendments guarantee of freedom of religious speech has been turned upside down by absurd claims that putting a cross on a graveyard memorial or allowing graduating seniors to mention God in a speech or saying prayers at a high school football game are some kind of partial establishment of religion.

It is not and is as stupid a claim as to say that a kiss is a partial establishment of marriage.

But we are waking up and part of this awakening is the realization how stupid atheism is and to stop treating it like it is a serious system of belief.

It is not, it is all kookburger bullshit.
None of the above does not equate to atheism, you lying jack ass.

Except that it is not shrinking and I gave the facts to support it. Do you ever NOT lie?

The Great Decline: 61 years of religiosity in one graph, 2013 hits a new low | Corner of Church and State

The Great Decline: 61 years of religiosity in one graph, 2013 hits a new low

Religiosity in the United States is in the midst of what might be called ‘The Great Decline.’ Previous declines in religion pale in comparison. Over the past fifteen years, the drop in religiosity has been twice as great as the decline of the 1960s and 1970s.

Last year brought a continuation of this decline. 2013 was a new low for the level of religiosity in the country.

In 2013, we saw continued declines in religiosity. The importance of religion in people’s lives? Down. Church attendance? Down. People who say they are “no religion”? Up. The result: 2013 had the lowest level of religiosity of any year we can measure.

lol, as if 'religiosity' = belief in God, roflmao.

Yeah, which is why you didn't post in response, oh, wait....

Lol, go away kookburger and maybe your friends in the Lunar Landing Was Faked and 9-11 Truther buddies will share some crybaby tea with you, lolol.


I don't tolerate being gratuitously insulted. If you cannot be respectful and civil you will only have yourself to blame for any consequences.

Don't threaten me, piss ant.

re·li·gi·os·i·ty (r-lj-s-t)
1. The quality of being religious.
2. Excessive or affected piety.

1. the quality of being religious; piety; devoutness.
2. affected or excessive devotion to religion.

religiosity [ri lij′ē äs′ə tē]

the quality of being religious, esp. of being excessively, ostentatiously, or mawkishly religious

The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

If the shoe fits...

The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices
The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity

If the shoe fits...

The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices

Yeah, atheists trot out these bullshit studies that are in the same vein as the old racist bullshit that proved that blacks and Jews and Italians or whoever they didn't like had low IQs.

You bigots never really change, do you?
You atheists have killed far more people in the past 200 years than religious people have in the history of mankind.

Not even a little bit true.


Just China under the atheist Communists and the USSR have killed more than 137 million people. You can add up all the other murderous regimes of any other religion/faith and none of them come even close to what atheists have done.

Not true at all. You posted the statistic yourself. 3% are Atheist and 3% certainly didn't do all of that killing. The vast majority of people are religious and that means the vast majority of the people pulling the trigger, swinging the blade, throwing the rock, etc. have been religious.

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