Atheism takes courage

why are you attributing words to me? please keep it to what I actually said and not what you would like it to mean...I've seen it on TV including shows like mythbusters et al....I think you must really not understand the meaning of cool, chic and toni because they usually describe things that step out from the masses...once everyone is doing it is called routine
Then, I advise you, seriously, hamster, that you stick with your own advice.
why are you attributing words to me? please keep it to what I actually said and not what you would like it to mean...I've seen it on TV including shows like mythbusters et al....I think you must really not understand the meaning of cool, chic and toni because they usually describe things that step out from the masses...once everyone is doing it is called routine
Then, I advise you, seriously, hamster, that you stick with your own advice.
wow, you must feel very degraded and verbally beat down to follow me into a thread that had nothing to do with you and then nervously refer to me as hamster and for some vague reason try offering me my own advice since you most obviously feel yours is no longer valid even to you.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
What absolute stupidity. First, presuming that you are speaking of Stephen Paddock, do you have some evidence to suggest that he was an atheist? Because, if so, this is the first I have heard this. Second, I don't choose to not shoot a bunch of people - I certainly believe that the gene pool could use some cleansing - because I am afraid of some punishment in some mythical "afterlife". I choose not to shoot a bunch of people because I'm worried about punishment here, and now. I happen to like not being in prison, and would prefer to not spend the rest of my life there. I am also rather attached to living, and would like to continue to do so for as long as possible, and see no reason to give anyone the excuse to relieve me of my life.

Anyone who is so morally depraved that it takes the threat of some "eternal punishment" in some mythical afterlife, to make them behave themselves, has a lot bigger problems than their irrational belief in God.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

Not necessarily. It simply means you don't believe in any deity ruling over the universe. I'm an atheist, but I still believe in the possibility of something more after this life.
So, you don't believe in deity, but you buy into heaven. Care to square that circle for me?

I would if that's what I said.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
What absolute stupidity. First, presuming that you are speaking of Stephen Paddock, do you have some evidence to suggest that he was an atheist? Because, if so, this is the first I have heard this. Second, I don't choose to not shoot a bunch of people - I certainly believe that the gene pool could use some cleansing - because I am afraid of some punishment in some mythical "afterlife". I choose not to shoot a bunch of people because I'm worried about punishment here, and now. I happen to like not being in prison, and would prefer to not spend the rest of my life there. I am also rather attached to living, and would like to continue to do so for as long as possible, and see no reason to give anyone the excuse to relieve me of my life.

Anyone who is so morally depraved that it takes the threat of some "eternal punishment" in some mythical afterlife, to make them behave themselves, has a lot bigger problems than their irrational belief in God.
My point was spot on. Atheists can do whatever they please and think they will not be held accountable. You can steal, do violence, torture animals.

It’s why all but in one case mass murderers are never regular churchgoers.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
What absolute stupidity. First, presuming that you are speaking of Stephen Paddock, do you have some evidence to suggest that he was an atheist? Because, if so, this is the first I have heard this. Second, I don't choose to not shoot a bunch of people - I certainly believe that the gene pool could use some cleansing - because I am afraid of some punishment in some mythical "afterlife". I choose not to shoot a bunch of people because I'm worried about punishment here, and now. I happen to like not being in prison, and would prefer to not spend the rest of my life there. I am also rather attached to living, and would like to continue to do so for as long as possible, and see no reason to give anyone the excuse to relieve me of my life.

Anyone who is so morally depraved that it takes the threat of some "eternal punishment" in some mythical afterlife, to make them behave themselves, has a lot bigger problems than their irrational belief in God.
My point was spot on. Atheists can do whatever they please and know think they will not be held accountable. You can steal, do violence, torture animals.

It’s why all but in one case mass murderers are never regular churchgoers.
Really? No accountability? What country do you live in? Because i have never lived in a country that was without laws, and consequences for ignoring those laws. Sounds like you live in a pretty scary place...

And, "church-goer: is a requirement for a theist? Really? You have an awfully narrow criteria for theism...
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
What absolute stupidity. First, presuming that you are speaking of Stephen Paddock, do you have some evidence to suggest that he was an atheist? Because, if so, this is the first I have heard this. Second, I don't choose to not shoot a bunch of people - I certainly believe that the gene pool could use some cleansing - because I am afraid of some punishment in some mythical "afterlife". I choose not to shoot a bunch of people because I'm worried about punishment here, and now. I happen to like not being in prison, and would prefer to not spend the rest of my life there. I am also rather attached to living, and would like to continue to do so for as long as possible, and see no reason to give anyone the excuse to relieve me of my life.

