Atheism takes courage

... A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.

I bet you are an expert on that ... How has the glory hole at the airport been treating you ... :dunno:
Answer carefully ... There are tickets to Hell riding on this one ... I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss that.

Listen Shaman, take your goofy religious voodoo to another thread...
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


"Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial... "

Which is a fairly good indication that both their newfound faith and the goofy religion to which they grant it are nonsense. A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.

Ah you said the word religion... you see many people get confused between a relationship with Christ and religion..

Religion is man made up rules that hate, confuse, judge, and have killed for since the beginning.., this is why Christ came and died .. You don't need any made up rules, you don't need to sacrifice .. You feel the spirit within you..It is Finished..



Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


"Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial... "

Which is a fairly good indication that both their newfound faith and the goofy religion to which they grant it are nonsense. A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.

Ah you said the word religion... you see many people get confused between a relationship with Christ and religion..

Religion is man made up rules that hate, confuse, judge, and have killed for since the beginning.., this is why Christ came and died .. You don't need any made up rules, you don't need to sacrifice .. You feel the spirit within you..It is Finished..



Since Gandhi isn't a Christian he's going to the same Hell as Hitler, or so the Christians would tell you.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


I'm fighting cancer. No Chemo yet, it's in my polyps. Sometimes I wish for death as an escape from Life and it's pain. My family depends on me to pay my part of the bills. And for my council as well. I live for them.

I wish I could be blind and stupid and believe that praying to some invisible man would solve my problems, guide my actions, provide me with solstice. But I have a brain. There is no way the God of the old testament is a kind and loving God of the new testament. His so called child reinvented God. There is no way one single religion can be proved beyond reasonable doubt to be the true religion showing the others to be the false ones. And it's easy to see that all religion was created by those who simply wanted power over others and used religion as a tool to accomplish that. Because of that I don't believe that religion is an invention of God but is an invention of Men.

The Universe is so vast I believe in the possibility that it is one of many, as in a Multi-verse. With just a large space to make things happen it's possible that some creature somewhere somewhen has the powers and abilities we would call God. But I doubt such a powerful being cares about the microbes crawling on one of the balls in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe, inside their multi-verse.

I also believe we will probably self destruct before making it into another solar system and establishing a colony. There may not be enough mass and power in our solar system to build a space ship powerful enough to make the trip with living humans within it. And that would explain why the Aliens haven;t found us yet, assuming they exist.

We don't matter. No more than a microbe or an atom. No more than a monkey eating his own excrement in the forest. We are all immaterial. And what we do doesn't matter.

Hitler will probably never see Hell, but then Gandhi probably won't either.

Do not listen to those crazy rules from the religions ... look at how many have crumbled because of corruption. A spiritual relationship with Christ is free, no strings attached. Ask and you shall Find.

I would love to talk with you in a PM personally.. do you mind?



I am fascinated by this.

Tithing - that bizarre practice of giving a percentage of your hard earned money a religion, church, god that is more wealthy than you could ever hope to be, just to reserve your spot on a nice soft cloud. Basically, paying premiums on insurance you'll never cash in.

The longest, ongoing and most successful scam of all time.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


"Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial... "

Which is a fairly good indication that both their newfound faith and the goofy religion to which they grant it are nonsense. A starving man will say anything for a sandwich, after all.

Ah you said the word religion... you see many people get confused between a relationship with Christ and religion..

Religion is man made up rules that hate, confuse, judge, and have killed for since the beginning.., this is why Christ came and died .. You don't need any made up rules, you don't need to sacrifice .. You feel the spirit within you..It is Finished..



Since Gandhi isn't a Christian he's going to the same Hell as Hitler, or so the Christians would tell you.

I wish I could answer says in the bible that we will be surprised who gets into heaven and who doesn't..

God see's your spirit, not your shell..

Listen Shaman, take your goofy religious voodoo to another thread...

