Atheism is not a religion!


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
I am getting tired of this argument. Atheism is NOT a religion but a lack of religion. There are people who take this to the extreme but that does not make atheism a religion. That extremism tends to come fourth because we live in a largely religious world and many of those religious people tend to look down at or attack atheists in general. Atheism is and always will be a LACK of religious conviction of any sort. I do not believe in god because there is a lack of evidence for god. That is not a religious belief but a total lack of a belief at all. Should it be possible to show evidence for god one day. I would gladly begin a life of faith. Until that comes I will not believe in any religion.

I am getting tired of this argument. Atheism is NOT a religion but a lack of religion. There are people who take this to the extreme but that does not make atheism a religion. That extremism tends to come fourth because we live in a largely religious world and many of those religious people tend to look down at or attack atheists in general. Atheism is and always will be a LACK of religious conviction of any sort. I do not believe in god because there is a lack of evidence for god. That is not a religious belief but a total lack of a belief at all. Should it be possible to show evidence for god one day. I would gladly begin a life of faith. Until that comes I will not believe in any religion.


Zero is still a number. Atheism is a decided belief that there is no supreme being. While there are no rituals associated with this for most atheists, it is still a belief structure and therfore a religous/philosophical position.

You may be thinking of agnosticism, which is basically ignoring the question of there being a god or not. That is closer to no religion than atheism.

Also with atheism you find zelots who are up there with the most feverent evangelical christians when it comes to professing thier beliefs.

For me atheism is active disbelief, where agnosticism is kinda "meh" disbelief.
I just don't understand the vitriole. Why is there so much anger over semantics? A belief, a non-belief, a philosophy, a religion, a non/religion? Who cares?

And yes, marty, there are zealots and they can be crazzzzzzzzy mean. I don't know any Christian or Jewish religious zealots, but I would rather have them approach me in an airport than some of the angry atheist weirdos on this forum.
Religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aspects of religion include narrative symbolism, beliefs, and practices that are supposed to give meaning to the practitioner's experiences of life. Whether the meaning centers on a deity or deities, or an ultimate truth, religion is commonly identified by the practitioner's prayer, ritual, meditation, music and art among other things, and is often interwoven with society and politics.
Deities OR an Ultimate Truth.

Atheism sure sounds like a religion to me.
I am getting tired of this argument. Atheism is NOT a religion but a lack of religion. There are people who take this to the extreme but that does not make atheism a religion. That extremism tends to come fourth because we live in a largely religious world and many of those religious people tend to look down at or attack atheists in general. Atheism is and always will be a LACK of religious conviction of any sort. I do not believe in god because there is a lack of evidence for god. That is not a religious belief but a total lack of a belief at all. Should it be possible to show evidence for god one day. I would gladly begin a life of faith. Until that comes I will not believe in any religion.


Zero is still a number. Atheism is a decided belief that there is no supreme being. While there are no rituals associated with this for most atheists, it is still a belief structure and therfore a religous/philosophical position.

You may be thinking of agnosticism, which is basically ignoring the question of there being a god or not. That is closer to no religion than atheism.

Also with atheism you find zelots who are up there with the most feverent evangelical christians when it comes to professing thier beliefs.

For me atheism is active disbelief, where agnosticism is kinda "meh" disbelief.
No, it is not a religious belief. You are making the common mistake that many here make - associating atheism with a POSITIVE belief that there is no god rather than a lack of belief in any god. There are those that have a positive belief in god and that is NOT atheism but some other concept that has taken it too far. Atheism is a complete lack of any belief in a deity. There is a big difference. Agnostics on the other hand believe there is a deity but that deity is unknowable. That is the 'higher power' crowd.
For me atheism is active disbelief, where agnosticism is kinda "meh" disbelief.
But you are not an atheist and therefore 'for me' does not count. I AM an atheist and I can inform you that I do not have 'active' disbelief in anything.
I am getting tired of this argument. Atheism is NOT a religion but a lack of religion. There are people who take this to the extreme but that does not make atheism a religion. That extremism tends to come fourth because we live in a largely religious world and many of those religious people tend to look down at or attack atheists in general. Atheism is and always will be a LACK of religious conviction of any sort. I do not believe in god because there is a lack of evidence for god. That is not a religious belief but a total lack of a belief at all. Should it be possible to show evidence for god one day. I would gladly begin a life of faith. Until that comes I will not believe in any religion.