Anyone who is so morally depraved that it takes the threat of some "eternal punishment" in some mythical afterlife, to make them behave themselves, has a lot bigger problems than their irrational belief in God.
My point was spot on. Atheists can do whatever they please and know think they will not be held accountable. You can steal, do violence, torture animals.

It’s why all but in one case mass murderers are never regular churchgoers.
Really? No accountability? What country do you live in? Because i have never lived in a country that was without laws, and consequences for ignoring those laws. Sounds like you live in a pretty scary place...

And, "church-goer: is a requirement for a theist? Really? You have an awfully narrow criteria for theism...
In the next ten seconds 500 felonies will be committed in America.
99.99999% of those believe they will not be caught.

And your dancing over the fact that mass murderers are not regular churchgoers is predictable. Doesn’t fit your narrative.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

Why then do atheists tend to be left leaning loons who fail to take responsibility for themselves and tend to blame such things as race, sex, poverty, etc., as to why they cannot flourish and need government to do it for them?
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
I'm Agnostic. Who knows what the next life will be like, if there is a next life. Maybe there is a group of people judging us. Or maybe we will be judging ourselves when we encounter those we done evil to in the next life. Or maybe nothing matters, as long as you don't get caught, because either there is no next life or nobody in it cares about what happened in this one.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
What absolute stupidity. First, presuming that you are speaking of Stephen Paddock, do you have some evidence to suggest that he was an atheist? Because, if so, this is the first I have heard this. Second, I don't choose to not shoot a bunch of people - I certainly believe that the gene pool could use some cleansing - because I am afraid of some punishment in some mythical "afterlife". I choose not to shoot a bunch of people because I'm worried about punishment here, and now. I happen to like not being in prison, and would prefer to not spend the rest of my life there. I am also rather attached to living, and would like to continue to do so for as long as possible, and see no reason to give anyone the excuse to relieve me of my life.

Anyone who is so morally depraved that it takes the threat of some "eternal punishment" in some mythical afterlife, to make them behave themselves, has a lot bigger problems than their irrational belief in God.
My point was spot on. Atheists can do whatever they please and know think they will not be held accountable. You can steal, do violence, torture animals.

It’s why all but in one case mass murderers are never regular churchgoers.
Really? No accountability? What country do you live in? Because i have never lived in a country that was without laws, and consequences for ignoring those laws. Sounds like you live in a pretty scary place...

And, "church-goer: is a requirement for a theist? Really? You have an awfully narrow criteria for theism...
In the next ten seconds 500 felonies will be committed in America.
99.99999% of those believe they will not be caught.

And your dancing over the fact that mass murderers are not regular churchgoers is predictable. Doesn’t fit your narrative.
I didn't dance over anything. Your claim is indicative of nothing. Your claim presumes that one must attend a church in order to be a theist. That is demonstrably not true. I would also like to see your source for your claim.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

Why then do atheists tend to be left leaning loons...

Yeah, that's as far as I got. Get back to me when you have a serious thought.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
Or maybe nothing matters, as long as you don't get caught, because either there is no next life or nobody in it cares about what happened in this one.
See, this is the part I never get. Anyone who is not an atheist always assumes that atheists are hedonistic libertines who just do whatever they want, whenever they want, with no regard for consequences. You get that most rational atheists do, in fact, have personal codes of ethics, and morality, right? What you are describing are not atheists; they are sociopaths. There is a difference.
It also means you can shoot people from a hotel window and not be concerned about being held accountable after you die.
What absolute stupidity. First, presuming that you are speaking of Stephen Paddock, do you have some evidence to suggest that he was an atheist? Because, if so, this is the first I have heard this. Second, I don't choose to not shoot a bunch of people - I certainly believe that the gene pool could use some cleansing - because I am afraid of some punishment in some mythical "afterlife". I choose not to shoot a bunch of people because I'm worried about punishment here, and now. I happen to like not being in prison, and would prefer to not spend the rest of my life there. I am also rather attached to living, and would like to continue to do so for as long as possible, and see no reason to give anyone the excuse to relieve me of my life.

Anyone who is so morally depraved that it takes the threat of some "eternal punishment" in some mythical afterlife, to make them behave themselves, has a lot bigger problems than their irrational belief in God.
My point was spot on. Atheists can do whatever they please and know think they will not be held accountable. You can steal, do violence, torture animals.