What are you talking about Goof-wad ... I am obviously struggling with the extreme difficulties associated with my Atheism.
Get your shit straight (not to be offensive if you are actually gay ... cause hey, more power to ya brother).

Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


I agree completely that I have no first hand knowledge of any "spiritual warfare" but what I do see is a totally made-up war of fundies against the US Constitution. Really. That's what I see in the battles against equality, etc.

I do not and never have felt anything like a "spectacular presence". Honestly, I can't imagine such as that.

Christians, Muslims, Jews and all the rest are more than welcome to their beliefs. I don't feel any need or desire to dissuade them from what they believe. Now if only theists would give that same courtesy to me.
Last edited:

I am fascinated by this.

Tithing - that bizarre practice of giving a percentage of your hard earned money a religion, church, god that is more wealthy than you could ever hope to be, just to reserve your spot on a nice soft cloud. Basically, paying premiums on insurance you'll never cash in.

The longest, ongoing and most successful scam of all time.

So many are lost and put these people on the throne. these scams have hurt so many people who get sucked into it..I get so mad at these liars who hate, judge and point fingers..

God is Free..

Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...


You mean, like my heart attack, and heart surgery? Nope. Felt no need to pray to some mythical supernatural being to "keep me safe". I had a pretty good heart surgeon. Either I was gonna get through it, or I wasn't. Suddenly deciding to ask "Super Daddy" for help wasn't gonna change that.
How do beliefs take courage? Are they on purpose choices, or conclusions via brain function and what its been presented...

Standing up for beliefs can sometimes take courage. Having beliefs is just par

I am fascinated by this.

Tithing - that bizarre practice of giving a percentage of your hard earned money a religion, church, god that is more wealthy than you could ever hope to be, just to reserve your spot on a nice soft cloud. Basically, paying premiums on insurance you'll never cash in.

The longest, ongoing and most successful scam of all time.

So many are lost and put these people on the throne. these scams have hurt so many people who get sucked into it..I get so mad at these liars who hate, judge and point fingers..

God is Free..

No he isn't he requires you to be his slave.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

why are you attributing words to me? please keep it to what I actually said and not what you would like it to mean...I've seen it on TV including shows like mythbusters et al....I think you must really not understand the meaning of cool, chic and toni because they usually describe things that step out from the masses...once everyone is doing it is called routine
Then, I advise you, seriously, hamster, that you stick with your own advice.
wow, you must feel very degraded and verbally beat down to follow me into a thread that had nothing to do with you and then nervously refer to me as hamster and for some vague reason try offering me my own advice since you most obviously feel yours is no longer valid even to you.
You went after me, and I drop kicked you. Go above folks, and you will see he posted two or three times before I answered. Now he is crying.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial.


I'm fighting cancer. No Chemo yet, it's in my polyps. Sometimes I wish for death as an escape from Life and it's pain. My family depends on me to pay my part of the bills. And for my council as well. I live for them.

I wish I could be blind and stupid and believe that praying to some invisible man would solve my problems, guide my actions, provide me with solstice. But I have a brain. There is no way the God of the old testament is a kind and loving God of the new testament. His so called child reinvented God. There is no way one single religion can be proved beyond reasonable doubt to be the true religion showing the others to be the false ones. And it's easy to see that all religion was created by those who simply wanted power over others and used religion as a tool to accomplish that. Because of that I don't believe that religion is an invention of God but is an invention of Men.

The Universe is so vast I believe in the possibility that it is one of many, as in a Multi-verse. With just a large space to make things happen it's possible that some creature somewhere somewhen has the powers and abilities we would call God. But I doubt such a powerful being cares about the microbes crawling on one of the balls in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe, inside their multi-verse.

I also believe we will probably self destruct before making it into another solar system and establishing a colony. There may not be enough mass and power in our solar system to build a space ship powerful enough to make the trip with living humans within it. And that would explain why the Aliens haven;t found us yet, assuming they exist.