Zero is still a number. Atheism is a decided belief that there is no supreme being. While there are no rituals associated with this for most atheists, it is still a belief structure and therfore a religous/philosophical position.

You may be thinking of agnosticism, which is basically ignoring the question of there being a god or not. That is closer to no religion than atheism.

Also with atheism you find zelots who are up there with the most feverent evangelical christians when it comes to professing thier beliefs.

For me atheism is active disbelief, where agnosticism is kinda "meh" disbelief.

atheism is a BELIEF

SOME beliefs are religions
MOST beliefs are NOT religions

atheism is a BELIEF that is NOT a religion

anyone who thinks that atheism is a religion is a complete fkn idiot
I just don't understand the vitriole. Why is there so much anger over semantics? A belief, a non-belief, a philosophy, a religion, a non/religion? Who cares?

And yes, marty, there are zealots and they can be crazzzzzzzzy mean. I don't know any Christian or Jewish religious zealots, but I would rather have them approach me in an airport than some of the angry atheist weirdos on this forum.

Just getting tired of every thread that involves atheism, evolution and general religious threads demanding that to be an atheist I must have faith in it when that is a mischaracterization of what many atheists believe.

To each their own, I would much rather run into all of the 'atheist' zealots here than any one of the Christian ones. But then again, I am not a Christian.
Religion | Define Religion at
   /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Show Spelled[ri-lij-uhn] Show IPA
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.

religions, Archaic . religious rites.
Archaic . strict faithfulness; devotion: a religion to one's vow.

People who claim to be atheists that are constantly whining that they are offended by the word god on our money or some other such nonsense do indeed raise atheism to the status of a religious belief.

See definition number 6 above.

Tell me how can one be offended by "In God We Trust" if one has no belief in god?

You might as well be offended by leprechauns.
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Atheism is not a religious belief. By definition, it is disbelief, a world view that there is no god.
I am getting tired of this argument. Atheism is NOT a religion but a lack of religion. There are people who take this to the extreme but that does not make atheism a religion. That extremism tends to come fourth because we live in a largely religious world and many of those religious people tend to look down at or attack atheists in general. Atheism is and always will be a LACK of religious conviction of any sort. I do not believe in god because there is a lack of evidence for god. That is not a religious belief but a total lack of a belief at all. Should it be possible to show evidence for god one day. I would gladly begin a life of faith. Until that comes I will not believe in any religion.


I think you can say that with some accuracy, but to some … their atheism takes on all the features of a religion. I am an atheist, and I leave it pretty much alone in argument. I see no benefit in arguing it, and I would be doing those who benefit from their religious belief a disservice if I could dissuade them from it.

Why, for instance, would an atheist become a member of an organization for atheists? (IE “The Godless Americans”)

To me these are folks who haven’t sufficiently accepted their own lack of belief to live with it comfortably.

But that is just my opinion.
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Atheism is not a religious belief. By definition, it is disbelief, a world view that there is no god.

The belief that there is no god can be argued to be a religious belief.

Again I reference you to the definition

something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.

You have to admit that rabid atheists, those who are defined by their belief that there is no god, do indeed raise their non belief to religious status.
I am getting tired of this argument. Atheism is NOT a religion but a lack of religion. There are people who take this to the extreme but that does not make atheism a religion. That extremism tends to come fourth because we live in a largely religious world and many of those religious people tend to look down at or attack atheists in general. Atheism is and always will be a LACK of religious conviction of any sort. I do not believe in god because there is a lack of evidence for god. That is not a religious belief but a total lack of a belief at all. Should it be possible to show evidence for god one day. I would gladly begin a life of faith. Until that comes I will not believe in any religion.


I think you can say that with some accuracy, but to some … their atheism takes on all the features of a religion. I am an atheist, and I leave it pretty much alone in argument. I see no benefit in arguing it, and I would be doing those who benefit from their religious belief a disservice if I could dissuade them from it.

Why, for instance, would an atheist become a member of an organization for atheists? (IE “The Godless Americans”)

To me these are folks who haven’t sufficiently accepted their own lack of belief to live with it confortably.

But that is just my opinion.

Atheism is not a religious belief. By definition, it is disbelief, a world view that there is no god.

The belief that there is no god can be argued to be a religious belief.