It’s why all but in one case mass murderers are never regular churchgoers.
Really? No accountability? What country do you live in? Because i have never lived in a country that was without laws, and consequences for ignoring those laws. Sounds like you live in a pretty scary place...

And, "church-goer: is a requirement for a theist? Really? You have an awfully narrow criteria for theism...
In the next ten seconds 500 felonies will be committed in America.
99.99999% of those believe they will not be caught.

And your dancing over the fact that mass murderers are not regular churchgoers is predictable. Doesn’t fit your narrative.
I didn't dance over anything. Your claim is indicative of nothing. Your claim presumes that one must attend a church in order to be a theist. That is demonstrably not true. I would also like to see your source for your claim.
Lousy strawman.
Issue is atheists believe they are not accountable to a higher authority. Especially when they think they can font be caught by the government.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
Or maybe nothing matters, as long as you don't get caught, because either there is no next life or nobody in it cares about what happened in this one.
See, this is the part I never get. Anyone who is not an atheist always assumes that atheists are hedonistic libertines who just do whatever they want, whenever they want, with no regard for consequences. You get that most rational atheists do, in fact, have personal codes of ethics, and morality, right? What you are describing are not atheists; they are sociopaths. There is a difference.
Another lousy strawman. There are many good people who are atheists.

But their morals are only guided by what mood they are in at the moment.
Atheism is not for the weak.
I think it is just the opposite. It is easy to live without the threat of eternal damnation hanging over your head. Most theists believe they are bound for heaven but they can usually point to others that are bound for hell. If I were a Christian I'd always have the nagging doubt that I needed to be a Muslim to enter paradise. If I were a Muslim I'd wonder if Jesus were the true path to heaven as he claimed. How do theists sleep at night?
What absolute stupidity. First, presuming that you are speaking of Stephen Paddock, do you have some evidence to suggest that he was an atheist? Because, if so, this is the first I have heard this. Second, I don't choose to not shoot a bunch of people - I certainly believe that the gene pool could use some cleansing - because I am afraid of some punishment in some mythical "afterlife". I choose not to shoot a bunch of people because I'm worried about punishment here, and now. I happen to like not being in prison, and would prefer to not spend the rest of my life there. I am also rather attached to living, and would like to continue to do so for as long as possible, and see no reason to give anyone the excuse to relieve me of my life.

Anyone who is so morally depraved that it takes the threat of some "eternal punishment" in some mythical afterlife, to make them behave themselves, has a lot bigger problems than their irrational belief in God.
My point was spot on. Atheists can do whatever they please and know think they will not be held accountable. You can steal, do violence, torture animals.

It’s why all but in one case mass murderers are never regular churchgoers.
Really? No accountability? What country do you live in? Because i have never lived in a country that was without laws, and consequences for ignoring those laws. Sounds like you live in a pretty scary place...

And, "church-goer: is a requirement for a theist? Really? You have an awfully narrow criteria for theism...
In the next ten seconds 500 felonies will be committed in America.
99.99999% of those believe they will not be caught.

And your dancing over the fact that mass murderers are not regular churchgoers is predictable. Doesn’t fit your narrative.
I didn't dance over anything. Your claim is indicative of nothing. Your claim presumes that one must attend a church in order to be a theist. That is demonstrably not true. I would also like to see your source for your claim.
Lousy strawman.
Issue is atheists believe they are not accountable to a higher authority. Especially when they think they can font be caught by the government.
The strawman is entirely yours. You are the one who made the claim about mass shooters, and church attendance that you couldn't support with actual evidence. Just as you have no actual evidence to support your claim about the libertine attitude of atheists.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.
that used to be the it's chic, toni even...but yes, it does take some courage cuz "when ya die you'll be all dressed up with nowhere to go"
I don't know where you live, but, here in the US, especially The South, it is most definitely not chic, toni (whatever that means), or the "cool thing to do".
Then I have to ask, where are you seeing this "all the cool kids are doing it" attitude towards atheism. Because, aside from, possibly on the West Coast, I have not, in 50 years, seen this in the US.
why are you attributing words to me? please keep it to what I actually said and not what you would like it to mean...I've seen it on TV including shows like mythbusters et al....I think you must really not understand the meaning of cool, chic and toni because they usually describe things that step out from the masses...once everyone is doing it is called routine
Or maybe atheism is just a default setting, and the correct way of looking at this is that religious people are the ones with the herd mentality, getting brainwashed into absurd beliefs as children, then clinging to them to maintain their familial and social structures.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

Yeah ... I bet atheism takes a lot of faith.


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