We don't matter. No more than a microbe or an atom. No more than a monkey eating his own excrement in the forest. We are all immaterial. And what we do doesn't matter.

Hitler will probably never see Hell, but then Gandhi probably won't either.

Do not listen to those crazy rules from the religions ... look at how many have crumbled because of corruption. A spiritual relationship with Christ is free, no strings attached. Ask and you shall Find.

I would love to talk with you in a PM personally.. do you mind?.

You can parse it however you like, it still boils down to a belief in a being for which there is no objective, observable, verifiable evidence. Sorry, but that's kind of a non-starter for me.

It's rather like having a "close, personal relationship" with an "internet girlfriend" whom you have never met, and will not be allowed to meet, or even see. More than likely, your "girlfriend" is named Harvey, weighs 300 lbs, and lives in his mom's basement.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

All it takes to be an Atheist is intelligence, logical thinking and a willingness to think for yourself. I realized the foolishness in believing in god by the time I was 10 years old. I had an argument with my Sunday School teacher when I told her the story about Adam and Eve and the whole Genesis creation myth was a fairy tale.
How do beliefs take courage? Are they on purpose choices, or conclusions via brain function and what its been presented...

Standing up for beliefs can sometimes take courage. Having beliefs is just par
"How do beliefs take courage?"

In this context? Answered in post #1.
Just a bit of insight on what it means to be an atheist. It's actually easier to allow one's self to believe in God than it is to be an atheist. Being an atheist means there is no Devil to blame, no afterlife to reunite with loved ones, no personal cosmic bodyguard, only one life to live, personal responsibility for one's thoughts, actions, and prosperity, or lack thereof, lack of acceptance from a religion infused society, and no easy explanation for our existence.

Atheism is not for the weak.

I honestly feel that atheists are shut off of the spiritual warfare going on right around us..
They cannot feel the presence of something spectacular and call the believers stupid like this OP..

Just saying that I never met one person getting chemo , fighting cancer talk like the OP while facing a very hard trial...

I agree completely that I have no first hand knowledge of any "spiritual warfare" but what I do see is a totally made-up war of fundies against the US Constitution. Really. That's what I see in the battles against equality, etc.

I do not and never have felt anything like a "spectacular presence". Honestly, I can't imagine such as that.

Christians, Muslims, Jews and all the rest are more than welcome to their beliefs. I don't feel any need or desire to dissuade them from what they believe. Now if only theists would give that same courtesy to me.


Now you and I agree with many things especially the fake ass liars who corrupt using the Name of God..I agree with you 100% on that..

There are parables in the bible that are red color , those are the words Christ gave to help the lost understand that we don't have to follow all of those man made up rules..

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

This means, ask God to show you the truth and He will answer..a simple private prayer.
Now it doesn't mean that all of your problems will be solved and a big explosion happens... Your soul slowly connects to the holy spirit and you see through that spirit
How do beliefs take courage? Are they on purpose choices, or conclusions via brain function and what its been presented...

Standing up for beliefs can sometimes take courage. Having beliefs is just par
"How do beliefs take courage?"

In this context? Answered in post #1.
The OP isn't realistic. It mentions "allowing" oneself to believe something.

My brain either believes or it doesnt ~ its not a process of being deceitful actual self. That makes no sense to me.

I dont "believe" things as a function of consequence. I either do, or I dont.
How do beliefs take courage? Are they on purpose choices, or conclusions via brain function and what its been presented...

Standing up for beliefs can sometimes take courage. Having beliefs is just par
"How do beliefs take courage?"

In this context? Answered in post #1.
The OP isn't realistic. It mentions "allowing" oneself to believe something.

My brain either believes or it doesnt ~ its not a process of being deceitful actual self. That makes no sense to me.

I dont "believe" things as a function of consequence. I either do, or I dont.
If you are arguing that free will is an illusion...then you are correct, it is.

But still, what you are saying is generally absurd. You would not have believed, for instance, that a tiny virus caused polio, until you chose to do so because of the evidence.

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