Again I reference you to the definition

something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.

You have to admit that rabid atheists, those who are defined by their belief that there is no god, do indeed raise their non belief to religious status.

You don't like atheists, do you?

No, they don't raise their non-belief to a religious status. They quite naturally object to religion in public places. They are demonized by some religious people. An open atheist would never be elected to national office. Why shouldn't they raise a complaint?
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Atheism is not a religious belief. By definition, it is disbelief, a world view that there is no god.

The belief that there is no god can be argued to be a religious belief.

Again I reference you to the definition

something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.

You have to admit that rabid atheists, those who are defined by their belief that there is no god, do indeed raise their non belief to religious status.

You don't like atheists, do you?

No, they don't raise their non-belief to a religious status. They quite naturally object to religion in public places. They are demonized by some religious people. An open atheist would never be elected to national office. Why shouldn't they raise a complaint?

I happen to be an atheist.

I just don't consider it a defining point of who I am.

I'm sorry but atheists who are offended by someone mentioning a god they do not believe in are contradicting themselves.

How can something that you believe does not exist offend you?
The belief that there is no god can be argued to be a religious belief.

Again I reference you to the definition

something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.

You have to admit that rabid atheists, those who are defined by their belief that there is no god, do indeed raise their non belief to religious status.

You don't like atheists, do you?

No, they don't raise their non-belief to a religious status. They quite naturally object to religion in public places. They are demonized by some religious people. An open atheist would never be elected to national office. Why shouldn't they raise a complaint?

I happen to be an atheist.

I just don't consider it a defining point of who I am.

I'm sorry but atheists who are offended by someone mentioning a god they do not believe in are contradicting themselves.

How can something that you believe does not exist offend you?

I see. You're an atheist but you don't like other 'rabid' atheists. It reminds me of gay men who don't faggots who swish. Some call that phenomena internalized oppression. I'm not saying that you do, it's just what comes to mind right now.
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Simple questions.

Can the existence or non existence of God be proven? If one believes in something that can not be proven does that not mean they have faith it is true? If one feels the need to tell others of their belief in a concept that can not be proven is that not preaching or teaching in the hopes of convincing others of their point of view?

Explain to me again the difference between a believer in God and a believer in No God. To be an atheist one MUST BELIEVE no God exists. Nothing else qualifies you as an Atheist. Such a belief is in fact based on faith since such a belief can not be proven.

So we have a person that ascribes to being an atheist as follows, A total unwavering belief that NO God exists absent any evidence to support the claim. Faith that their position is true and correct. Some of them are such true believers they have an uncontrollable need to spread the word. To attack any that disagree. To attempt to convert. To attack those that disagree with their unproven belief system.

Sound familiar?
I just don't understand the vitriole. Why is there so much anger over semantics? A belief, a non-belief, a philosophy, a religion, a non/religion? Who cares?

And yes, marty, there are zealots and they can be crazzzzzzzzy mean. I don't know any Christian or Jewish religious zealots, but I would rather have them approach me in an airport than some of the angry atheist weirdos on this forum.

Like Tea Partiers being called Tea Baggers?
There's no hats, no robes, no insense, no rituals, no churches, synagogues or mosques, no saints, no outrageous demands, and no rules.

Without these, you don't have a religion and atheism has none of those.
Simple questions.

Can the existence or non existence of God be proven? If one believes in something that can not be proven does that not mean they have faith it is true? If one feels the need to tell others of their belief in a concept that can not be proven is that not preaching or teaching in the hopes of convincing others of their point of view?

Explain to me again the difference between a believer in God and a believer in No God. To be an atheist one MUST BELIEVE no God exists. Nothing else qualifies you as an Atheist. Such a belief is in fact based on faith since such a belief can not be proven.

So we have a person that ascribes to being an atheist as follows, A total unwavering belief that NO God exists absent any evidence to support the claim. Faith that their position is true and correct. Some of them are such true believers they have an uncontrollable need to spread the word. To attack any that disagree. To attempt to convert. To attack those that disagree with their unproven belief system.

Sound familiar?

You make a good point. This post gives pause for thought.
There's no hats, no robes, no insense, no rituals, no churches, synagogues or mosques, no saints, no outrageous demands, and no rules.

Without these, you don't have a religion and atheism has none of those.

Those things do not make a religion. Belief makes a religion.

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